PVSSY EATER/Mr. Cardio....Field Report

Mr. Cardio

Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
So, as you now, I go to clubs alone most times, and the last time I went to the club, I was drunk and didnt really get much, but come to think of it, I was not that drunk.

So tonight, I go out without drinking at all and go to the club. So I enter it with the intention of just three seconding women, but I only stayed for like, twenty minutes and then left.....

I was okay and very confident before I actually went in the club, then once i got inside, it was like I stepped in hell.

I had never felt so UNCOMFORTABLE in my life I dont think. I was wearing some nice clothes, I had great body language, I walked like the dominant male, but I didnt three second when i walked in.

The overall scene of the club made me feel crazy when I got in, and I just didnt seem to even come to my senses until about four minutes ago when I started writing this post.

I approached one girl in the club and I can tell i was makin her uncomfortable because of her signals of get away from me....

I left and fvcked a god damn hooker for twenty bucks, and overall, I feel totally bad right now. I am sick and fvckin tired of whinin on this god damn website, can somebody tell me some good club shyt, not the bullshyt in the dj bible....

first off, the club was packed and I didnt even see noobdy dancing, just chillin and talkin but all the girls had bytch shields up and they were so god damn high up that you could climb on them fvckers and reach the tip of heaven......

I dont really feel uncomfortable in pickups, but...I dont know, I am in sales right now, and I thought sales was hard until I learned how to do it, but I have never in my life seen something so damn hard as women are concerned. It would seem like we all are human beings, no human being is better than the other, so as long as I am not some damn beta male azz, why do I have to put up with the bytch shields like the drunk beta males do.......and why are women so god damn hard....can anybody be honest with me on this website, are you guys REALLY getting laid around here...


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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why the f*ck does it MATTER if guys are getting laid or not? Pvssy is NOT as important as its made out to be!

oh, and i'm not getting laid at the moment, but i'm trying like a motherf*cker!



Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Well if you go to a crowded club sober and alone you can expect to feel intimidated. You live in Michigan/Detroit area right? Well girls in the midwest are pretty weird and people are just weird and unfriendly in the midwest in general. I know of people that could never get a girl in the midwest but they could in other regions..not saying you should move just saying I can relate.

It'd help if you had a drink or 2 to loosen up, you wasted $20 on a hooker, you could've grab you a drink or two. It'd probably help if you had a wing with you for moral support and social proof.

You just have to just say hey to a few people guys or girls, that way you don't look and feel like the odd man out. Sometimes you can just open a girl with something lame like, "hey, how are you.." then eject, and being the validation wh0res that girls are sometimes they'll come and re-engage you.

You know the all the club advice MM, etc...look for an IOI..eye contact, girl hanging in your proximity, etc., and then just open her...try to create yourself some social proof. If you just stand there girls will just shake their azz and think you're just another guy that no girl's going to give puzzy to, that's how sh!tty they are. You got to make them jealous. It's not easy clubs are tough no doubt.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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i go to clubs alone too (when i do go), but i go there with the intention of getting drunk (with in my limit) and dancing (even tho i suck). Go in there with the intention of making some friends and HAVING FUN. All of a sudden chicks will be showing up in front of you dancing..... You can not go into a club scene with the intention of picking up a woman (they already expect that from every guy there). When they see that your in there talking to a different women every 2 minutes, they get wiered out. If your in there socializing with people (male and female) and just having a BLAST they are lot more receptable, and chances are they will approch you.

get on the dance floor, try out some new dancemoves, high five the drunk guy at the bar.......


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
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This sounds like every club I've ever been to. That's why I don't like clubs.

animal crackers

Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
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Project Chicago
Originally posted by ketostix
Well girls in the midwest are pretty weird and people are just weird and unfriendly in the midwest in general. I know of people that could never get a girl in the midwest but they could in other regions..not saying you should move just saying I can relate.

WTF are you talking about?????


To ***** Eater: You should have just kept approaching, if it's crowded enough they won't even know you're alone. Remember, the first 3 are just warm-ups.

animal crackers


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Why are you going out with the sole intention of meeting women? When you go out, go out to HAVE FUN. Make that your primary objective for the night. Find a place that appeals to you, go there, and focus on having fun. Picking up women should be a side project.

When you go out to just have fun, you'll be more at ease with yourself and will naturally radiate confidence, especially if you go out by yourself.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by animal crackers
WTF are you talking about?????


To ***** Eater: You should have just kept approaching, if it's crowded enough they won't even know you're alone. Remember, the first 3 are just warm-ups.

animal crackers
Well I'm not talking about Chicago necess. My brother was there last weekend and said it was pretty friendly. I'm talking about my region. I've lived other places and I know people who have lived here and other places. I stand by what I say that many parts of the midwest are fvcked up, like Ohio, Penn., Mich..

Have you lived anywhere else besides Illinois? Why do people have to question everyone's experience here?

animal crackers

Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
Project Chicago
Originally posted by ketostix
Well I'm not talking about Chicago necess. My brother was there last weekend and said it was pretty friendly. I'm talking about my region. I've lived other places and I know people who have lived here and other places. I stand by what I say that many parts of the midwest are fvcked up, like Ohio, Penn., Mich..

Have you lived anywhere else besides Illinois? Why do people have to question everyone's experience here?

Dude, just because you may have had some bad experiences with cold chicks or whatever doesn't mean that an entire section of our country is 'wierd and unfriendly.' Come on man...Do you realize you said that?

Don't give the guy limiting beliefs like oh the girls here are just wierd and unfriendly there's nothing I can do.

animal crackers

Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
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It takes a while to warm up at clubs...it's usually just friendly and chatty at the beginning, then the girls get drunk and get crazy. It may have been too early. Also you should have a drink or two in you...nobody is sober at clubs and there's a reason for that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
how are your converstations and interactions with woman/people
in general?
if it sucks then you might want to consider just feeling comfortable and normal first before you even try to pick up.

you also may question why you need soo much validation from woman...alot of guys that sleep with as many woman as possible are usually trying to fill a void in their life.and it usually concerns
their sexual identity or deep rooted emotional issues concerning woman.

it's clearly obvious that there is a huge gapping hole in your ego...

Don Juanism
Or: Don-Juan-syndrome , an excessive urge in a man to have-sex frequently with many different partners. This type of man thinks of women as prey; he derives more pleasure from the conquest than from the physical union itself and looses interest in a woman following sexual conquest; the number of seductions is less important than his continual need to prove himself. Most don juans are latent homosexuals.

http://www.sex-lexis.com/Sex-Dictionary/Don Juanism

god i love psychology :D


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
cardio. (i'm dropping the mr. because that implies that your a man).

You are a joke.

God. I'm personally not in the slightest bit interested in helping you. And I can't see why anyone else would want to.

Each new post you make, you make another excuse.

You start new threads far too often, they should be reserved for something that actually matters.

Take a step back. Reassess everything you think you know. Get off the Internet and build yourself a regular social life, then you'll have some social proof. Take that with you to the club, and apply what you've built with your new friends to some people at the club. Suddenly you're one of the more popular people there. Suddenly approaching, or perhaps being introduced to women becomes an easier task.

But why do I tell you this? It can't work for you because :

- You're black.
- The bible doesn't work.
- You live in the mid west
- You're not a thug
- You can't dance

etc. etc.

Excuse after excuse after excuse.

When I saw you'd posted a field report, I thought, MAYBE he's gone and done a proper approach. I'm nearly as stupid as you for thinking that.

I'm done.