random picture messages?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, I'm a girl, I'm sorry.

There is this guy that I work with, we are both managers, and I like him. I think he might like me too, but he probably doesn't know if I like him because I'm bad at showing it. There are reasons why I think he might like me, but this is the most recent.

When we text each other, usually it has to do with work stuff, but lately its been about more casual stuff. The other night he texted to tell me how he finished what he had to do at work in only in hour, and then asked me what I had done that night. The I asked him what his plans were and he said he was just gunna go home and eat and watch tv, lol. (it was about 12am by then.)

Then at about 1am I got a random picture message of his sister's dog that he had showed me before, but for some reason decided to send it to me. I asked him if he was drunk, and he said just a little buzzed.

Then just the other night we texted back and forth for a little about some adult video store that I jokingly said I was gunna go check out. We had been talking about his friend just getting a job there and how he gets paid 9 bucks/hr to do nothing, and i was seriously thinking about getting and application. But anyway thats how we got on the topic, and he was like, "let me know what you buy" and he also mentioned they sold "clothing" too.

I'm curious as to what the guys think about this. Is this common banter you might have with a girl? What if you just consider her a friend? Would you joke around like this?

Sometimes he texts me just to ask what my plans are for the night, or what I did, but he hasnt asked me out.
I think I'm going to text him one day and just ask if he wants to go do something. If he just wants to be friends, thats cool too, but I would like to find out, lol.

Any thoughts are appreciated!
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Soooooo, you texted about the porno shop - he knows you are hor-ny so if he didn't take you up on this signal then he is probably not interested - unless he is a shy bastard and a mamber of this site!!!!!! :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
go over to his house and jump his bones!


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Do what you feel like doing. No rules apply in the end.

Bust his balls(I personally love it when women push me),tell him no more texting games,dates only.

You can say,"you know I dont prefer texting,how does hanging out sound?"
He should get it.