I had a great time with this girl last weekend. We hit it off and ended up in bed.
We talked during the week. She called Tuesday and we spoke Thursday about weekend plans.
We went out with mutual friends on Friday and had a good time, but she was a bit colder. She said the fact that I have a girlfriend is bothering her. I did some major kino but most of the night she talked to her girlfriends.
I point blank asked her about having sex again (I first prefaced it by talking about how hot it was which she agreed), she said she does want to hookup again, but isnt sure she want's to date as the fact I have a girlfriend I'm in the process of breaking up with and also that she is very busy lately (which her friends did say is true).
She had to get up real early to help her sister move Saturday. I haven't talked to her since Friday. I got a quick kiss goodbye outside her parents place when we dropped her off (she has her own pad but was leaving early in the morning to move her sister)
My goal is to hook up with her again and finally date her.
I plan on playing it cool and calling her Monday or Tuesday. I hate feeling needy but I seriously want this girl bad again.
Any strategies or suggestions?
1) In summary I need to play it cool, I can't look needy
2) The sex was great, we both agree on that so at the least we can be f buddies.
3) Overall she seems to be a low maintenance girl in terms of what she likes to do, but is busy playing alot of sports (softball, volleyball, etc). She is in leagues and that takes up most of her free time.
4) I want to take her out next Friday and f close again. If it doesn't happen I may next her.
We talked during the week. She called Tuesday and we spoke Thursday about weekend plans.
We went out with mutual friends on Friday and had a good time, but she was a bit colder. She said the fact that I have a girlfriend is bothering her. I did some major kino but most of the night she talked to her girlfriends.
I point blank asked her about having sex again (I first prefaced it by talking about how hot it was which she agreed), she said she does want to hookup again, but isnt sure she want's to date as the fact I have a girlfriend I'm in the process of breaking up with and also that she is very busy lately (which her friends did say is true).
She had to get up real early to help her sister move Saturday. I haven't talked to her since Friday. I got a quick kiss goodbye outside her parents place when we dropped her off (she has her own pad but was leaving early in the morning to move her sister)
My goal is to hook up with her again and finally date her.
I plan on playing it cool and calling her Monday or Tuesday. I hate feeling needy but I seriously want this girl bad again.
Any strategies or suggestions?
1) In summary I need to play it cool, I can't look needy
2) The sex was great, we both agree on that so at the least we can be f buddies.
3) Overall she seems to be a low maintenance girl in terms of what she likes to do, but is busy playing alot of sports (softball, volleyball, etc). She is in leagues and that takes up most of her free time.
4) I want to take her out next Friday and f close again. If it doesn't happen I may next her.