Raise the Character Limit

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
One feature I loved from the old forums was reading long posts without interruption. Insightful classics like "Secret of the Jerk", "The Holy Grail of Dating", and "The Venus Dictionary: ******** Made Easy" wouldn't be the same if after every two screen fulls or so the reading was interrupted by the end of posts. It's annoying.

More than anything, it's tedious splitting long posts into multiple posts.

Upping the character limit would also cut down on the number of posts in the database, on the occasions when in fact there are large posts. One may easily say "Well who'd ever need more than 10,000 characters?", but writing exhaustively on one subject easily exceeds the limit.

The character limit is fine for the Discussions forum; who'd ever need to write more than 1,667 words (10,000 characters) on a situation; but at least for the Tips forum I suggest a higher limit of, say, 50,000 characters, or whatever was the previous limit.

Almost no one writes long, so all this doesn't affect 99% of them, but for those who do write long and have the ability to keep it interesting, they should be afforded a higher limit.