Rant: Married friends


Aug 17, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
I'm 27 yrs old and about ready to kill some of my married friends. I know they mean well but some of the condescending comments about how "you'll find someone" or just in general about how I need to hurry up and get in a serious LTR "before it's too late" is about ready to make me shoot up a highschool.

It seems like every few days there's a convo that goes something like this:

"Don't worry you'll find someone."

"Oh, I'm not worried"

For christ's sake, these people are constantly strapped for cash and held down by the amorphous blob their wives have become; then they have the nerve to tell me I should want the same. WTF is that all about? They have crap-tastic ghetto-fabulous lives and I should too?

Anyone feelin' me on this?


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
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Seattle, WA
I'm in the same boat. The past 2 summers, this summer and even next summer are filled with weddings I am attending of old college buddies, friends, and family.

I laugh at my buddies who are get married, become financially and emotionally tied down.

I just returned from a 6 day 7 night party fest in Honolulu Hawaii. I went there with another single buddy around my age to visit friends, down a few mai tai's, and find some tail.

All of my married buddies are jealous b/c I possess the freedom they can now only dream of. I'm also planning a trip to Italy this fall and Xtapa Mexico next Feb (being from seattle, I'm trying to get out of the rain as much as possible)

Yea, it would be nice to have a wife to share those intamate moments with...but what the hell is the RUSH all about?

I haven't yet climbed a mountain, I haven't yet eaten Italian food in Italy, I haven't yet surfed the australian coastline.

Being married and having the hassel of kids, schedules, and the rest...I'd sooner wait til my mid 30's to get married.

Just tell your friends who are all getting married....WHAT's the RUSH?!?!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
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Boston, MA
Yup, I have it too. But I don't really care, it comes in one ear and leaves out of the other. I'm saving up for a nice car to pamper myself, and I can't wait to shred their sorry minivans.

Jay Gatsby

Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
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West Egg, New York
Why are people in a rush to get married? I previously answered this question in the following thread:


1. He's afraid of losing his girlfriend.
2. His girlfriend gives him an ultimatum.
3. Her family is putting pressure on him.
4. His family is putting pressure on him.
5. Her friends are putting pressure on him.
6. His friends are putting pressure on him.
7. It would help him professionally.
8. He's looking to save money by splitting expenses.
9. He's afraid of getting back into the dating pool after being out for a long time.
10. Statistics show the age by which the average man gets married.
11. He's afraid he'll be too old to relate to his children (if he has any).
12. He's afraid of being alone.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Here's how the flow chart works

At 25-30 years old you get chastised from your AFC friends who married early, and they're telling you it's great and you should get married. In reality they don't know if it's great, they just weren't very good at being single.

At 30-35 people start thinking your weird and that you should be married. Your AFC friends are bugging you, but a little less than before because they're seeing their wifey start putting on the pounds.

At 35 and over, your friends now have kids who are driving them nuts. They went from cute to bratty ... and their wife's looks have gone by the wayside forever.

Now your AFC friends are saying this: "Da-n you're lucky you're single, you can do whatever you want and date whom you want."

I told my friend who is the most miserable married guy on this planet that I'm so tired of trying to get into LTRs that I think I'm gonna challenge myself to see if I can date 50 different women this year.

He sighed and said, "Yep, get your 50 ... I'd do it if I could."


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
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Misery loves company... it just that simple.

Plus society wants us all tied down. What would the world be like if we had DJs running free all over like Iroquios warriors?

We need married chumps to attend little league games and PTA meetings...

Thank God that is all behind me, I do not know how I survived it!




Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
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Ottawa, Canada
I sympathize with your observations and would like to add that the guys my age who are in LTRs are almost as bad. Never want to go out, satisfied just to live with the status quo.

WestCoasters note that once they get past 35 they start to envy you is also correct. The married guys at work greatly enjoy living vicariously through me.

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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It all depends on who you are.

Too many guys fall into the trap of "being whipped.."

And being 25 and not married isn't a crime.

Being 35 and not married isn't a crime.

Being 45 and not married isn't a crime either.

But being 30 years old, single with three kids isn't gonna get you out of child support.

Its the whole life cycle.

Being 45 years old and going out partying all the time and having fun is great. But you aren't 25 years old anymore, no matter what you think or how great you look or feel. Its life.

Just as there are plenty of young kids regretting having kids too young, there are plenty of older people who regret not having kids or not having kids earlier.

Having a ten year old son or daughter by the time your 60 years old isn't something most people look forward to.

People start having kids and getting married around their late twenties and early thirties because it feels like the best time to do it.

Not too old and not too young.

There are plenty of miserable married people.

But there are also plenty of miserable single people.

Its all in who you are and how you feel.

Being 45 and pretending to be 22 isn't exactly what I'd call, "doing what you want to do."

But being 45 and living with a misearble wife and misearble kids isn't something out of a fantasy novel either.

Its all about perspective.

SOme people, male or female, always want to "hook" up their single friends. ITs not a bad thing, its just the way it is.

In many areas, people start having kids and they want their friends and family members to have kids around the same time so their kids can grow up together.

They share stories, they share horrors, they share grief, and they share joy.

Kids become the center piece of their life, good and bad.

And as u get older, you begin to realize most people who consistently brag about all these fabulous escapades and DJ Like ways, are usually more or less, exaggerating their own lives.

Yeah there are those who travel the world and date 20,000 women, but most people dont do that.

Hell, even the infamous Wilt Chamberlain admitted later in life that, it probably wasn't 20,000 women.

As u get older company picnics and company outings consist of 45 year old co-workers bringing family and children while the single guy brings his 25 year old gf.

Sad fact is, most 45 year old men aren't bringing a hot 25 year old gf. Thats the simple truth.

Too many people belive the hype and glory of tv and bs stories.

Not everybody is Donald Trump or Mark Cuban. Thats the simple truth. But read some stories or listen to some people and you'd assume that nobody struggles and nobody is poor. You'd assume everybody is related to Paris Hilton.

While some people do get married too young or too soon, there are very few people who regret having their children.

There are those that do, but married or single, those people are why many children wind up parentless.

It's all about perspective.

Don't get married to just get married.

But don't let something good go because some guy told you your stupid for thinking that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
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Originally posted by dietzcoi
Plus society wants us all tied down.
This is basicly it.
I've seen some documentaries about how marriage and monogamy is just invented by church. In fact it is because of church that people are not just screwing whoever they want and having many on the side. Which is totally human instinct.

The fact is: All of this marriage and monogamy is against human nature. It is just that god fearing people went with what church says (even saying sex is sin)and all of this evolved into a society that sincerely believes people should get married and have kids. Most people spend their entire life looking for the one they will love enough to marry - creating the fairytale of 'the right one'.
Once they find someone close enough they will get married because society expects this of them. They feell not complete before they have found a mate.

Getting married earns them the status of being 'normal'. Therefor, they don't mean bad in wishing you the same but, like girls, they don't really know what the hell they REALLY want.

(if you don't believe any of this, do some research and be surprised and disgusted)


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
I had a neighbor that stopped talking to me after he found out I wasn't married. People literally think if you don't have a little wife and some rugrats that you're some sort of child molester.

The irony is I'm so careful around children. I've even told the cops when I saw a kid who was lost at a county fair. I told them because I didn't want to interact with him or have someone accuse me of being an aforementioned monster.

This society is messed up.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Better off having a rap sheet ...

... then being single, especially in your 30's and 40's.

In women's eyes you're better off being married once, two, maybe three times, have a history of being a jerk or abuser, perhaps a little jail time behind you, and some unemployment than have the horrible scarlet NM (never married) letters behind your name.

Our society is totally screwed. While I know many happily married people, including my parents, it's always the unhappy ones with the beasts for wives who are ostracizing you for not being married. As if what he's bought into is something great.

"Here, I drive a lemon that barely runs and it costs me $$$ to get fixed every month. You should buy the same kind of car!"

Amazing sh-t.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
Re: Better off having a rap sheet ...

Originally posted by WestCoaster

In women's eyes you're better off being married once, two, maybe three times, have a history of being a jerk or abuser, perhaps a little jail time behind you, and some unemployment than have the horrible scarlet NM (never married) letters behind your name.
(Chuckles at the irony and starts putting NM after her name on all legal documents!)

~~~WaterTiger, NM


Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
I'm really not looking to get married until maybe 35 or so and I have to agree with the last two posters (before WaterTiger): if you're late 20's / early 30's and NOT married it's like people think you're some kind of alien.

I mean, wtf are these people's problems? It's not like it's just ONE group of people who think this way, this "you're not married you're a monser" attitude cuts across all demographics.

Whever anyone asks "why aren't you married" I'll answer "well, they were all out of wives at Walmart, but I think the truck comes next Monday so maybe they'll be restocked then." Jackass world.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
It's just that they are deep in the Matirx and cannot handle those of us who have woken up, that's all.

Religion = Matirx
Society = Martix
Marriage and Family = Matrix

Doing what YOU want with your life = Woken up from the Matrix.

Those who are still in the matrix are our enemies. Better realize that now. They want us back in.

Any of you with GFs pressuring you to get married? Don't think these women are in the matrix? Do you think that's air you are breathing? :)



Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry for misspelling Matrix in my last post a few times....



Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Don't diss married friends completely...married couples can be a great source of support with you suffer the 'single's rant'...why? because when we are single we have time to be annoyed about the stupidest things, whereas couples (especially with children) see the bigger picture, besides mortgage and no money!

Is it a universal truth that married friends tend to want to know about the details of who you are currently dating?


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Caveman
This is basicly it.
I've seen some documentaries about how marriage and monogamy is just invented by church. In fact it is because of church that people are not just screwing whoever they want and having many on the side. Which is totally human instinct.

The fact is: All of this marriage and monogamy is against human nature. It is just that god fearing people went with what church says (even saying sex is sin)and all of this evolved into a society that sincerely believes people should get married and have kids. Most people spend their entire life looking for the one they will love enough to marry - creating the fairytale of 'the right one'.
Once they find someone close enough they will get married because society expects this of them. They feell not complete before they have found a mate.

Getting married earns them the status of being 'normal'. Therefor, they don't mean bad in wishing you the same but, like girls, they don't really know what the hell they REALLY want.

(if you don't believe any of this, do some research and be surprised and disgusted)
I call bull****.

Marriage and having kids go together very well.

Ask yourself a few basic questions...

1) Do you plan on having kids?
No? You lose the evolutionary race.

2) Do you plan to abandon your kids?
Yes? You lose the relationship they lose by being emotionally scared. Childsupport to follow...

3) Do you plan on having these kid(s) with the same woman?
N0? You lose and have to deal with multiple mothers and probably multiple step children that aren't yours and the other men that come with that equation. Ask anyone who has done this it isn't fun.

In summary all cultures have some form of marriage because life is too stressful otherwise for children. Kids are designed by God or evolution or whatever to work best in a specific enviorenment.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
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Okay.. my post had nothing to do with kids but everything to do with marriage.

Yes, people should reproduce. Everything in our genes is designed for that. It is the sole purpose of life.
And yes, when having kids with a woman it is natural for a man to stick with a woman and raise that kid so both your genes are having the best chance to survive.

My point was the whole marriage thing though. THAT was designed by church. People shouldn't have premartial sex yadayada. Society still believes this today which i think is rather sad.

Besides that, childsupport has nothing to do with it. That is just caused by the whole marriage thing.

Think about early man. And don't trouble your view on it by modern society.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
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most of my buds that got married in their late twenties are now getting divorced. the only problem is that they will be raging to go, with their new-found boyhood. but it's going to take a lot to get their nvts back.

i dont hear any hassles from me not being married. all's i hear is "gee, i wish i was single, like you".


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by ShortTimer
I'm really not looking to get married until maybe 35 or so and I have to agree with the last two posters (before WaterTiger): if you're late 20's / early 30's and NOT married it's like people think you're some kind of alien.

I mean, wtf are these people's problems? It's not like it's just ONE group of people who think this way, this "you're not married you're a monser" attitude cuts across all demographics.

Whever anyone asks "why aren't you married" I'll answer "well, they were all out of wives at Walmart, but I think the truck comes next Monday so maybe they'll be restocked then." Jackass world.
Thats pretty good there ShortTimer. Here's my answer:

Whenever anyone asks me "Why aren't you married?" I'll answer with "My wife's not even born yet."

I really like to use that answer when its my buddies' wives asking me that. The look of disgust on their faces are priceless.:D