Questions about best weekly rountine for fat loss while maintaining mass.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
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My weight has gained to 13st (182ibs) from 12 (168) in about 2-3 months, with some slip ups including getting ill and weekend away bindge.

I have a holiday booked in the summer and would like the definition to come through to look good on the beach, to be honest I havn't noticed any difference in myself although people who have not seen me for a while are pointing out that I look more "buff".

I'd estimate my bodyfat to be around 15%-20%. My abs are far from visable but feel rock solid when tense. Im giving myself about 10-12 weeks for the fat loss. Before gaining my body fat was proberbly a smidgin lower or about the same.

Anyway, from what I understand the better way to go about this is to continue weight training as I am three times a week, but having 3 sessions of HIIT between with a days rest and creating a calorie deficit.

The thing is, I tried going for short run around my village weds night and my back was killing me, I assume that was from doing deadlifts on Sunday. I thought 3-4 days rest would be enough rest after training legs, I tried squats last night and I had to stop as my lower back was just too painful (like an extreme pump).

I'd prefer to be doing sprints, as I love getting out the open. Running on a treadmill just makes me feel like I'm in a hamster wheel.

What are the better cardio exersizes? I can do boxing, although I'm worried that would kill my arms too much. Theres a pool at my gym, although again that puts too much strain on my arms when I should be resting the muscles. Running in the outdoors in my fav (as I used to do long distance running) but seem to much on the legs/back.

As for the cardio itself, is it worth adding some for of ressistance? There are kettlebells in my gym, are they any good for fat loss? Last time I used these, I lost muscle as well. I'm confused over this bit, as a search online for fat loss gives workouts with ressistance training at the same time???

Can cardio and weight training be done on the same day? i.e. run to work in the morning (its only 2 miles) and then lift weights at my gym in the evening?

I've never attempted cutting before.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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As I always say in these posts, wait for someone with more experience to chime in, but I'll share what I've learned.

The question about doing cardio and weight training in the same day: I would recommend only lifting upper body, if you do. However, studies have also shown that cardio can lessen the effects of weight lifting. My understanding is that it tires your body out to the extent that it does not repair your muscles as well. Someone can correct me on this if it is wrong.

Have you tried biking? You could do a stationary bike with resistance, but I know that isn't very different than a treadmill (as far as being a hamster on a wheel).

Lifting itself can be cardio, if done with high enough intensity. Limit the time between sets. Don't walk around or take too many breaks. You can definitely shed some bf% doing only lifting.

Diet is the biggest factor in it. Load up on protein and limit carbs, dairy, and calories in general.
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Don Juan
Feb 27, 2011
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If you want to gain more mass and cut BF all you have to do is compound lifts with explosive movoements such as power cleans, jerks, etc... Couple that with intense sprints, movements iwith within your workout, you will be gaining lean mass and dropping BF... Don't listen to guys that way its impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, they obviously haven't played sports or ran.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
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here is what I have been doing since Jan 1st

5 days a week super low carb, 20ish most days, drink protein shakes to replace a meal a day
2 days a week (wed/sun) carb up to 250g or so and workout on those days, I am just using a bowflex and working everything in about 90 mins on those days
also walking everyday about 2 miles, cardio kills muscle gains, so do light stuff like the walking

since Jan 1st:

6' 1"-leans toward mesomorph, went from 184 to 176 pounds
bench from 160x8 up to 260x8
biceps 1.25" bigger
chest 1.5" bigger
thighs 1" bigger
forearms .25" bigger

its slow but keep plugging away, this is a recomp btw ;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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StateOfMind said:
If you want to gain more mass and cut BF all you have to do is compound lifts with explosive movoements such as power cleans, jerks, etc... Couple that with intense sprints, movements iwith within your workout, you will be gaining lean mass and dropping BF... Don't listen to guys that way its impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, they obviously haven't played sports or ran.
When adding muscle you want a calorie surplus, like adding 500 or more calories to your baseline maintenance. You need a calorie deficit to lose fat. In order to do both at the same time, the muscle you gain/fat you lose will be limited of what it could've been seperately.


New Member
Apr 4, 2011
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Hello to all. nice work by all of you. i really like your posts. Good job
Keep it up guez...