
Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Are there are PUAs on this site?

Uh can you explain to me why you feel the need to spend your time on a hobby of which is to study how to impress people who don't even like you in the first place?

Do you like walking around with people knowing you think you need to skills to get sex? I mean really.. Why would you need skills to get sex if your male and she's female?


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
^^^ good question! Something I wanna know as well.

It would be a total embarassment if your parents, friends find out you need to learn all these "skills" to get girls.

Learning how to pickup women is sad. Self improvement on the other hand...thats much more appealing than learning lines or acquiring attitudes that aren't even yours!

I would slap myself silly if I had to ask guys on an internet board how to act around my girlfriend.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
lol and that's why you actually have a girlfriend.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
There is millions of 'PUAs' who probably don't even have Inet access or any idea about the 'community'. They are just guys who like getting laid by different women. ALmost all publically known PUAs, claim that PU is just something they do, not what defines their lives, they claim to have many other interests.

Most men are boring and logical, very predictable. If a guy is unqiue in a positive way, many women will want to sleep with him. It's like a peacock that has a new, shinier feather. As more and more peacocks begin to have the feather, it's effectiveness is nuetralized.

What does this have to do with anything? A few days ago I used Mystery's ESP # routine, because I was bored. Someone in the audience knew where it came from. It still worked, but it sort of dimished it's effects... sort of like the feather becoming more common. OTOH, having architecture magazines and a digi cam of my exotic vacation with an HB9+ laying around isn't really something that's going to scream "LOok I'm a total tool and just read this on the freaking Internet to get laid".

A better example is hair styles, when a new hair style becomes popular it will attract women if you are wearing it. You are on the 'front-lines' of style. Over a year or so more and more guys will have that hairstlye until it's everywhere. It's sort of like an evolutionary advantage. It spreads until all members have it and it is now normal so something new must be created.

IN my mind there is no problem using techniques, but stealing and using exact routines is pretty lame these days as there is getting to be a very real chance chance the audience will have heard it before. Almost all PUAs I've heard speak say don't steal exact routines, just concepts. But nearly every wanna-be-PUA does steal exact routines and even entire stories, anyway.

As far as emabnressment, my validation comes from within these days. I really don't care what anyone thinks when my face is shoved in some 9's crotch. HA HA. To each his own, I am not embaressed to be a guy who gets laid a lot. It's not my main mission in life or anything these days, it's just part of the deal, I see it as a biological function kind of like having to take a dump. Are you embaressed that you take exlax when you need to poop? Then my be embaressed to try something new that might help you get laid?


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
my own personal definition of a PUA would be the following:

A guy who can easily strike up a convo with random girls and end up gettin their #, only to call them up later and end up ****in them at some point in the near future......i wouldnt think a PUA used JUST lines/tactics, i feel that a PUA could just approach a chick and pick her up by sayin hey, wats ur name, where u from, i think ur beautiful, gimme ur #


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
everywomanshero said:
There is millions of 'PUAs' who probably don't even have Inet access or any idea about the 'community'. They are just guys who like getting laid by different women.

Most men are boring and logical, very predictable. If a guy is unqiue in a positive way, many women will want to sleep with him. It's like a peacock that has a new, shinier feather. As more and more peacocks begin to have the feather, it's effectiveness is nuetralized.

What does this have to do with anything? A few days ago I used Mystery's ESP # routine, because I was bored. Someone in the audience knew where it came from. It still worked, but it sort of dimished it's effects... sort of like the feather becoming more common. OTOH, having architecture magazines and a digi cam of my exotic vacation with an HB9+ laying around isn't really something that's going to scream "LOok I'm a total tool and just read this on the freaking Internet to get laid".

IN my mind there is no problem using techniques, but stealing and using exact routines is pretty lame these days as there is getting to be a very real chance chance the audience will have heard it before.
Your missing the point.

Why did you feel the need to use the routine in the first place?

Do you hate yourself or something?


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
NO, LOL, what if a comedian told a really good joke. If I was in a conversation and the joke fit in, I might use it. I don't think that's a form of self-hate :)

See how you're being so serious right now? That's one thing women dispise in men is when we are so-serious and not fun to be around. I'd suggest taking a seriious look at where this stuff is coming from.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
Do you like walking around with people knowing you think you need to skills to get sex? I mean really.. Why would you need skills to get sex if your male and she's female?
Honestly? I don't care, because I can see everyone using similar stuff all around me. I believe everything goes as long as you're congruent with it. If you're not, using it shows lack of taste.

And for your real question:
Yes, it's all right to learn from the guys here. And no, you don't get a "he was not born an attractive baby" sticker with the advice package.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
For those new to forums and not familiar with what a troll thread looks like, this is a great example.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Its like playing a game, a regular guy will keep trying to play a game(Game a set) and he will keep trying and the levels are too hard so he keeps losing. Now PUA Routines is basically the cheat codes because now you don't have to make your own strategies. (Routines)

Yes Fuvking girls is a skill because some guys can get girls and some guys can't. Some guys don't even know how to fuvk a girl properly. Why do you think some guys are still here saying "Its a numbers game".

"Self Improvement", your basically here for the same damn reason and thats to fuvk girls stopped trying to make excuses by rewording it.

Another thing that is stupid is guys talking about routines just lines and sh!t. It is not just a line, every routine you see has a purpose. I don't go out just spitting words that I read off a internet.

PUAs only use the element behind the Routines
For example you see how you know C&F around here...Well say there was a routine, now the reason the person used that routine was because it conveyed C&F, same with negs. Now you can't even do that routine if you don't even know what C&F is for.

That is why alot of guys here say sh!t don't work
What is a neg supposed to be?
Whats behind the "Backturn"?
Why did you just play that game?

Why I learn PUA stuff

Reason is because I only waste my time at sites like this is because
- I want alot of girls
- I want to consistently get girls
- I want to get a better quality (A few strippers around here and alot of 9s)
- I want to have a crazy Lifestyle

DJ only told you a way of life it by know means teachs you how to consistently get girls to the point where I can go outside and Pull any girl I want. I don't want to leave getting girls to chance.

Look at RSD crew lifestyle (An for does who might want to try and comment about TD based on the book game, his game is super tight and is considered one of the best stated by both lovedrop and Mystery, and every RSD instructor still gets nuff respect in mASF,)
RSD crew when they go in the club its just playful, its like a fun vibe, when your a PUA the fun seems to come to you.

PUA Lifestyle
Who wouldn't want to have a Social circle, which every friend knows how to pull girls. (Whether learnt or not) Its more fun to be in clubs because your not little pusvies chilling by yourself and just trying to get your grind on when you can be pulling some chicks home. Its alot more fun making PUA challenges with your friends and just having a good time. Who wouldn't want to be going into clubs and you gaming one chick while your friend is gaming the other and then yall pull them home for the full close.

What are some stuff you can do as a group of PUAs... (Or natural friends)
1. Go on road trips
You are learning the skill to pull consistently so you know that if you go on vacations or "Road trips" that your going to most likely pull something, so you don't have to worry about ditching you friends to go fuvk a girl. How much fun would it be to go on vacation in the summer with a group of friends to just have fun and pick up girls. Maybe Drive from Florida to NY then maybe Drive to Chicago then fly down back to Florida before summer end.

2. You become the fun
A party isn't going to be hot unless your there because your the one who is getting it jumpping. I know most guys on here can't go to a house party where they know only 1 person and won't be able to be the fun, meaning when you leave the "FUN" is gone and the party isn't the same. Reason why PUAs end up getting like that is because there Gaming the guys, either making the guys happy or blowing them out of sets, there messing with all the ladies and meanwhile all the AFCs and scared guys are just chilling maybe playing madden in the bedroom with 5 other guys. This is why I don't understand how some people can complain that a party was a sausage fest when they didn't plan on talking to any girls in the first place

3. Stronger Bond
You become more than friends with wingmen, because with regular friends there not going to jump in a set with you so yall can prob have a orgy of you, ur friend and 3 girls. Even if your just hanging out in the house yall can just swap Sarging stories and just talk for days because You've had alot of experiences.

4. Girls
You basically can go when and where ever you want and get a girl so now your not as clingy to lose a girl, you even sometimes turn down sex and throw away numbers, because your standards are now higher


There is more to PUAs than just Routines, Routines isn't even the whole picture of a PUA it is basically the stepping stone for beginners because they can easily use it when they are stuck (Have nothing to stay) or if they need to DHV, or build trust or connection etc. (If you read most PUA FRs barely any Routines just basically generalization of what elements they used)

PUA is a hobby about laying girls, and how a women reacts to man, via elements. Its main goal is to teach you how to pull the any girl you want and how to successfully pull a girl. Look at how many PUAs have gamed celebrities, rich girls, and even girls who just spoil them.

On side note - I haven't read a routine in 3 or 4 months.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Guys I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being fun.

I'm saying fvcking girls isn't a skill.

They fvck the man behind the skills not the skills themselves.

The skills are all in your head.

Can't you take a serious look at where the stuff your saying is coming from?

Why do you think you need to change who are you are to please some random chick? I'd say that's a form of self-hate.

I'm not saying be a serious loser nobody wants to be around, I'm saying there are too ways to go about becoming a fun guy people like, one is to just let-go and not let your anxiety or society control you.. another is to study routines and work hard everyday because you don't think your good enough until eventually you start to fool drunk chicks.

One guy can walk around thinking he needs skills to impress somebody that does not have any type of skills in the first place (random hot chick) and another can say the girl really wanted to have sex with him. If the hot chick ever knew you were trying out routines and skills on her she wouldn't be impressed. She's just some random person why do you need skills to get her to like you? That's kind of a sad idea.

Of course some guys are losers but it's not the fact they don't have enough PUA skills that aint getting layed it's because their losers.
And there are many many guys who get sex way more then PUAs who have no idea what PUAs are. If PUA's skills actually were doing there job shouldn't the PUAs of the world be getting the most sex. Cuz they aint.

And last thing fun has nothing to do with actual sexual attraction, just if they want to hang around the guy after the sex.
I know a ton of fun guys that don't get sex because there ugly and have low social status. But their fun, and girls show all the interest signs, laughing, hitting him playfully, but never fvck the guy because he's an ugly and they see him for what he is, a fun guy.

When you were shy and everything you saw the fun guys getting layed because they got into situations to get laid, that never meant when you were shy no girls ever wanted to fvck you. I'm just saying if you think you should study hard so you'll be aloud to have sex with girls then I'd say that's self-hate.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
Reaction score

Even though I hate the word 'PickUp Artist' I have no knock against it. Some of the guys dont even use routines or anything of that sort. Why point fingers at the whole concept? The only thing Im really against is stealing or trying to steal guys girlfriends ala the infamous 'boyfriend destroyer' routines.

But I wouldnt knock the PUA community at all because not all about just getting sex. Take Juggler for example. He
teaches how to build social networks and just be sociable and outgoing. Ross Jeffries on the other hand is a
totally different story. But to start this thread on a Don Juan message board is absurd. Do you need
skills to play sports? Of course you do. Does everyone want 1 woman to live happily ever after with
till death does them in, hell no.

You might as well also say "hey alpha males do you feel the need to be so tough and macho and why?

"hey good looking rich guys do you feel the need to use your looks and money to attract women, why?"

"hey rock stars why do you feel you need to use your status to get laid?"

Whatever attracts, attracts. Does matter if its money, looks, fame, inner skills or routines.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
I'm on the board cuz this sh!t is interesting. I also want to find out like any other guy why some guys get layed and others aint.

I just came to the realization that PUAs study and work to impress random people who were equal to them in the first place.

Alphas who are alphas for women, yeah I'd say the same thing to them.

Alphas who are in jail or something they are like that to survive. Same goes with rock stars they are rock stars because they play music not to impress girl x or whatever.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
Reaction score
you have to understand many of these guys grew up married to their computer playing Command and Conquer while the jocks and cool guys were getting laid, and they were put in the friendzone, smacked in the head and laughed at by the jocks and alphas and felt sorry for by the hot popular babes. Some ended up as computer nerds turned vampires by becoming GOTH and hating everything clean, LOL sarcasm included and some decided they wanted more women in their lives and what perfect revenge than to learn to use what women have been using against them.

Okay not all fit that profiling but some do. And some are just cough- players who enjoy the company of women. I consider myself a player who just enjoys the company of women like my father was. I know alot of their stuff but its not my style. I find it interesting too and have studied the psychology behind alot of stuff for years.
I cant knock a man for what he gets a thrill out of. Someone asked me why do I risk my money at the poker table and I simple said because it gives me a rush.

Charlie Gordon

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
Bvbidd said:
The skills are all in your head.

Of course some guys are losers but it's not the fact they don't have enough PUA skills that aint getting layed it's because their losers.

I know a ton of fun guys that don't get sex because there ugly and have low social status.

When you were shy and everything you saw the fun guys getting layed because they got into situations to get laid, that never meant when you were shy no girls ever wanted to fvck you.
What defines a loser? Is it possible for a loser to become a winner? How can a loser become a winner? When he becomes a winner, will he get laid more often?

Can a fun but unfortunately ugly guy improve his physical appearance in a manner that is conducive to getting laid?

Can a fun guy of unfortunately low social status improve his social status in a manner that is conducive to getting laid?

Can a person who is shy find situations that are conducive to him getting laid despite his emotional barrier?

And what are these skills you allude to???

This is one of several forums where the answers to these questions are discussed.
Last edited:


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Soapz said:
I would slap myself silly if I had to ask guys on an internet board how to act around my girlfriend.
I wouldn't have a GF if I listened to the advice that is given here.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
I actually agree with you Bvbidd, I think it's sad that they have to use patterns/techniques/whatever to create attraction.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score

of course we are creating attraction at the begining, than we are using the techniques to get laid fast.... and it does work like a charm.. believe me..

"sex is not the answer, sex is the question, yes is the answer" unknown


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
When people who haven't spent a lot of time in the PU community, they tend to think routines, routines, routines. That's all they really think about at first. Routines are such a small percentage of what's out there. It really isn't the big deal. The belief system and attitudes pretty much determine one's success, good delivery can also help a lot. The material itself is almost a non-issue. I haven't tried picking up Hollywood actresses, so maybe at that level routines are more helpful. As far as picking up everyday 8s-9s, routines certainly aren't needed for that.

Entertaining groups is important when you have a LTR, because that's one thing women really want: for you to be able to swoon all her friends and everyone to think she has a great guy. The way to do that is to actually become a talkative, interesting guy.

Ross Jefferies is the only one I've ever heard claiming the actual content matters. He believes in silly stuff like black magic, so I can honestly say I won't be taking his advice too seriously. He tried 'planting suggestions' during a teleseminar, but it didn't work, I still think he's some kind of nut job :)

To each his own, but if you read Mystery's archieve you'll see he was able to think up great stuff on the spot. I think learning to duplicate the beliefs of successful seducers is a lot more important than trying to eat, sleep, poop, and use their words verbatim or live vicariously through their field reports.