Greetings to everyone, I just got reminded again about some information that I'd heard about but didn't take as seriously when I was in the U.S. and it has to do with the fact that apparently, when we take in protein shakes, eat a lot of protein bars, etc. it goes to our liver and that is said to be dangerous. In the U.S. I used to drink protein shakes with as much as 50 grams of protein. Recently at the gym I go to here in my home country, one of the trainers has started a business where he orders whey protein in containers from Canada. I just bought one today, one of the extreme muscle weight gainer whey protein things in powdery form. But the thought of the damage to one's liver in the long run continues to bother me. Could it mean therefore that when all is said and done, natural foods such as egg whites, Tuna, fish and chicken are the best bet than all these shakes and bars some of us keep taking on a frequent basis? How much whey protein consumption would be considered too much for those of us who work out? Would a glass of whey protein a day be too much and dangerous for the liver?