PUA Really need advice Plz check it


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
ok heres the deal I met this HB8 at work we went out last friday and fooled around a bit she was totally into me cause I rule at foreplay... but then saterday we go out and get it on but she freaks me out so ****ing bad I totally lose my rythm so far we have had sex twice and I know it was bad which really bothers me cause I'm not a bad lay... but like we will be fooling around and she just goes crazy and starts REALLY biting me or she will just start CHOKING the **** outa me talk about a serious way to **** with a guys concentration so when we finally do get down to business I'm so freaked out I cant concentrate.... I duno what to do I mean we are suppose to go out tonight again and I duno if she is even intrested in sex anymore cause of how bad I performed but damn she keeps freaking me out really bad before we have sex so yeah... I end up sucking I guess I should prolly just drop the crazy ***** but I do like her I duno if I should just tell her I was bad cause she ****ing freaks me out or not .... Just wonding what ur guys take is.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
aah dude she sounds like a right head case..

my advice would be if she busts your balls about bein a crap lay then you give her abuse about her bein such a headcase in bed.....

maybe she thinks your the sh1t, you never know !!!


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
I just meditated on it, I come from a strong psychology background and after thinking about it objectively I realize My judgement was very clouded. She obviously has eather been raped or molested as a child from all I remember her saying doing and what her best friend told me she is extremely damaged goods, today she told me she hasnt taken eather of her 2 medications for over a week. Its for certain she has been sexually abused in an extreme way I mean we where just talking like normal fooling around and I asked her some private things about herself and she flipped got this totally insane look on her face and started choking me so hard my neckless snapped and cut into my neck. I didnt think about it before but she also said the first night she liked how I was really forcefull... and she was kinda play screaming no.. but also licking my neck and ****... it all kinda adds up from what I can tell of her serious serious serious therapy is needed for this girl. I'm not sure right now but I'd have to say I wont get physical with her again I talked to some friends who are somewhat specialized in rape therapy and they said I'm lucky to be alive with that level of psychosis (I described alot more about her than i will get into here) she easily could have done worse so I think I'll just try to keep my ass in one peace and advise her to seek professional help. Any other Idea's Comments or advice are still welcome

And Yeah... She does think I'm the **** but I definatly wasnt on my personal comfort level of sexual gratification


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
no more feedback needed my friend.. you know what to do..... i think you'll have to dodge a bullet on this one....


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah but I still cant get myself to just ditch her... its AFC of me but I seriously havnt met many women to match her I say HB8 cause there are no HB10's and I dont think I've ever met an HB9 here that I can remember lol (montana sucks dont come here trust me) just hard to pass on a really really really fine... ass :confused:


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Alright guys now I'm totally messed up

alright no bs, tonight we are out fooling around making out foreplay all that its going great right? She is talking about how she's never felt like this before blah blah... which I dont think she is lying we are very similar and I have some unique insights into her mental being that she really empathizes with... but like we are sooo close at one moment I'm talking like ... very very close not physicly but mentaly and emotionally then when we start having sex she freaks out.... I mean like she just goes from being totally into me to being totally insecure and completely uncomfertable she has told me she has at least 4 personalities and that she has a hard time controlling them. I dont know why I care I really have no problem sleeping with women... I can have any chick I want but the messed thing is this girl IS the one I want and we arnt talking oneitis BS like everyone talks about on this forum its a serious connection we have not just hobbies things we like to do but emotional and mental .... I'm not exactly the most stable guy alive eather so dont think I'm better than she is.... I duno I guess I shouldnt cry on this forum but I seriously dont know what to do we get along so great I dont know what the problem is... I just dont get it.... at all .... at.... all


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
You've been warned.

Don't get me wrong, crazy girls are a lot of fun, they jump right into bed and they'll f*ck you like nothing on earth. I've been there, been warned, and did it anyway. Once you've got a shot at getting laid I know there is nothing that will deterr you. Remember that she will only be interested in you as long as she feels you are disinterested. There is no way this relationship can end up without someone getting hurt. But you aren't in a listening mood, so go ahead but be CAREFUL.

Careful in terms of providing basic security. You don't want her to know where you work or live, because if this goes bad (it will) she might try to interfere/ruin your life. Also use condoms, because whatever you did to get her was not that special. She's been around I guarantee it.


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
yeah, she's warned me too that I will just get hurt and that she has issues I think i better get an std test I havnt been using condoms my head is so far up my ass I think I will need surgery to get it removed


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
does anyone know where I can find some of bishops poems? i searched on google but they are tryin to sell them.... lol
If anyone has them or knows where I can get them i'd appreciate it


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by superchristx
You've been warned.

Don't get me wrong, crazy girls are a lot of fun, they jump right into bed and they'll f*ck you like nothing on earth. I've been there, been warned, and did it anyway. Once you've got a shot at getting laid I know there is nothing that will deterr you. Remember that she will only be interested in you as long as she feels you are disinterested. There is no way this relationship can end up without someone getting hurt. But you aren't in a listening mood, so go ahead but be CAREFUL.

Careful in terms of providing basic security. You don't want her to know where you work or live, because if this goes bad (it will) she might try to interfere/ruin your life. Also use condoms, because whatever you did to get her was not that special. She's been around I guarantee it.

White Rabbit: Seriously listen to Super!!! I've been there and done that too and I couldn't agree with him more!! They are seriously fuvking crazy!!! You have a tremendous advantage because this chick is fukin' flat out telling you she's crazy and your being a dumb@ss and staying!!! Any girl who will fuvk you on a first or second date is usually not LTR material. I know you think you can help her, fix her and make her better. Guess what? You can't make anyone do anything!!! There's a great analogy that I'd like to use right now.

"A young boy once saw a snake on the ground and wanted to pick it up. But he was worried that the snake might bite him if he attempted to pick him up. So he asked the snake, "If I pick you up will you bite me??" The snake responded by saying "no." The boy said, "are you sure, because you are a snake and snake's bite things??" Again the snake responded by saying "no." With this reassurance, the boy pick up the snake and held him in the palm of his hand. The snake immediately bite him. The screamed and threw the snake down and said, "I thought you told me you wouldn't bite me??" The snake responded by saying, "well I'm a snake, that's what I do and you should have known not to pick me up."

I think you can figure out where I'm going with this. I know everything seems chill right now, but you will get severely hurt down the road by this girl. And don't say you weren't warned.

PIMP :down:


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
well I know this I mean we will prolly go out again tonight but I'm gona tell her I dont want any kind of relationship lol.... she is cool with that. Plus I know I sound needy but I let my emotions get the better of me plus I was drunk as hell and just had sex with her right before I posted this craap she isnt even the only girl on my plate... I'm going out with 2 other women so dont look down on me too much hehe. but yeah you guys are totally right she is a ****ing nutcase thats for damn sure. And she still lives with her ex boyfriend rofl. I dont care she said she will do whatever I want so I'll keep sleepin with her till i can find somone hotter... which is hard cause she is absolutly ****in stunning but I can do it fairly easily. a little anal and oral and ill stop teh physical stuff


Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
one minute you say there's no chicks in montana, next you have other chicks on the plates.

**** off hoser. Cut your penis off.

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
"don't ask don't tell"
"sweep it under the carpet"
"the past is the past, look towards the future"

Other people have tried and others have failed... it's kind of like beating a dead horse.

Say your mother died, and everyday your father called you up to remind you about it.... If this started when you were say 10 years old you would be pretty damned ****ed up! Switch it, and wonder if you just grew up without a mother for your whole life, and your father telling you she abandoned you, you would still be ****ed up!

I been through what you been through, always speculation on my aprt and experience, no quacker jack stuff yet. Seriously stay away from her, unless your willing to go the extra mile. You've got to fix her life, stay in it, and provide support. I found my girls some good friends who would take care of them... two amteur psychologists(the ones who take care of our futures, school counsellors) and a nice fat anti-AW.

You gotta know where some people belong, those girls that were abused... be evil, and manipulative, see beyopnd the NICE half of the world... and believe that they are special.

Now, why are you still talking to her?


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
cause I'm too nice lol, I feel bad for ppl like h er who got a crappy hand in life and since I'm an amateur hypnotherapist myself I feel like I should help her.... and I already said I really do like her... she's a great girl she just has problems. I am willing to go the extra mile.

I was joking i'm pretty sure there are women no matter where you go... well maybe not YOUR house but.....