Don Juan
Ok guys I have been reading this site off and on for about 2 years. I just recently found out a woman I know is warm for my form. I started using things from this site on her Kino eye contact etc etc, and it seemed her interest level raised alot. She evem told me she wants me. The problem is she is not single. I know a true DJ can get his own woman, but i want her anyway. She treats me like no woman has ever before, she just does everything for me. The problem is it seems that her interest level is dropping and I am looking for advice on what to do to bring it back up. I don't really think most of the stuff in the Bible is geared toward using it on woman who already like you "correct me if I am wrong". What can I do to bring it back. Another thing is do you guys consider busting Balls to be flirting? This HB gives me a hard time sometimes, which i also do to her but I don't know how to take her should I tell her to get lost or is it all in fun. One other question does it help you if the woman thinks you have or are talking to other woman? This woman was interupting me on the phone the other day when she realized I was talking to another woman in front of her. She also keeps making comments about my girlfriend "which I don't have one so I don't know where she got that idea" and when I talk to another woman in front of her she says do you like her.
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