Random Thoughts by BBB - part I


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
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I've recently took a week off the board, and off the civilized world to go to a camp, and had a lot of time to think and my mind had time to absorb the things I were reading. So I decided to share some of the things that kept running through my mind.

I - Zen

I read the other day in the DJ Tips about Zen. I'm not going to tell you what it is, but I'll tell you what it does for you. I'm feeling calm.
Just like that. I could spend an entire day just staring into space, only stoping to eat and piss.
I feel that the anguish, the desesperation I used to have is completely gone. And I know why.
Because it was a psychological thing. This desesperation, this need, was something made up by my mind, that no longer is useful for me.
I thank NLP for that.
I had to live with that all my life, and now I feel so easy, that is strange. I can't really tell how I am, but this calm is so good. And it's lasting.
I don't need a woman by my side to be happy, nor I have that burning desire to call one, or find a new one. I'm so cool with myself.
I used not to like Pook's postings, but now, I can say, Hail Pook !!
I've seen the light, the things he talks about... and it changed my life...

II - Being a man

My goal, my desire to fulfill is to be a man. A man, a real man. Not for women, not for my mom, but for myself, and for mother nature, who allows only the real men to survive.

I was very unsure about my goals, my dreams for the future, and how things are going to be in this year.
Then, one day I went horse riding, for the first time.

While riding, slowly, watching the landscapes, it struck me what it is being a man.

A man goes for his dreams, work hard and patiently for them to come true.
I thought about all the men who came here in the dreams of freedom and wealth, and found the land I was at, in search of dreams and gold. And they had only their horses, their knives and their courage.

These were real men. They did not sit in front of a computer 6 hours a day talking about women. They'd stop only to eat and sleep, and they went deep into the heart of forest, they suffered with the rain and they were threatened by snakes and other wild animals. But they survived and mother nature rewarded them with gold.

So, I know now that in 10 years, I don't know who I will be f*cking, and even who are going to be my friends, but I know that the things I will be doing will be the ones that get me closer and closer to my goals, to making my dreams come true.

And when riding back, I saw a coral snake slipping into the the grass.
And it struck me other thing: death is near. Death is one feet far from you.
We don't have much time to waste.
The coral snake is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. She's red and black. And there are the real corals and the fake corals. The fakes don't have poison, but you can only tell the difference by the shape of their head and by small things they have on their fangs. So, if you have a 50% chance of not living to tell the difference.

So is life. Sometimes the danger isn't really danger, but you can't tell. You'd better take the challenge and learn it later.

III - Being a Don Juan

In the camp I was there were way more men than women, so it was funny to watch how being a DJ makes the difference.
The girls I wanted to talk to, I talked to, and they all remember my name. That's what it matters. There were ones that did not interested me so I wasn't willing to talk to them, I just left them alone. Even if they were coc*-blocking me.

And it was funny (to avoid saying sad) hearing some guys scream during the night "I Love You" to some girls (our rooms were separated, so only screaming we could talk to girls), they know the day before, instead of talking to them, getting #s and all the basics.

And one thing made me really sad, is the geeky guys. I was on the geek's room. They look to women as we look to quantum physics (hey I can't even write that right :D ).

They thought that because I was talking to a girl, holding good eye contact and smiling, I was enloved with her. That's how it works for them, I guess everybody's been this way a day.

Thank God or whatever you believe for finding sosuave.com.

IV - A Small Rant

Man, there was this dude, that really pissed me off. It's very hard to piss me off, but this guy managed.
You know the type. The gay looking fella who speaks like a wussy, laughs like a little girl, and bases his life on being around women and talking to them. Gossip. The kind of guy who never plays soccer because 'he' thinks it's 'stupid' , and the same guy who tries to **** you when he sees you doing some progress, like a Man, not a pu$$y like he is.

Man, these bastards don't honor the pants they wear. They're the affeminate nice-guys who make things hard for us.

How I hate these 'guys'.

V - Be Funny

Man, being funny is fundamental.
You'd be surprised by how hard to find real funny guys are.
During dinner, I spilled some of my blues in the ladies, and man, they cried their a$$es off. They hardly knew me and they told me I was the funniest guy in the whole camp. (And there were guys they knew for years.)

It made the difference. Everyone noticed. All the girls wanted to know what I had so special.

20 minutes more effective than 6 days of bullsh!t talking.

And being funny it's easy to neg-hit, and kino. So, things are money.
Be extroverted, it will make the difference, and you'll get used to it. The only side effects is that you'll have a lot of women wanting to taste a little of your blues, but that ain't so bad right ? ;)

VI - Interested, yes. Needy, no.

There was only one girl that caught my attention. I made it clear to her by making a lot of eye-contact, smiling, kino when possible and striking conversations with her. I waited for her to respond, but she didn't respond congruently, so NEXT !

It was good showing that I was interested, she kept looking at me, and she got my name pretty fast (faster than I got hers.... When you meet 60 new people, getting your name is a good sign)

But, I kinoed and smiled, went to more intimate talking, but she did not respond to it. So I went for other things and other chicks.

No big deal.

If I tried to play hard to get or misterious I'd still be waiting for the Halley Comet to come around and tell me the she wasn't interested !!! :D

VII - The future

Classes are going to be back in two weeks for me. Now I know that I'll be way more calm, concentrated and relaxed than before.

I will focus on getting nice grades, enjoy the time with my buds (since this is my last year), and I won't jump over the freshman girls like hungry dogs over steaks.

Just wait a little. If all the good get taken, oh well, I don't need them much anyways... I have other things to focus, my soccer playing, my guitar playing, getting good grades, learning spanish, swimming and hanging with my buds.

Time's too short to be wasted on mental masturbation.

VIII - Final Advice

I suggest everyone after reading a lot of articles, posts and books, to take a week of them, and go do physical activities mostly.
Your brain needs time to absorb the things, and it deserves some rest.

I hope everyone can get something good out of it, for it is not intended to be a rant, but an analysis of issues that are common to us all.

and Blues.

May the Light of DJ be with you all.



Don Juan
Jul 28, 2002
Reaction score
I'm very interested in this Zen / peace of mind stuff. Can you give a few more details of what you know about this practise?


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Hey BBB,since a week or 2,I exactly feel the same way.

Before,I was always wondering if people were makinf fun of me when people laughed at this or that I am wearing....HEll!I wore my winter boots during thw whole day at college and even though my friends told me I looked,I really did not care at all.I knew I looked funny for others but my concern was my happyness.

I talk to girls and they sometime are rude.I enevr ever feel bad anymore as I understand that its just a really minor setback to success(with women) and that it doesnt really matter.I mean it this time!!!

At first,I wanted to have a girlfriend so much!!!!It seemed like she would make me happy.

Now,I am happy and I dont feel like I need a girlfriend to be happy.I am literally in the best tiem of all my life.Yes,I am still talking to girls but my stress is equal to zero,even around the hottests babes.I dont need them to be happy,I can add them to my life though.

Now,I really know what people meant by adding someone to your complete life instead of completing your lfie by adding someone to it.

Yes,some people tell me Im a player...still I am swift.I dont do it to egt the girl,I do it ebcause its fun to do it and its kinda socially challenging.Yes I said FUN.I ahev fun talking to new people everyday and having new friends everyday.

My life is gooooooooooooddddddddd now.:cool:


Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Hellshock
I'm very interested in this Zen / peace of mind stuff. Can you give a few more details of what you know about this practise?
Well,Hellshock,you will be in "Zen state" when youll feel it.Trust me,the day youll be completely happy and you feel it,you will undertand what it is.

You know how you feel when you are drunk?You know,you do something that you woudnt oridinary do but you do it without thinking?

Well,that kind of state is similar.You are ahppy but you dont know why and you dont tryto think of hy.It just IS.

As an example,I grabbed a girls arm(lightly) while she was passing by and I began a convo with her:

1-I never thought about touching her
2-It only happened without me controling anything
3-"Vibes" were the things that made me do it



Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Poland, Warsaw
They thought that because I was talking to a girl, holding good eye contact and smiling, I was enloved with her. That's how it works for them, I guess everybody's been this way a day.
Where from I know that? Yeah, this really sux sometimes... In school while waiting for the class, I went over to my old friend (female) from previous school (we almost never talk) and talked a little. When the ball rang she went to her class and I went to mine... Every girl and guy in my class were asking me if that's my girlfriend, how long we're dating each other, etc.



Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
BBB, that's just some poor fvck from gp.com.
You gotta love the haters...
By the way, good post. Points no. 5 and 6 are very important to newbies. "Make her laugh and don't act needy." is the best advice you can get.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2002
Reaction score
Michigan, United States
I LOVE BBBs posts. Great stuff man. Keep it up. :)

A Ron