quitting smoking
I used to smoke a packet a day (25), and i quit a year ago - i haven't smoked since.
At the time it feels like the hardest thing you'll ever do.
Yes it is a question of willpower. I tried the patches, but they didnt help me at all, so i thought "phuckit" and went cold turkey. What i did do, however, was smoke 1mg cigarettes (very very low tar/nicotine) for a couple of weeks before i quit. This didnt work like magic, but it did help slightly.
Most important of all is changing the associated habits - the ones you think are irrelevant but are not. Stop seeing the friends you normally smoke with. Stop going to the bars you normally go to where you smoke. Stop hanging out with smokers at school or whatever. (By stop, i mean stop for like 3 weeks or a month or so... long enough to gain some control over the smoking addiction). If quitting smoking is important to you, you will do this.
For things to change: first, THINGS MUST CHANGE (sounds stupid but it's true). Change your habits and lifestyle drastically. Dont just do what u normally do in your day and try to quit - you'll hang out with your friends and get drunk bla bla bla you'll never quit like that. And if you dont really wanna quit, dont even try - it's too hard. If you do want to do it, you'll do it. Every other ex-smoker has done it, so can you.