Questions about High School


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
First off I'd like to thank all the members here, you all helped me a lot and I'm asking for a little more, but just some questions about high school in general, nothing to specific about "cheating girlfriends" or other highschool problems.

I thought I'd make a list of questions I have had but were afraid to ask my elders/peers and others could compare answers or add questions they had about high school. I'll start with what I think everyone in HS thinks about almost as much as HS boys think about getting laid.

Q: What is this forums opinion of drugs in HS? Should you try them? Steer clear? I know in my school many students overuse them and the "gateway" drug thing might seem silly but it has happened in my school, but I know some friends who say some of the best times they've ever had were when they were stoned.

Q: Motivation. Is there a sure fire way to gain motivation? Around this time of the year is mid terms for high schoolers like myself and it is becoming very stressful and I'm personally feeling a lack of motivation and am not caring even though I know I should.

Q: Sex in high school. A touchy subject for many high school virgins. I personally don't care about losing my virginity as much as an average high schooler but I know many guys that are really concerned just because it hasn't "been their time." But when it comes to that time, how does a 16-17 year old high schooler purchase condoms and such to be safe? I guess this would be more of a parental issue but I'm curious and I'm sure i'm not the only one.

Q: How to "be cool"- What are the current styles of clothing/attitude and such that make you stand out as a person and not just another sack in a chair with a pencil. What were the styles when you were in HS? for the older people that read this. I know that theoretically all you have to do is go out and do things, but I'd like to know what you guys did.

Q: How to attract girls? This one I've been wondering about for a while because the only girlfriend I've ever had was really into me and made the approach on me, and apparently I did many things right in the DJ book without even knowing about this website so I'm proud of myself for figuring a lot of these things by myself. But the main question is, how to approach in HS? How to ask for a # in HS? Is it weird to just walk up to someone at lunch or in a class and just talk to them because it feels weird when I do it and I feel a bit unsuccessful.

Q: One guy one girl relationships or casual fun for HS? My Ex gf was a person that I thought I'd want to spend almost all HS with at the time but looking back on it I'm glad we separated relatively early (im a junior) and now I'm having fun with other girls but still feel a little depressed when I think about it.

Q: How to react to an ex in HS setting? Ex: In a classroom, on social networking sites (Facebook, Myspace) keep her as a friend or just dump her? Its more of a personal question because you'd have to know the specific situations of others and myself, but any information anyone could give would be great.

Those are the only questions I can think of at the moment and I thank you all once again for helping me, The DJ bible has reinforced points I've thought and I'm glad I found this website at such an early age.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score

im also in high school and would like to know what the older DJ's have to say


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Q: What is this forums opinion of drugs in HS? Should you try them? Steer clear? I know in my school many students overuse them and the "gateway" drug thing might seem silly but it has happened in my school, but I know some friends who say some of the best times they've ever had were when they were stoned.
Don't rely on any drug to have a good time.

But when it comes to that time, how does a 16-17 year old high schooler purchase condoms and such to be safe? I guess this would be more of a parental issue but I'm curious and I'm sure i'm not the only one.
Buy them at any store. Nobody is watching you. Depends on your country of course.
Q: How to "be cool"- What are the current styles of clothing/attitude and such that make you stand out as a person and not just another sack in a chair with a pencil.
Don't blindly follow trends and fads and the crowd. Be mature.

But the main question is, how to approach in HS? How to ask for a # in HS? Is it weird to just walk up to someone at lunch or in a class and just talk to them because it feels weird when I do it and I feel a bit unsuccessful.
It feels weird because you aren't used to it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
wonderbread said:
Q: What is this forums opinion of drugs in HS? Should you try them? Steer clear? I know in my school many students overuse them and the "gateway" drug thing might seem silly but it has happened in my school, but I know some friends who say some of the best times they've ever had were when they were stoned.

Dont do em

Q: Motivation. Is there a sure fire way to gain motivation? Around this time of the year is mid terms for high schoolers like myself and it is becoming very stressful and I'm personally feeling a lack of motivation and am not caring even though I know I should.

everyone has their own motivation...mine is philosophical...buddhist/confucian..but in reality most religions/philosophies share most of the significant points..what are you learning for? get rich, famous, for the sake of learning, or to help others someday with the job you get from getting that degree?

Q: Sex in high school. A touchy subject for many high school virgins. I personally don't care about losing my virginity as much as an average high schooler but I know many guys that are really concerned just because it hasn't "been their time." But when it comes to that time, how does a 16-17 year old high schooler purchase condoms and such to be safe? I guess this would be more of a parental issue but I'm curious and I'm sure i'm not the only one.

depends on what country you'r ein...if you're in the one is gonna stop you..

Q: How to "be cool"- What are the current styles of clothing/attitude and such that make you stand out as a person and not just another sack in a chair with a pencil. What were the styles when you were in HS? for the older people that read this. I know that theoretically all you have to do is go out and do things, but I'd like to know what you guys did.

whatever you want..think about your're asking what to wear..and how to live..learn whatever you want...but decide for's my advice..wear what you the right way..your heart knows what's right.

Q: How to attract girls? This one I've been wondering about for a while because the only girlfriend I've ever had was really into me and made the approach on me, and apparently I did many things right in the DJ book without even knowing about this website so I'm proud of myself for figuring a lot of these things by myself. But the main question is, how to approach in HS? How to ask for a # in HS? Is it weird to just walk up to someone at lunch or in a class and just talk to them because it feels weird when I do it and I feel a bit unsuccessful.

approaching is covered in the bible...go up, say hi, make small tlak, number or kiss close..or any close..or no what feels's only weird if you think it's weird

Q: One guy one girl relationships or casual fun for HS? My Ex gf was a person that I thought I'd want to spend almost all HS with at the time but looking back on it I'm glad we separated relatively early (im a junior) and now I'm having fun with other girls but still feel a little depressed when I think about it.

up to you, what do you want?

Q: How to react to an ex in HS setting? Ex: In a classroom, on social networking sites (Facebook, Myspace) keep her as a friend or just dump her? Its more of a personal question because you'd have to know the specific situations of others and myself, but any information anyone could give would be great.

treat her like you would treat anybody else..with respect...some believe in "you respect me, i respect disrespect me, i dont respect you"...if it was a friendly be friendly..but nothing special...if she cheated on me, i'd respond normally...but i wouldn't try to be good friends..
there you go..:)