Question (Relating to a Girl I'm interested in)


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
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Hey everyone! Before I start, I guess I'll just say that I've changed a lot, I don't know if anyone here noticed my old thread, but I definately have changed in a very positive and recieved numerous comments about my changes. I am still pretty shy unless I am around people I know pretty well, and that's why I am posting this thread. I'm a little nervous around her and I want some advice. Thanks guys!

Anyway, I'm a senior this year, and I've met this girl. Her name is Katie. She's in a few of my classes and we've talked a little. I wouldn't consider us friends yet, and I don't have her number or her AIM or any other way of getting in contact with her. She's in the school band (like me) and plays the same insturment. (trumpet) So, we've gotten to know each other a little bit. She's also in a computer class of mine, and in both of my lunches. (I have block scheduling so I have a different lunch each day)

But, there is this one problem. She's a freshman. Meaning, I'm 17 and she's 14. Now, before you start with the "get someone your age" comments, this is the first girl that I really like because of her personality. Besides, I'm pretty sure she's interested in me. Smiles in the hallway, and she always initiates conversations. She may not be looking for a relationship, but she definately sees something in me. We have a lot of common interests and even if I can't take the relationship anywhere romantically, I'd still like to be good friends with her.

What are your opinions on a Senior with a freshman? (now you can say the "get someone your age" comments, although I'd appreciate some insight on the situation.

Anyway, I also wanted to ask what you guys think of this idea. The band offers practice during a resource time during school. You are free to go to the band room and practice your instruments. It's heavily recommended that the freshman attend, and I believe that Katie does. A few of my friends in the band go, and I am considering attending it so I can get some time with Katie, and my friends.

So, do you think it would be a good idea to do that?

And also, we play at football games at night, there is one tomorrow night, and Katie usually sits with a few of her friends. Since we really are not friends yet, do you think I should start tomorrow night? I'll mention me coming in the resource time from now on and stuff. What else should I say?

Also, the computer class we share really isn't the same. It's an independent tech class for me and an intro to computers class for her. Although I don't do the same projects and I have no idea what is going on in the class, I plan to talk to her then as well. None of her friends are in the class and she sits alone. I'd consider it a perfect opportunity to talk to her some more.

Anyway, I guess I'm just asking you some advice on some stuff to talk about and a few opinions on my plans for when and where to talk to her. And, what you think of a Senior with a freshman.

Thanks and if you want anymore information, just ask and I'll try to help you out.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
To answer your first question, a senior with a freshman is fine, go for it, don't second guess it. Women like older guys. I know girls that are 16 with boyfriends that are like 22. Not leagal but true.

More importantly, dude IMO you have oneitis. Katie this Katie that. Give me a break. Go ahead, get to kno her, maybe she has intrest, ask her out. But don't get oneitis over her, go after other girls and work on yourself in this area. I truly feel your in the friend zone. Read the dj bible too if you havent, your mindset is pathetic. lol constructive critisism.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
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Honestly, I barely know this girl, and I've got a lot of friends that are girls, but this is the one that I really like. Most of the girls that I know and I am friends with I don't want a relationship and never did. There is only one girl that I am friends with that I really liked, and I don't anymore.

Anyway, I honestly don't really like any other girls at my school, we have under 600 students and any of the girls that I'd want a relationship with are in a LTR already.

Anyway, thanks for the comment about the senior with the freshman, I guess I shouldn't care what other people think about it. And, thanks for the oneitis comment as well, it will definately give me a reality check about the whole situation.

Any more advice from anyone would be great!


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
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So, tonight was pretty normal. Although, while I was standing in line for some water got into a pretty good conversation, we talked about our schedules, what we were going to order, and she was interested in the car I drive, and my friends and some other stuff. We also got into a lot about music, seeing as it was band class, and we share a lot of musical tastes. She's a really cool girl.

I still want opinions on a senior with a freshman, and I was also wondering this as well. Band is tuesday (no school monday) and I sit like half a mile from her. I was wondering exactly how I can communicate with her. I remember a few threads talked about getting caught looking at her and smiling. Sound like a plan?

Anyway, wish me luck and gimmie some advice please!


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Oneitis for a 14 year old?


Well first of all you probally have a chance with her because I mean she is 14 and you win over all her little friends by default.

But uh? Wow.. you can just ask her out.. there really isn't much more to say.. other then yeah.. she's 14.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
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Don't let age intefer too much. I have parents 10 years apart.
Definately get to know her. But don't get obsessed.
Oh, by the way, I,too, am in band (TUBA!!!).


New Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Detroit Metro, Michigan
Ya senior/freshman relationships work for sure, a couple of my friends (Girls) went out with seniors freshman year. They lasted all year and part of the summer if I recall...but as soon as the guys went to college they broke up. Seems pretty common. I'd just be nervous with the freshman with meeting her parents and stuff heh, when I have kids if my little girl is going out with a senior I'll probably shoot him :p

But enough with contemplating if you should ask her out or not, or how its going to be. There is only one way to find out for sure, and you know what that is.

And if you still don't have a way of communicating with her after-school, get digits for sure.

Good Luck


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
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Ok, that makes me feel a little better about it. But, I guess it really doesn't matter what other people think about it anyway.

Well, Wednesday is my computer class and hopefully I can get to know her some more and get away with some digits.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Alrighty, I'll stick around for a while and continue conversation as well.

Also, the class is an hour and a half long, so I'll have a ton of time to get it and, I'll be so bored I'll have to keep talking to her!

Also, I am still wondering what to do tuesday. Since we sit so far away I don't really know how I can communicate with her. I want her to wonder a little about me so it can help make the conversation in my computer class a little more interesting.

So, what can I do to communicate with her without physically talking to her?