PUAs come off as gay?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I was watching some video of MeHow operating in a club and it struck me that his mannerisms and the way he talks come across as kind of gay. I don't mean to disparage him at all because I'm sure he's pulling more than his share. But I recall hearing that Mystery was also sometimes called gay. And I heard Tyler Durden say that he was sometimes accused of being gay.

He said the reason for this was when you use all the "I am the Prize"/"Buy me a drink"/hard to get type of approach, you are actually using a feminine tactic and a feminine mindset. Because normally the girl plays that role. This interests me because you keep hearing about how being masculine will attract the feminine, yet there seems to be some femininity as part of the pickup community. It makes me wonder what a truly fully masculine approach would look like.

Come to think of it, that tradition of PUAs calling themselves by one name (Style, Sinn, etc.) is kind of a feminine thing as well (Cher, Madonna, Pink, Liberace). Not to mention wearing peacocking jewelry and such. Of course you often hear that girls love gay guys, so maybe that's just all part of it. Has anyone else noticed this?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
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Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
I agree, I see your logic. Mystery also dresses like a weirdo which could make girls think he's gay. But the one name thing is a little ridiculous. Guys give themselves one-word stage names/pimp names/whatever all the time. Prince? Akon? Situation from the jersey shore? Just to name a few.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Ya, many of the self-proclaimed PUAs act really feminine. Most women actually laugh at guys like that. They might still hookup with him in spite of it, but it's not an attractive thing. The advantage is women feel comfortable lol

I think of myself as being closer to Hugh Grant than Style. Not that I really have anything in common with H.Grant, but just that he comes across as not girly yet people feel comfortable with his persona. To me style and mehow come across as very gay. It could be that it's just who they are, and that's fine, what's strange is when other guys emulate the girliness, as if that were helpful.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Guys give themselves one-word stage names/pimp names/whatever all the time. Prince? Akon? Situation from the jersey shore? Just to name a few.
Well, you may have a point but to be fair Prince is kind of feminine. And Situation is actually "The Situation" and he seemed to consider himself a pickup artist of sorts. I've seen Akon before but I'm not that familiar with him.

The advantage is women feel comfortable lol
Good point. I always found it interesting the way Mystery defined the neg. He said it was supposed to "disqualify" himself as a potential suitor. Which means in part that the girl doesn't think he is hitting on her, so she feels comfortable with him, and he can slip in under the radar (and of course makes her wonder why he isn't hitting on her).


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
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were overanalyzing in this forum again!!!
you want a masculine approach, grab by the arm and take her


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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Pretty much the gay voice just makes the girls feel comfortable. Subconciously the girl can connect instantly. But i think it has to do with the personality and energy these guys like mehow and mystery convey to the women. Thier personality wouldnt work if conveyed in a deep voice. It might come off as awkward. So i just think its the personality and the high energy which makes the voice appropiate.

if you ever notice, gay guys are extremly energetic when they go out because they dont hide there sexuality they actually get excited to share there sexuality with all the other gay men witch makes them extremly confident and high status. So what if guys got excited to share there sexuality with women. Imagine a bunch of guys highly energized and ready to get some booty!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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So basically this fat lady at the grocery store who sounds and talks like a flirtacious sex chatline operator. I swear when she talks to me i feel like just letting her have her way with me! Her voice turns me on! Regardless of how fat and ugly her face is she still presses that attraction switch in me!! Its crazy..some girls got game!! I noticed the fat ladys nipples were hard a couple times which ment she was horny.

I always been able to speak my sexual tone of voice on the phone. My sexual tone of voice is a smooth deep sexual sound. And everytime i talk to girls with my sexy voice they get soo turned on!

You gotta speak to the girls sexuality.

Woww i think im on to something!

So have you ever heard a girls voice before she went completely femenin? Her voice sounded kinda boyish. But then she started being sexual and started wearing make up and wearing sexy cloths. And she changed her voice to make it sound sexxy.

Ok im done, maybe some of you might get what im trying to say here lol.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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The obvious reason is that they cover up a latent homosexuality by trying to appear straight by ****ing as many women as possible. In conclusion: All PuAs are gay :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Dandies have been attractive to women for millennia.

Come to think of it, that tradition of PUAs calling themselves by one name (Style, Sinn, etc.) is kind of a feminine thing as well (Cher, Madonna, Pink, Liberace).
That is a masculine tradition appropriated by modern female entertainers.

A more traditional way for female entertainers to call themselves would be to use two or more words. Check the names of cabaret / burlesque performers: Dita von Tease, Della Delicious, Sapphire Snow etc.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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Most of the PUA's you boys like are gay or at least bisexuals. It isn't real. It is acting in those videos. Gays love the spotlight and the camera. Just visit gay sites like dlist.com and you will understand what I am saying. Too many of you are emulating gay men. So, throw away the hair gel, get short haircuts, quit worrying about your abs, and don't wear silly hats.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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PUAs might look gay in the eye of other MEN. but at the end of the night they're the ones taking home the gold while the tought-acting guys go home to jerk off


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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BigJimbo said:
Just visit gay sites like dlist.com and you will understand what I am saying.
OK bigjimbo, you keep checking out gay sites, and I'll keep getting *****! :up:


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
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it depends on the person, if your using Mystery tricks, lines and format your probably likely to be in that category


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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People say a lot of pimps are gay. I can think of at least one semi-celebrity real life pimp who has some very homosexual type mannerisms.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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PappyS said:
People say a lot of pimps are gay. I can think of at least one semi-celebrity real life pimp who has some very homosexual type mannerisms.
Uh, those ARE flaming gays. Real pimps don't advertise what they do. Especially not in America where they will end up in prison for 20 plus years. TV and rap music are not real. Even if the black dude with the gold teeth tells you he pimps or pimped he is selling you a story.

As far as dlist.com goes. Those guys are prettier than the girls you see in America! Look at those abs. The perfect hair. The pics that show you that they have "lives". Wow, reminds me of PUA's.

Again, don't be gay. Don't be pretty. Reclaim your masculinity!


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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BigJimbo said:
Uh, those ARE flaming gays. Real pimps don't advertise what they do. Especially not in America where they will end up in prison for 20 plus years. TV and rap music are not real. Even if the black dude with the gold teeth tells you he pimps or pimped he is selling you a story.
Yes I know most of the rappers who claim to be pimps are fake. But the guy I'm thinking of is a real pimp by all the accounts I've read. I don't think he's seeing much money from his other gig.

When I say that people call pimps gay I'm not talking about TV or rap music "pimps". I'm talking about the real life ones. People say they're fags.

If a guy is a homosexual then it might be easier to coldly manipulate women since he's not thinking with his penis around them. Kind of like how some guys masturbate before going out on dates.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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]Maybe what's going on here is that the PUAs spend so much time with young hot women they start to pick up their mannerisms ("Hiiiiiiiiiiii, so good to seeee you!").

were overanalyzing in this forum again!!!
Dude, I'm not trying to suggest using this as a tactic. It's just a "did you ever notice?" type of thing.

if you ever notice, gay guys are extremly energetic when they go out because they dont hide there sexuality they actually get excited to share there sexuality with all the other gay men
If you think about it, just being very social is more of a woman's game. Women have always been known to be better at being social than men.
It's more characteristic of a guy to be quiet and low key, brooding over his beer with his cowboy hat pulled over his eyes and his pistol on his hip. But clearly the guys who are best with women are not afraid to be sexual.

Dandies have been attractive to women for millennia.
Good point. I had forgotten about dandies.

As far as dlist.com goes. Those guys are prettier than the girls you see in America! Look at those abs. The perfect hair. The pics that show you that they have "lives". Wow, reminds me of PUA's.
The whole fascination with muscles is another hallmark of the gay community, which you also see a lot of here. Really, any preoccupation with making yourself look more attractive is a feminine quality. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

If a guy is a homosexual then it might be easier to coldly manipulate women since he's not thinking with his penis around them. Kind of like how some guys masturbate before going out on dates.
Yeah, it's the sexual tension that messes the guys up - makes them freeze up, and act all AFC. I wouldn't suggest that PUAs are gay, although I have known some bisexual men who were killer with women.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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zekko said:
Really, any preoccupation with making yourself look more attractive is a feminine quality. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
This is an American cultural problem and not a valid judgement on masculinity - feminity.

Warriors of all kinds of cultures took seriously how they dressed up and even had long lasting traditions to show for that.

European elites, during the period when they were conquering the world, always dressed up and took good care of their appearance. You can easily look this up.

American men during the WW1-2 decades took great care of their appearance too. Check out the old photos and movies.

Calling this "vanity" or "feminity" is a phenomenon associated with modern Anglo-Saxon culture, which has been perverted for many reasons.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I thought of another feminine PUA trait. The whole palm reading, psychic reading stuff is used because women tend to like this sort of thing. But when a guy appears to be fascinated with it too, he can come across as feminine.

Warriors of all kinds of cultures took seriously how they dressed up and even had long lasting traditions to show for that.
I agree, soldiers keep their uniforms clean, their buckles polished, etc. as a form of discipline, unity, and even as a sign of their self sacrifice for the common good.

I don't think that's the same thing as getting dressed to attract girls at a club though, with a fashionable haircut, clothes, jewelry, and peacock items. Using your appearance to attract the opposite sex is more on the feminine side of the spectrum. There's nothing wrong with it though, all people are a mix of masculine and feminine qualities. Hopefully, at the end of the day a guy will have more on the masculine side.