Thinking about what 'time' to take it is not really the only thing we should focus on.
Getting enough protein to support your muscle mass and add extra aminos if you want to add more muscle is.
So, yeah, timing is very important, but so is the adequate amount.
So find out what your lean mass body weight is.
Divide that by 5 or 6.
Get sufficient grams of protein per meal per day, whether it's 5 or 6 meals per day.
Its important to maintain body protein.
Otherwise, catabolism robs you of muscle tissue, and you end up pissing away all your muscle fiber.
So maintain your protein intake so that you can keep your muscle mass.
Now about timing...
bascialy, there's research that supports greater lean mass gains in three areas , and actually a fourth of protein consumption.
The first is preworkout.
The second is during your workout.
The third is after your workout
and the other two are before you go to sleep and first thing in the morning.
Theres plenty of scientific evidence that supports proteing consumption at these times which help bodybuilders maintain muscle mass with adequate protein consumption.
you have to remember , your metabolism never stops.
And protein synthesis can continue for several hours after a workout.
Most repairing and growth occur during sleep.
So think about how much protein youre getting, and also the different times of the day to consume it.