Question about weight-gaining


New Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Hi guys, new to the forums and it looks like you all know what you're talking about so I figured I'd turn to you for help.:up:

To start, I'm 6'3" and approximately 170 pounds. Beanpole. I'd like to, *eventually*, gain around 20 pounds. I know that will take a long time, however.

My question it absolutely neccesary, when gaining weight, to stick to a proper weight-lifting training regimen? I just started a new, physically strenuous job (ramp attendant at an airport) which requires a lot of lifting, pushing, pulling, crouching, squating, etc. I also have to ride my bike to and from work...getting their is easy, but the return trip is about 15 minutes straight uphill.

I've never been the most committed person in life and often find myself setting goals and then failing to see them through. Given the fact that I'll be working upwards of 40 hours a week, I don't think I'll have the time or the energy to go to the gym regularly (ex. the 3-4 times per week suggested by the very helpful bulking guide).

So if I take protein powder before and after my shifts, and go to the gym maybe once a week or so on my days off, will I still be able to gain weight? Or does proper weight-gain requires a set regimen of specific weight-lifting? If I don't do a wide variety of movements, will the weight-gain be disproportionate?

Thanks for your help. I don't mean to sound like someone who wants to see results without putting in the work, I'm just wondering if a physically demanding job and a weekly visit to the gym, combined with protein powder, is enough to add the weight.

P.S. The protein powder that I do have is a year and a half expired, but it's been kept in a cupboard and it good for a couple days until I can get into town to buy some more, or should I just steer clear of it? I searched the forums and searched on Google but have found conflicting answers...some have said that expired powder will be less effective but not altogether bad, whereas others have suggested avoiding it all together.

Again, thanks guys! :cool:


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hello there!

Going to the gym once a week is ok if you work like you do. Two times a week would be ideal if you can manage. I've had similar jobs and it was very hard to go to the gym afterwards. The important thing whenyou gain is the diet. Try to get small meals in with protein when you work but more importantly, get some carbs in there!

You won't get very disproportionate just be doing some work, if you only do one exercise at the gym an dimprove you will get disprorpionate. Don't worry about it for now.

The one time you go to the gym you'll have to put in some effort though. Dosomething like this:

6-10 reps on all, 10-15 reps on abs
3 set military presses
3 set incline db bench presses
2 set deadlifts
3 set bent over rows/pull-ups
2 set squats
3 set *abwork

*People will suggest this is waste of time, but a strong midsection is VERY important when lifting.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska
Core work is never a waste of time. Never, if done properly. Pumping out sets of 100 crunches may be a waste of time, but if you're working in the mid-rep range and adding weight to the exercises to improve strength.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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Protein powder ,a tough job and a trip to the gym isn't going to cut it. Your using a lot of energy during your job so your going to need a lot of calories your nutrition is the most important thing here.

Your 170 so thats

340g of protein a day
400 carbs a day (because of your job)
whatever fat comes with that

as for training 1 day a week i'd do this

Week 1

Squat- 2x3 (almost to failure) then 1x20

Week 2

Deadlift 2x3 (almost to failure) then 1x20

Week 3

Squat 1x1 max then 1x20

Week 4

Deadlift 1x1 max then 1x20


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
EFFORT said:
Protein powder ,a tough job and a trip to the gym isn't going to cut it. Your using a lot of energy during your job so your going to need a lot of calories your nutrition is the most important thing here.

Your 170 so thats

340g of protein a day
400 carbs a day (because of your job)
whatever fat comes with that

as for training 1 day a week i'd do this

Week 1

Squat- 2x3 (almost to failure) then 1x20

Week 2

Deadlift 2x3 (almost to failure) then 1x20

Week 3

Squat 1x1 max then 1x20

Week 4

Deadlift 1x1 max then 1x20
I wouldn't suggest this to a beginner.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Lifeforce said:
I wouldn't suggest this to a beginner.
Good point.

Instead of doing the 2x3 and 1x1 do 2x6-8

For the 1x20 start with a weight you can do 30+ with and start adding small amounts of weight each week (5-10lbs)