public speaking


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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ok my only real problem that i've noticed and picked up on from other's responses is, sometimes when i speak my words come out mumbled or muffled, almost as if i'm speaking through a glass door or something.

i dont know why this happens but i hate it because i'll constantly get people saying "what?" "i didnt hear you" etc

this is terrible especially in cases where i say a funny remark and repeating it kills the moment.

if i'm one on one with a person this isnt the issue but with a small crowd or more i feel like its such an effort to be heard. almost like if i speak too loud i'll sound like i'm at struggle with my words. any advice?

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
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My bed, your girl.
haha I have the same problem.. so I practice singing r&b in my spare time. and it actually works, cause you're really projecting your voice.
you don't have to have a golden voice to work on this, you just gotta learn how to boost your range of sound. practice being LOUD, yelling even, shouting hey to people... that kind of stuff.

when you speak too loud in a crowd, try speaking slower than usual because you'll have more chance to think and get the right tones down from what you're saying.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
I used to struggle with this problem

One thing that could be the cause is dehydration. Your voice will be very weak if your vocal cords are not lubricated enough. Could be flem too. Drink more water

It could also be occuring on a subconscious level. For example, you don't think what you have to say is worthy of attention, so it comes out inaudible

You shouldn't have to feel like you're yelling to be heard, because it'll be obvious that you're trying to be loud. If it feels like you have to yell, then you're simply using your voice incorrectly. Practice using your voice in private, try resonating from your head, throat, belly, see which comes out best. If using your voice correctly, you should be able to talk to someone across the length of your school's gym with minimal effort. Eventually it'll happen on a subconscious level. Search Google for some exercises

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
Bible_Belt said:
project with your stomach. talk from within your chest
how do you learn this feeling though?


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
this situation can also arise due to the fact tht ur mind n tounge r not co-ordinatin well with each othr.

sumtimes v jst wish to speak off somethin n get done with it!!! the tongue mumbles off some words in a hasty fashion while the mind has nothin new to offer... so u start focussin on what to speak next n loose the focus on wht n how u r speakin at tht very moment.

a solution to this can b in the form of speakin at a steady speed-accordin to ur own comfort level. so tht the chain of expressions n matter b/w the mind n the tongue doesn't get disrupted midway.
speak slowly n co ordinate the thoughts of the mind with ur tounge.. don't rush.. this way u can also keep a continuous check on ur colume n physical gestures... cuz the mind doesn't hav to worry abt what to say next!

hope it helps.

stay beautiful.