Rate the date!

Cleatus VanDamme

Don Juan
Jun 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hey oldsters, I'm 36 and new here, my first post will be about my action date this past Sunday. Did plenty of DJ "dos" and a few "don'ts"!

Background: I was introduced to 31 yr old 3 weeks ago, had some brief convo and I got the number.

Last weekend: Met at sportsbar, I kept it at just an hour. Found out a lot about her, she was new to the area, cultured and likes musuems. Asked her out for the next weekend when I took her to her car, told her I would take her the local art museum.

Date Sunday: She lived North in the city, we were going down South, so I asked her to meet me half way (didn't want to drive my #&$ off). Had directions all planned - important to me since I suck at directions and get off track easily! We met at 12:30, headed straight to the museum. Convo flowed easily, she is a talker. Fun at the museum, I was reserved at first but halfway through the tour I started to feel loose and relaxed, took her hand - very natural.

We finished early, after 2 hours. I told her she had to see the Plaza (ritzy rich area) a few blocks away. We got there in 10 minutes, parked and went to a coffee shop. That went good, then we strolled around and went into a few shops. Lots of flirty touching and talk. We have lotsa stuff in common.

Then, dinner. This was the spontaneous part - we had walked a lot and I was freaking hungry. And here is where I started to feel very tired (went out the night before). A few times when she was talking during dinner I clenched my teeth to stifle a yawn. The date was part planned, part spontaneous, but was going on a bit long and I was running out of gas. On the drive back she started to get into a negative personal story about her family - yikes!! I changed the subject to something upbeat fast (an upcoming trip she is taking).

Then we got to her car, we each said we had a great time, and I went for the kiss - got the cheek. Another don't is that I didn't get out of the car to do this - we were parked right next to hers.

So overall it was good, I want to see her again - and she did leave her umbrella in my car - planned or not, who knows?

So there it is, don't have a question really since I can see where I should have did things different. Just at the end of the date I was feeling pretty tired and not at all suave...feh. Any suggestions for a second date? I have a few ideas but want to avoid a sit-down dinner again.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
It seems the date went well, but that doesn't mean nothing yet... I would make a move next date if I was you.

I had first dates like yours in the past and I lost the girls because I didn't had the courage to make a move when I should.

It is risky thought, but that's the nature of the DJ.



Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
I think the date went quite well. It's off to a good start, but like Ulex said, it's very early. I'm not sure you want to move too fast. You said you kissed her cheek..did she move away, or you did the last second directional change? If there's the same (or more) touching from her, you should kino back and go for the kiss at the end of the night.

I, too, have lost girls by not making my move fast enough...why can't a guy take things a little more slowly?

Cleatus VanDamme

Don Juan
Jun 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Chrispy
I think the date went quite well. It's off to a good start, but like Ulex said, it's very early. I'm not sure you want to move too fast. You said you kissed her cheek..did she move away, or you did the last second directional change? If there's the same (or more) touching from her, you should kino back and go for the kiss at the end of the night.

I, too, have lost girls by not making my move fast enough...why can't a guy take things a little more slowly?
Haha, she did the last minute directional change. D'oh!