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Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Listen I know there is no guarentee that the girl I am with now..will stay with me forever..or me with her forever.

even though unless something terribly bad happens we wil have a child.

lets all PREY ITS A BOY..IF its a girl..I Will get going to college with her :)

anyways going back in time....2005 was the most GAINING YR of my short life.

I cant recall another time where I grew so much and learned so much about being a man.

I remember it wasnt sosuave that got me here..it was a Tony Robbins book.

Regardless I always dreamed of finding the women that would set me on fire...ive dated probably 100 women, slept with a quater of them..and never did I find anyone that brought out the best in me.

until I brought out the best in myself...I quit smoking weed, got organized and starting working for myself..then a friend of mine...who I talked to about all this and all the things I was doing to make my life better and what I wanted to feel within myself...she was very excited for me...eventually she fell for me..and when she saw me for the first time in nearly 2 yrs..she knew I was the man for her...so far a perfect beggening to a imperfect story

one thing I have that I notice so many dont have or take for grantide is hope.

I live with hope, hope that the human race will stop fighting and better itself, hope that I win the lottery, hope that my grandma lives till I get married or become a larger success.

if I didnt have this hope and desire..I would worry that things could or will go wrong, I woudlnt be able to enjoy the happiness I worked my ass off for.

I no longer look over my shoulder..but to the left and right and cherish wat is here at the moment..then look forward to what I can do with it....regardless of who comes and goes..I always have myself...and thats a mighty fine lad if u ask me.

then again my women better not go.

good luck in your journey of hope.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Uh, why aren't you marrying this gal ASAP instead of hoping granny doesn't kick it? A kid needs a FATHER, a married father, not a part-time one.

Also, some of your self-help stuff doesn't fly here because just last week you were talking about how you were looking at naked girls on MySpace.

You should be on a young father's website and looking at getting married to the gal you impregnated. The last thing this country needs is another child with a part-time father and increased welfare rolls. I also didn't understand that if you have a girl, you'll be going to college with her? Huh? You should be in college right now or finishing up. Tony Robbins can't help you there, employers look for people with degrees first ... I know, I just talked to a couple CEOs the last two weeks.

I'm glad sosuave has helped, but it's served its purpose. Marry the gal you got pregnant and work on increasing your educational level and job prospects. You've done all you can do here.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il

do you realize how big of an ******* you are? have a good one

I can see why your still here.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Don't worry about me, worry about being 23 with a child coming up while you troll on MySpace looking at hotties and go on here giving wiser people advice. In addition, you've never once mentioned marrying this gal ... be reponsible, be a man.

I'm glad you've found some self-improvement ... like all of us, you have a long ways to go.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Don't worry about me, worry about being 23 with a child coming up while you troll on MySpace looking at hotties and go on here giving wiser people advice. In addition, you've never once mentioned marrying this gal ... be reponsible, be a man.

what does my personal life and marrying my girl..and looking at women have to do with what I posted?

really? it has nothing to do with it...you cant accept advice from someone younger then you..or someone who hasnt gone threw the shyt you have, can you?

you took what I said..and repsonded attacking me? why? you that bitter?

go on here giving wiser people advice
what makes you wiser, being older and failing much more then me?

because you know what its like to fail your wiser?

do you realize your only here because things didnt go the way you wanted?

sorry General of the Mature Mans forum westcoaster.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
I am wiser because of life experience, just as you'll be wiser when you're in your 30's not your 20's. We had a 17-year old here a couple years ago saying he knows it all and is done growing. Whatever.

I'm not bitter, I just don't think you should be handing out advice based on how your life is and the decisions (or non-decisions) you're making. You're not going to get treated with kid gloves here when you talk about having a kid, but never talk about marrying the mother of the child. That's just the way it is and you should know that.

Spend less time on MySpace and more on online college catalogs, that's your future not some MySpace 'ho.

Your child and the mother of your child are also your future. I know you don't want to hear it, but sometimes the truth hurts. Again, don't worry about me, worry about your child and hopefully future wife.

* Note: Go to petersons.com, a great site for college and trade school catalogs. It has all of them. You can choose by major, location, whatever. It's a great source ... and has a much bigger upside than MySpace or even this message board.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
if i post that im going to marry her...then i would get 20 posts on why I will be paying child support for 16 yrs..after she fycks her boss right?

I try to writing on how I changed my self esteem and you go on a personal tirade at me.

wow, man I got linked to some hot girls on myspace...and Im not going to college now?

how does that go together....im a human being..im sure no married man looks at playboy right?

Your child and the mother of your child are also your future. I know you don't want to hear it, but sometimes the truth hurts. Again, don't worry about me, worry about your child and hopefully future wife.
this line really shows what you are? how do u know anything about what Im doing? how do u know? how do u know?

let me ask you one more time how do u know?

you dont know...you are trying to pick me apart so you dont have to even consider I could give good advice.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Stressing are we

Sounds to me Friv your stressing hence why you keep posting about “hope”. Because that is all that you have left.

1. Your Grandma is getting older and probably about to die any day now,

2. You got your gf pregnant and you haven’t been going out 6 months yet.

3. You both are in college wondering if you be able to finish.

4. Stressin over what you really want to do with your life because you really didn’t plain this stuff to happen.

5. Stressin if it’s a boy or girl or not.

6. Stressin if you should marry her or not.

7. And stressing if you could handle her leaving you “then again my women better not go.” “....regardless of who comes and goes..I always have myself... “

Hope is all that you have left.

“if I didnt have this hope and desire..I would worry that things could or will go wrong, I woudlnt be able to enjoy the happiness I worked my ass off for.”

You are 23 with dreams yet a heat of the moment mistake shatters them and the only thing you have left is hope and you cherish every moment you have with her like it was your last.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Stressing are we
Sounds to me Friv your stressing hence why you keep posting about “hope”. Because that is all that you have left.

1. Your Grandma is getting older and probably about to die any day now,

2. You got your gf pregnant and you haven’t been going out 6 months yet.

3. You both are in college wondering if you be able to finish.

4. Stressin over what you really want to do with your life because you really didn’t plain this stuff to happen.

5. Stressin if it’s a boy or girl or not.

6. Stressin if you should marry her or not.

7. And stressing if you could handle her leaving you “then again my women better not go.” “....regardless of who comes and goes..I always have myself... “

Hope is all that you have left.

“if I didnt have this hope and desire..I would worry that things could or will go wrong, I woudlnt be able to enjoy the happiness I worked my ass off for.”

You are 23 with dreams yet a heat of the moment mistake shatters them and the only thing you have left is hope and you cherish every moment you have with her like it was your last.


I almost cant believe what im reading...

its so obvious the KBJs here and lack of expierence trying to post on things that they cant comprehend.



Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by frivolousz21
if i post that im going to marry her...then i would get 20 posts on why I will be paying child support for 16 yrs..after she fycks her boss right?


Dude, seriously. Stop digging yourself into these holes and then complaining that everyone wants to attack you. Knocking up a girl you've been dating for less than 6 months and aren't married to is stupid, no matter how you slice it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
1) learn how to use the ****ing [ quote] [ /quote] tags.

2) Nobody gives a f*ck about what you say. All your tips and ideas are sh!t, all you do is to troll the Mature Man section and post useless femi-nazi propaganda.

3) If I was in your position, yeah I'd also be clinging onto hope. Cause face it, that's what you got left. 23 years old, no school, probably a crappy job and a knocked up b!tch. Way to go tiger! :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
2) Nobody gives a f*ck about what you say. All your tips and ideas are sh!t, all you do is to troll the Mature Man section and post useless femi-nazi propaganda.
I know this is the end for me here..regardless of my personal situation...I dont need this place..just thought I could help someone with something real.

not a useless post trying to be cool on the interet about my female roomate wanting my nuts.

my ideas and tips are shyt to you..because you are a kbj...like 99 percent of guys here....thats ok...Its funny how you all try being cool to each other like its some big circle jerk..instead of really trying to help each other.

and because I respect and appreciate women doenst mean anything. You think Men are so great?

Adolf Hitler
S. Hussien
Fidel Castro
George Bush(ok, im JK!)

I dont have the time to think of more..but how many millions of people died because of them?

that has nothing to do with what Americans are going threw and how our media is biast against men, maybe its more tounge and cheek and you shouldnt take it so seriously.

Regardless Men have done far worse things in the world then women are capable of...but its convienent to forget that right?

now im just some anti Male because im objective right?

) If I was in your position, yeah I'd also be clinging onto hope. Cause face it, that's what you got left. 23 years old, no school, probably a crappy job and a knocked up b!tch. Way to go tiger!

actually I have a college education.(even though I cant type for shyt) Yea im 23 yrs old..feels good. my job is perfectly to support what I have to do. and my gf isnt a bytch.
a low life loser like you throws words around like without respect because you come to the internet to make yourself feel better.

Ive had to many people..come threw here and pm me, or im me that ive helped better themselves to have you come and talk out your arse like Most kbjs. I really HOPE one day you let go of the anger you possess..and start embracing the good in the world rather then harping on the bad so much.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Dude, seriously. Stop digging yourself into these holes and then complaining that everyone wants to attack you. Knocking up a girl you've been dating for less than 6 months and aren't married to is stupid, no matter how you slice it.

we just hit 6 months, we will be married within a yr..and have a baby right after that.

you can say I fycked up :) cause I did...oh well, lets just hope we work out so there is no child support money..

HE, hopefully he will be a cardinals fan..so he can see the continuious domination of the Pads :)

atleast the Chargers are great!


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
I can't believe you put up Caesar on that list of yours. Time to hit the books, champ!

Seriously, have you had your balls surgically removed by Oprah?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

1. I give you credit, friv for...

Taking control of making changes in your life.

Following through on those changes.

And imparting that knowledge to others.


Aside from the pregnancy and girl in your life, I don't much else going on, but this isn't the end of the line for you. Having come from a large city and parents of only middle-class means, in which I pay the dime on my schooling, I know this to be true, and those with suspect background CAN and WILL do better if they choose to.

So don't lose heart, it only means you have to be in control for the sake of yourself, your family, your gf, and your child.

At 23, you're young, but can still exude maturity if you so choose. Shyt, @ 25, I'm young, and sometimes I have to remember that when I get down on myself for not being further.


I'd interject my morals, if only for a second, but I'm one for marriage, mostly because I'm one for being in control. I advocate being selfish, as it relates to survival, because self-reliance and selfishness ensures strength, so through that you can care for your child and do your best.

In marriage, the frame is that you're the head of the house, and captain of the ship. It's not a misogynistic viewpoint, or one to tout power, but a truth, and one that comes with great responsibility, power, respect, and leadership. It's both good and bad.

Why I feel this way is that women are too fickle and changeable to be trusted as part owner of a relationship at that level. They should always BE allowed a say, BUT, they have freedom to walk if they don't like it and should have input, but should not control it.

So I do think, in my world, in those shoes, I'd be married. If I choose/chose to fvck a girl, I BETTER be ready to handle any DOWNSIDE responsibility to result of her pregnancy. Yes, this is counter to the PUA attitude, BUT, too many guys bang girls they wouldn't even date seriously and then end up with kids with them, paying child-support til 18 or 21, and sharing custody. To prevent that world, which happens ALOT for guys who get too promiscuous, I only hookup with girls whom I'd do right by. That's my world. So in my world, doing anything counter to that is less than respectable.

But, it's your life, and I can't change or motivate you to do anything other than you choose. It sounded like you were going to marry her and improve both your lives, and you should look at it that way. You're the protectorate guard of 3 lives, your's, your child's, and your gf's, even if she doesn't want or accept, she expects it.

Good Luck,
