Random Tips On Goals

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
when it comes to progress as a DJ, goals play an important role in the creation.

goals help us keep our minds off of women, keep us busy, more challenging, and more man-like. although a first look at this site seems to be a "teach me how to get women" site, it is quite ironic (but makes perfect sense) that we are taught to put other things first before women. in a way, it's like a self-defense class. we are taught how to brutally beat someone's ass, yet we are also taught not to do it at all unless necessary (i dont know what the point of that metaphor was...i just had to let it out =p).

anyways...moving on.

out of the many things that we put first before women, our own personal goals should be one of the most important. this is something that afcs still can't quite catch the grasp of.

i know that although most of us make goals...we find plenty of trouble actually staying persistent with them. procrastination, laziness, and fear probably have to be our worst enemies when it comes to goals. yes, these un-wanted traits go hand-to-hand.

procrastination - when you say you're gonna do something and you keep putting it off. you promise yourself you're gonna do it...but then you're busy doing something else so you say "f*ck it" and you put it off even more. you put it off even more and you find out that a whole year has passed by and you still haven't done what you had to do.
laziness - could possibly be classified as the opposite of persistence. maybe you've become so bored (happens quite often to those body builder wannabes) of something that you just say "f*ck it" and put it off. or maybe you're just plain lazy and you just dont want to do it right now. this leads to procrastination...which leads to getting nothing done.
fear - more specifically...fear of failure. maybe you tell yourself "i'm gonna get twenty numbers today." this speaks for itself. you're afraid that what you attempt to do will not work...and so you don't do it. you say you will do it once you have built up enough strength and courage in you (bullsh!t)...but either you take too long, you dont spend enough time actually building it up, or maybe you're just plain pathetic and really are scared stiff about it. yup, that leads to procrastination, and you know what that leads to...

yes...its terrible how goals are easily lost during, or even before you've even started.

there are different kinds of goals. goals that require going out somewhere (maybe getting a job) [SOCIAL], or those that require hard labor-like work (working out or building/creating something) [LABOR].

for things such as working out, writing music (my specialty), cleaning your room, etc...it might help if you'd...

damnit...just f*cking do it. it's easier to finish something once you've actualy started.

unless you're on a tight ass schedule...take your time when doing something. dont rush. it just makes it seem more tedious when you're rushing. turn on some music, boost up your testosterone. dont walk around day dreaming about the results because that gets you nowhere. sing a song while doing what you're doing...but if you can't do that...then just take it easy. relax and pretend there's no such thing as time. of course...dont slack off though. work diligently but at the perfect pace. it helps to keep whats going on interesting.

when you take breaks...make sure that you've accomplished hell of a lot. and when you take a break...dont make it so long that you get comfortable and won't be able to start again. ohh i hate when that happens -_- .

yup. but only if you worked hard.

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When it comes to the social goals (getting a job, getting numbers, getting a life...etc whatever), i think it tends to get a little more difficult. this is when the REAL procrastination usually takes place.

do it. clear your damned mind. most of us are just nervous because we're getting out of ourcomfort zone (hey there was a really good article written by stuartSan on that topic...i'll try to find it again and post the link here.) like it is said on the script "The Art OF War," translated by gunslinger, he said "The DJ ignores the idea of failure and finds opportunities to approach women." this is an opportunity, so take advantage of it. don't be worried about failing because if you do, you'll never have the chance to succeed.

i thought i should re-write this again in this area because it holds true for both. just f*cking do it and get it over with. it's easier once you're actually there instead of at home thinking about doing it.

yes...but only if you can honestly say that you tried your best in doing what you have to do.

ohhh sh!t im running out of time. i've got things to do, so i will complete the rest of this on a later date. ta ta dee jays.



oOh Nasty