Originally posted by JohnElDonJuan
Alright Smooth lets see your wisdom,
I go to summer school and this is my first time but I never thought I could see so many beautiful black/hispanic/white women within 1 school. The first day it was like 4-500 people trying to get to 1 side of the room to get their rosters. On my way there i seen this one girl, well maybe her ass at first. Then she turns around and she looked like a latin angel. The funny thing was there were about 100 girls (of all races) that looked just as fine as she did.
Ok, hot girls, but summer school? Stop thinking about hot girls and start studying.
Question 1. How would you react to women that are 9.8's, specializing in this situation?
(I know we all have our own point of views so that 9.8 might not be so high for you but imaginre one for yourself)
I have a rule, if you had read all of my posts you would know this. The hottest a girl on my scale, can be, is an 8. A 9 is an attractive woman with an amazing personality. There is nothing higher then a 9 for me.
You put the girl on the pedestal to begin with, bad idea. How would I react to an 8 in this situation? Like any other situation.
There is nothing special here.
As I went to 1st period I walk in and there was 3 girls already there 2 out of 3 of them looked good. I sat down and asked 1 of the good looking girls a question and she answered it. During that whole period she was stealing peeks at me during class or she was either looking my way at the board but if it was the board she would have to be incredibly stupid because it had only one journal question that only contained 7-10 words and she looked over like 10 times. Either I am incredibly ugly, different or handsome I am going with the Handsome one
. Oh yeah after class I was walking out and she stole one last peek and I enjoyed the fact that I was getting attention from this beautiful girl that is 1 year older than me and kept walking(probably my biggest mistake) so I turned around to see if she was checking me out like they usually do and she was. I took 10 more steps and turned around and she was already there right behind me so I said hi. And she asked if this was the way out and I answered. I was thinking this was too good of an opportunity to pass up and I tried talking to her. I asked her 3 questions and I swear she up'd her walking pace and i wasn't going to chase her for the # so I let it go. I find it kinda comical though. The next day she no longer peeked.(did I squash the IL? or did she get shier? The world may never know)
Good job at anylzing the entire situation (sarcasm). Relax man, your at school, try learning something. Nothing of
any significance happened.
Question 2. How would a real DJ react to this situation? There are still other girls that look at me but they aren't as good looking.
Assuming I am a real DJ, if I find a girl checking me out, after class I would go up to her and assume she likes me, and ask her on a date. Time spent paying attention to girl >2 minutes. Try and keep it like that.
After School I leave the class and there are so many girls I don't know what to do.
Relax the hell out, try jerking off (at home).
Question 3. How should I approach in a crowded hallway?
Like you own the place.
Like everything i will try to answer my own questions so you can see my mindset.
Question 1. How would you react to women that are 9.8's, specializing in this situation? My guess is to say hi, whatsup my names J whats yours?, or how are you doing?, Or some open ended questions for example what class is she coming for. Try to relax and play around with her depending on how she answers, Or take the serious calm polite approach.
Question 2. How would a real DJ react to this situation? There are still other girls that steal peeks at me but they aren't as good looking. Talk to the others and try to relax. Get some rapport and social status.
Question 3. How should I approach in a crowded hallway? I really don't know I would think a funny remark would work wonders or just try the whatsup routine and see where it takes me.
All my answers are way easier said than done though
"A man can know how to conquer a whole empire without being able to do it" Forgot who quotes that but thats my biggest problem.
One word: Relax.
Let things play-out, and layback and chill. Ask a girl on a date if you see an interest level. You are making it way the hell to complicated for yourself.