

Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
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How important is qualifying the target is it neccessary? What are some good qualification techniques? Thanks


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
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When it comes time to qualify the girl I end up blowing myself out like for example a coule days ago I went to a frat party and I was gaming three asian girls and I was getting tons of IOI's and then it was time to qualify so I asked them if they know how to cook and then I said in a joking mannor can you guys fix me something to eat and then all hell broke loose I got called everything from a sexist biggot to a ******* (danm feminist). Then the next day I went to this club and I again got attraction from a two set and then time for qualification and I blow myself out again when I noticed one of the girls smoking I told her I dont like girls that smoke she said im sorry and blew the smoke in my face then both walked away, any suggestion on where I go wrong with qualification?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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People don't like it when you're flat out making fun of them or criticizing them. It's better to do it in a playful, teasing way.

Insult: bad. Teasing: good.


Aug 25, 2007
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Qualification: i.e. make them qualify them selves to you.

"Are you good in bed?"
"Can you cook?"

There is a whole set of things that must be right before they consider qualifying them selves to you. For example, what would make a girl telling you if she's good in bed or not.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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domino said:
How important is qualifying the target is it neccessary? What are some good qualification techniques? Thanks
Huge Importance!

I think this is where true attraction is, it's like the walls drop and you two become cool. Why? Because she starts to see reasons as to why you like her. As far as she knows you like her ONLY because of her looks.

One of the biggest things for qualifying is having standards and indirectly showing it. I think this is how I mainly qualify, since I do have a big bar set and I convey those standards and she starts to try to meet those standards.

Also when she tries to impess me I'm always giving her my approval, and if I'm actually impressed by what she said or done then I will show that I appreicated it.

Other ways I've learned but don't do as much are...
- Screening: Ask questions I'm actually curious about
- Compliance: Getting her more and more invested into you (I think I might start doing this again because this is how I used to get stuff for free and didn't have to give anything in return but my personality)
- SOIs: Jugglers stuff of stating your intent

I think qualification is one of the most over looked things, but it's the place that actually lowers flakes because the barriers are dropped. I used to have many girls wanting to # close me because at the time I never used to go for #s and up to this day I still don't go for #s due to logistics.

Qualification is underrated and most don't even do this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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Domino, you obviously don't understand the point of qualification. What you said to the girls is fine. It's also fine that they turned b1tchy on you and called you names. That just tells you they are feminist hors whom you should not ever get serious with.

How important is qualifying a girl? It's extremely important if you're looking for a serious relationship. Just paruse through some of the following blogs and you will understand where I'm coming from:


There's a reason for the 60% divorce rate (2/3 of which are initiated by women, while the man pays the alimony!). It's because men don't qualify women before they fall in love. They judge a women based solely on her beauty and ignore her lack of femininity and character.

If you're just looking for a quick lay, then no, true qualification is not important at all. In those cases, all you really care about is how hot the girl is (and possibly how many STDs she has). In such instances, you may want to tease the girl about qualifying her, but it's all really an act. If you're just looking for quick sex, you couldn't care less how well she cooks.

True qualification is designed for finding a quality woman to fall in love with.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
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I dont really give a **** about what qualities the girl has because im looking for lay's so I figured all qualification is the same but I guess im wrong if I am looking to get a quick lay I will have to qualify with something small and light like " hey what kind of music do you listen to?" something simple like that instead of real things like "hey can you cook?" I now have a better understanding of what im doing wrong.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Obsidian said:
Domino, you obviously don't understand the point of qualification. What you said to the girls is fine. It's also fine that they turned b1tchy on you and called you names. That just tells you they are feminist hors whom you should not ever get serious with.

How important is qualifying a girl? It's extremely important if you're looking for a serious relationship. Just paruse through some of the following blogs and you will understand where I'm coming from:


There's a reason for the 60% divorce rate (2/3 of which are initiated by women, while the man pays the alimony!). It's because men don't qualify women before they fall in love. They judge a women based solely on her beauty and ignore her lack of femininity and character.

If you're just looking for a quick lay, then no, true qualification is not important at all. In those cases, all you really care about is how hot the girl is (and possibly how many STDs she has). In such instances, you may want to tease the girl about qualifying her, but it's all really an act. If you're just looking for quick sex, you couldn't care less how well she cooks.

True qualification is designed for finding a quality woman to fall in love with.
Furthermore - qualification is an ongoing process that must be continually applied to the relationship - when you stop the process she gets content, which basically means she starts to resent you and thinks your a whipped pud.

A qualification a day keeps divorce court away