quiet game


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2007
Reaction score
im pretty introverted (but can be extroverted). i can tell whats really going on in social situations, usually because im watching from a 3rd person perspective. i notice the signs that a girl is digging me and it distracts me from capitalizing. i probably come off as a nice guy because i dont act like a ****. i know my "inner game", or disposition to act, is weak, i was a fat kid growing up. now im at least fairly attractive (still have some body image issues with loose skin, ex-fat kids can identify) but cant seem to take girls who seem to dig me seriously because i realize idiosyncrasies they make or ways they change their behavior. really, im in my own head for most of the time. being a philosophy major kind of puts me in the habbit of thinking things through more so than i have in the past and im worried ill end up trapped in my head forever. the world at large has got me down recently too, its kind of hard for me to care about anything sometimes. i need to start the process of making new conversational and habits for action.

can anyone offer some words?

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Your inner game, or your reality, is twisted. Thus you drift into other people's reality, and burn.

Work on your inner game. There is no surgery for that, it is not unlike loosing weight, you can't stable your stomach and see results.. You need to work on that, day in and day out.. You have DJ Bible, www.bristollair.com, and others..

My advice, stop looking for advice, this thing you will have to do on your own.. The only advice you could receive is where to find material on inner game and how to study it.

Being beta male for most of your life, it might be helpful to become alpha.. Get on that material as well, it's related to inner game. Look for How to Become Alpha Male by John Alexander.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
I used to be the same way years ago. I tend to overthink things and end up with nothing. It's good to analyze things, but as a beginner, you need to just jump in and learn to make mistakes. Through trial and error, you will find a style that works for you. The mistakes that you make will become less and less as you progress. Being introvert or extrovert does not matter and should not matter, what matters is finding a style that works for you.