questions about older guys technique


Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
theres an older guy at my school who who definately not attractive and many girls will attest to this, however hw always has swarms of younger girls, mainly the pretty ones, around him, and has even bedded at least one

after some research, ive discovered from more than one woman that he 'makes you feel special'

i have two guesses as to what that means--

1. hes basically the center of the only group of upperclassmen that hang around outside, theres about 6 or 7 of them, and him talking to them makes them feel special and its not really something special he says or does

2. he lavishes them with compliments when he first meets them but stops immediately, i know he told one of my friends she was a 'goddess' the first time he met her, and brought her lunch a few times...

what exactly can one do to achieve this same effect?


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
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1 word....

... CHARM!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
what exactly does hedo thats charming? what exactly can any guy do to be charming without being a loser?


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by shagnscoob
what exactly does hedo thats charming? what exactly can any guy do to be charming without being a loser?
what does being a charmer have to do with being a loser? He sinply knows how to sweet talk the ladies and seduce them with his words (eg: making them feel special) ... its about understanding what a girl likes to hear, and what nakes her feel special, and applying it to seduce them.;)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by ~ªêQµïTª$~
what does being a charmer have to do with being a loser? He sinply knows how to sweet talk the ladies and seduce them with his words (eg: making them feel special) ... its about understanding what a girl likes to hear, and what nakes her feel special, and applying it to seduce them.;)
well how do i learn that?


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Practice Practice Practice!

Originally posted by shagnscoob
well how do i learn that?
Well.... Being able to sweet talk the ladies has alot to do with your confidence WITH them... I dont know if you have seen the movie called "the girl next door", but that 1 guy in that movie that caused **** for the main gut that fell in love with the "girl next door" is a good example of a "charmer".... Now that guys confidence levels were as high as he|_|_, and that showed, and the girls could SEE it! And nearly EVERY girl is attracted to "confidence".... and the way to achieve getting such high levels of confidence is to do it alot... so speak to girls as often as you can, approach girls as often as you can, and eventually your confidence levels will increase drastically.

Now once you got the confidence, you need to just look for the gaps (the right time) to throw in a compliment to a girl... eg: If you are talking to a girl about cloths, then you MAKE her say something that will lead to you "charming" her... so for example you can say to her " I'm a size 28 pants... u think u could fit into that" (knowing that she looks like a 34 etc)... so she will say something like "haha, no ways, i wish i was that thin"... now at this point she feels slightly insecure about herself, but then THIS is when u TAKE THAT OPPURTUNITY and say something like "well, u might not be THAT thin, but in my eye's u have a gorgious body" (while saying this ur preferably making eye contact with her and flirting. - This is just ONE example of a way that u can "charm" a girl... and if you listen carefully when talking to a girl, you will find ALOT of these "oppurtunities" to throw in a compliment and make them feel special / charm them. Now saying these kind of things to women takes alot of confidence, which is why u need to do it alot in order to increase ur confidence levels with women, so that saying something like "you have a gorgeous body" will feel the same to you as saying "so how old are you?" to her. To get to this level of confidence you will need to approach ALOT of girls on a regular basis, but the more you approach, the easiyer it gets each time, and the less of a "big deal" it is... and soon enough you will be going up to girls everywhere u are, and you will be charming them and getting with them with NO PROBLEM. Even if you dont PLAN on doing it, i will become second nature for you... and the more you practice at not only APPROACHING them, but CHARMING them, the easiyer it will come to you and will be for you to accomplish. And trust me... after approaching many girls, you will LEARN what they LIKE to hear and what MAKES them feel special.... but here are a few things that MOST girls like to be complimented on...

1) Their looks / weight

2) Things that they have accomplished (won a dancing award) and things that they do... Eg: If she is a dancer, then you can say to her something like " I can picture you as a dancer.. u have a perfect body to be one (your facial expression should let her know that its a GOOD thing) and if u wanna continue to flirt you can flollow up by saying something like " hmmm... so u wanna give me some lessons sometime? *wink*" (this is said in a joking manner) <--- in about 30 seconds you have made her feel good because you like her body, and you made her laugh by asking for dancing lessons.

3) If you get close to her, pull her closer to you, then look her in the eye's and say something like "d@mn u smell nice (in a flirting tone while making eye contact) ... she will probably blush and thank you... then u change the subject and talk about watever else.

But overall, you dont need to worry about HOW you are going to "charm" them, because i garantee you that SOMEWHERE along the line those "opportunities" WILL arise several times in a conversation... even now when i talk to girls that i dont feel like "flirting / charing" them... everytime there is one of those "oppurtunities" i think it to myself in my head, but i dont TAKE the "opportunity" to "charm / flirt " because i dont want to... but what i am trying to say is that if you do it alot, it will become natural for you to SEE those "opportunities" and ACT on them when nessecary;)

P.S.: here is a link to a site that might add in helping you... ---> Click here <---

Best of luck...



Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Also, not sure why people failed to mention this, but he is older! That alone is a powerful tool. I am in my last senior year, and found that I have most success with girls in all grades below me. Why? Because I have status, recognition, and experience. If you're a freshman, no one knows you. But if you've been there for 4 years, you have a good rep (well, unless you are a closet nerd :p).

Besides, older guys drive. So looks, while significant, is not the only thing that gets the poon.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Disconnect
Also, not sure why people failed to mention this, but he is older! That alone is a powerful tool. I am in my last senior year, and found that I have most success with girls in all grades below me. Why? Because I have status, recognition, and experience. If you're a freshman, no one knows you. But if you've been there for 4 years, you have a good rep (well, unless you are a closet nerd :p).

Besides, older guys drive. So looks, while significant, is not the only thing that gets the poon.
its sad when people drive just so they can get friends. but then, being a taxi driver that doesnt charge is fun for some people:confused: