Prospective girl, need help


New Member
Jul 12, 2009
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Ok I made a previous topic about this, but I felt the need to start anew. I have come to like this shy girl in a class that I T.A. for, and asked for advice for approaching her. I took the advice of just going up to her and to start talking to her, and I think I got some good feedback from her. Now, I've only talked to her twice (and a week or two in between) but when we have talked she was smiling and looking at me, I made tons of eye contact, kept her talking, and she opened up about personal stuff (but said some things were a long story, and since we didnt have much time to talk I just left it alone). I know you all are saying to yourselves, "Two times to judge whether or not she's into you? You faggot, you probably haven't even asked for her number yet (I haven't)" I just wanted to take things slow and not come on too strong, but now time is running out as after winter break, I most likely see her again in high school. I need some advice bros!!! If it helps, I swear to God that I've caught her staring at me and all that. Thanks in advance!


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Take things slow and not come on too strong? Why the hell would you go with an approach like that when you know time is running out? This chick seems interested in you, so grow a pair of fvckin balls, and throw as much game as you've got at her. Dont go slow and steady; let her know that you definitely want her and you want to hang out with her. And you gotta get her number man c'mon its as simple as "hey I wanna hang out with you sometime...give me your number and we can set something up"


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Don't listen to that guy ^^. Don't worry about throwing game at her...Just be straight up with her and ask if she wants to do something this weekend. Girls see through all the fake game sh8t. Maybe start by asking her what she would like from you for Christmas. When she says 'I don't know' then tell her that you would like to take her out Friday night to pick something out. Do you have your driver's license? That would suck if you had to have your mom carry you to the store.:crackup: Sorry, I just spit Mountain Dew on the computer screen.

Do all you kids really need to be spoonfed from books and people on the internet about how to simply ask a girl out? What happened to just knowing how to talk to people?:rolleyes: Come on man. Get a set of nuts.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
YogurtSlinger said:
Don't listen to that guy ^^. Don't worry about throwing game at her...Just be straight up with her and ask if she wants to do something this weekend. Girls see through all the fake game sh8t. Maybe start by asking her what she would like from you for Christmas. When she says 'I don't know' then tell her that you would like to take her out Friday night to pick something out. Do you have your driver's license? That would suck if you had to have your mom carry you to the store.:crackup: Sorry, I just spit Mountain Dew on the computer screen.

Do all you kids really need to be spoonfed from books and people on the internet about how to simply ask a girl out? What happened to just knowing how to talk to people?:rolleyes: Come on man. Get a set of nuts.
Dont worry about throwing game at her? Maybe you dont get what I mean when i say that. Translation: FLIRT WITH HER AND HIT ON HER.

And maybe you still somehow dont get what I mean when I say "let her know that you definitely want her and you want to hang out with her". Translation: HANG OUT WITH HER/TELL HER YOU WANT TO HANG OUT.

And if you claim girls see through "all the fake game sh*t" then what the heck else does a guy have? Every time a guy talks to a girl hes interested in, hes working his "game" on her. Girl only see through fake crap if a guy says some really corny sh*t, like you've suggested above with that pathetic Christmas line.

And fyi, the reason why guys come onto these forums is because like MANY others, simply "just knowing how to talk to people" is ALOT easier said then done, along with "how to simply ask a girl out"

Follow my advice Dfresh and I can promise you will have a much better shot at getting with this girl.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
eaglez1177 said:
Dont worry about throwing game at her? Maybe you dont get what I mean when i say that. Translation: FLIRT WITH HER AND HIT ON HER.

Yeah, that's not the same thing at all...

And maybe you still somehow dont get what I mean when I say "let her know that you definitely want her and you want to hang out with her". Translation: HANG OUT WITH HER/TELL HER YOU WANT TO HANG OUT.

At least that piece of advice is good.

And if you claim girls see through "all the fake game sh*t" then what the heck else does a guy have? Apparently, if a guy is like you guys, nothing. Personality and genuine interest will beat 'game' every time. Every time a guy talks to a girl hes interested in, hes working his "game" on her. Or, he could just be trying to be nice. Don't you think that would be a breath of fresh air for girls that get hit on constantly and know they are thought of as sex objects? Try treating them like a lady for once. Girl only see through fake crap if a guy says some really corny sh*t, like you've suggested above with that pathetic Christmas line. Pathetic line? See, your thinking is totally flawed. You know why? Because it's not a line...It's the truth. That's the problem with you guys. You can't see that every interaction with the opposite sex isn't a time for game. Sometimes you just have to be REAL. That sh1t would work.

And fyi, the reason why guys come onto these forums is because like MANY others, simply "just knowing how to talk to people" is ALOT easier said then done, along with "how to simply ask a girl out" Yes, and it is much harder to talk to people when you aren't being yourself...

Follow my advice Dfresh and I can promise you will have a much better shot at getting with this girl. That may be true. Do you just want to bang her or do you want to have a relationship? If you want a relationship, I can almost guarantee that if you listen to me you could succeed. If you just want to get laid, I won't bother attempting to help.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Lol wow man

YogurtSlinger said:
Originally Posted by eaglez1177
Dont worry about throwing game at her? Maybe you dont get what I mean when i say that. Translation: FLIRT WITH HER AND HIT ON HER.

Yeah, that's not the same thing at all...Ok then enlighten us all and explain what you think I mean by "throwing game" at a girl. Lmao. Your "game" is pretty much anything you do to try to get with a girl, which a huge part of it includes with just flirtin with her, hitting on her (which include neg hits, c&f, kino, all that stuff).

And maybe you still somehow dont get what I mean when I say "let her know that you definitely want her and you want to hang out with her". Translation: HANG OUT WITH HER/TELL HER YOU WANT TO HANG OUT.

At least that piece of advice is good.

And if you claim girls see through "all the fake game sh*t" then what the heck else does a guy have? Apparently, if a guy is like you guys, nothing. Personality and genuine interest will beat 'game' every time.Personality and genuine interest? Lol, first off, there should be genuine interest every time you attempt to "game" a girl, or try to get with her, or flirt with her/hit on her. Otherwise you wouldnt be "gaming" that chick unless just for practice.

And just for the record, not everyone has a great natural personality that can beat "game" every time. Thats part of the reason why many come here for help; because they need to do some INNER change (personality) to help with the ladies. Not only that, but your personality is pretty much part of your "game" (which i explained above)
Every time a guy talks to a girl hes interested in, hes working his "game" on her. Or, he could just be trying to be nice. Don't you think that would be a breath of fresh air for girls that get hit on constantly and know they are thought of as sex objects? Try treating them like a lady for once."Try treating them like a lady and trying to be nice. Wow man. NICE GUYS ALWAYS FINISH LAST. Thats pretty basic stuff. You can go ahead and be the "nice" guy, and try to treat girls like ladys: buy them sh*t, compliment them all the time, put them on a pedestal. See how far that gets you. Girls only see through fake crap if a guy says some really corny sh*t, like you've suggested above with that pathetic Christmas line. Pathetic line? See, your thinking is totally flawed. You know why? Because it's not a line...It's the truth.Lol so since you claim its the "truth" that must mean that im wrong? Lol come on man you gotta at least have a stronger argument than that. That's the problem with you guys. You can't see that every interaction with the opposite sex isn't a time for game.Lol I never said that, nor did I ever imply that. Obviously not every intereaction with a girl is a time for game; thats just really, really basic knowledge and common sense. Sometimes you just have to be REAL. That sh1t would work.I explain this below. And simply just telling people on here to "be real" is such a broad and general piece of advice. People cant just all of a sudden "be real" in a few days. Its a longer process of inner change.

And fyi, the reason why guys come onto these forums is because like MANY others, simply "just knowing how to talk to people" is ALOT easier said then done, along with "how to simply ask a girl out" Yes, and it is much harder to talk to people when you aren't being yourself...Lol i really dont get why you all of a sudden think that everyone on here is "fake" and not "real". I never implied that, nor did I ever recommend putting on a type of cover or anything of the sort where a guy wasnt being himself. If a man truly wants to change, and not have to act like something different, it starts with changing your inner game.

Follow my advice Dfresh and I can promise you will have a much better shot at getting with this girl. That may be true. Do you just want to bang her or do you want to have a relationship? If you want a relationship, I can almost guarantee that if you listen to me you could succeed. ...Listen to you? Lol listen to what? The only advice you ever really gave him was totally general and broad; all you said was to pretty much "be real" (explained above).If you just want to get laid, I won't bother attempting to help.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Originally Posted by eaglez1177
Dont worry about throwing game at her? Maybe you dont get what I mean when i say that. Translation: FLIRT WITH HER AND HIT ON HER.

Yeah, that's not the same thing at all...Ok then enlighten us all and explain what you think I mean by "throwing game" at a girl. Lmao. Your "game" is pretty much anything you do to try to get with a girl, which a huge part of it includes with just flirtin with her, hitting on her (which include neg hits, c&f, kino, all that stuff).

And maybe you still somehow dont get what I mean when I say "let her know that you definitely want her and you want to hang out with her". Translation: HANG OUT WITH HER/TELL HER YOU WANT TO HANG OUT.

At least that piece of advice is good.

And if you claim girls see through "all the fake game sh*t" then what the heck else does a guy have? Apparently, if a guy is like you guys, nothing. Personality and genuine interest will beat 'game' every time.Personality and genuine interest? Lol, first off, there should be genuine interest every time you attempt to "game" a girl, or try to get with her, or flirt with her/hit on her. Otherwise you wouldnt be "gaming" that chick unless just for practice.

Genuine interest is not what I see on here daily. What I see on here is guys just wanting to get laid. That is not genuine interest, that's just hormones and guys that are tired of launching their lap rocket by themselves.

And just for the record, not everyone has a great natural personality that can beat "game" every time. Thats part of the reason why many come here for help; because they need to do some INNER change (personality) to help with the ladies. Not only that, but your personality is pretty much part of your "game" (which i explained above) Every time a guy talks to a girl hes interested in, hes working his "game" on her. *sigh* This is so frustrating. That's half the problem with you guys. You view EVERYTHING that happens as 'game' or an opportunity to game a girl. That is a great way to get labeled as a d bag. You guys don't seem to care about girl's feelings at all. All you want to do is screw. Do you want to be the guy that everyone views as a man wh0re, or do you want to get yours and everyone still thinks you are a decent guy? Or, he could just be trying to be nice. Don't you think that would be a breath of fresh air for girls that get hit on constantly and know they are thought of as sex objects? Try treating them like a lady for once."Try treating them like a lady and trying to be nice. Wow man. NICE GUYS ALWAYS FINISH LAST. Thats pretty basic stuff. You can go ahead and be the "nice" guy, and try to treat girls like ladys: buy them sh*t, compliment them all the time, put them on a pedestal. See how far that gets you. Wow man. I have seen how far it has gotten me. Perhaps you should try it sometime. Girls only see through fake crap if a guy says some really corny sh*t, like you've suggested above with that pathetic Christmas line. Pathetic line? See, your thinking is totally flawed. You know why? Because it's not a line...It's the truth.Lol so since you claim its the "truth" that must mean that im wrong? Lol come on man you gotta at least have a stronger argument than that. A stronger argument than what? Saying what I said and meaning it is what I meant as 'the truth'. Not just saying it to get her alone, but saying it because you would truly like to buy her something nice as a token of your affection. That's the problem with you guys. You can't see that every interaction with the opposite sex isn't a time for game.Lol I never said that, nor did I ever imply that. Almost every thread and post on here implies that. Maybe not you, but these other tools. Obviously not every intereaction with a girl is a time for game; thats just really, really basic knowledge and common sense. Sometimes you just have to be REAL. That sh1t would work.I explain this below. And simply just telling people on here to "be real" is such a broad and general piece of advice. People cant just all of a sudden "be real" in a few days. Its a longer process of inner change. Yeah, so lets be fake until we get a girl and then she finds out who we really are. Maybe we should just take your advice and then end up feeling like this guy.

And fyi, the reason why guys come onto these forums is because like MANY others, simply "just knowing how to talk to people" is ALOT easier said then done, along with "how to simply ask a girl out" Yes, and it is much harder to talk to people when you aren't being yourself...Lol i really dont get why you all of a sudden think that everyone on here is "fake" and not "real". I never implied that, nor did I ever recommend putting on a type of cover or anything of the sort where a guy wasnt being himself. Putting on a cover is what this whole 'game' concept is about. If a man truly wants to change, and not have to act like something different, it starts with changing your inner game.

Follow my advice Dfresh and I can promise you will have a much better shot at getting with this girl. That may be true. Do you just want to bang her or do you want to have a relationship? If you want a relationship, I can almost guarantee that if you listen to me you could succeed. ...Listen to you? Lol listen to what? The only advice you ever really gave him was totally general and broad; all you said was to pretty much "be real" (explained above).If you just want to get laid, I won't bother attempting to help.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Lol I could go on for all day with you man

YogurtSlinger said:
Originally Posted by eaglez1177
Dont worry about throwing game at her? Maybe you dont get what I mean when i say that. Translation: FLIRT WITH HER AND HIT ON HER.

Yeah, that's not the same thing at all...Ok then enlighten us all and explain what you think I mean by "throwing game" at a girl. Lmao. Your "game" is pretty much anything you do to try to get with a girl, which a huge part of it includes with just flirtin with her, hitting on her (which include neg hits, c&f, kino, all that stuff).

And maybe you still somehow dont get what I mean when I say "let her know that you definitely want her and you want to hang out with her". Translation: HANG OUT WITH HER/TELL HER YOU WANT TO HANG OUT.

At least that piece of advice is good.

And if you claim girls see through "all the fake game sh*t" then what the heck else does a guy have? Apparently, if a guy is like you guys, nothing. Personality and genuine interest will beat 'game' every time.Personality and genuine interest? Lol, first off, there should be genuine interest every time you attempt to "game" a girl, or try to get with her, or flirt with her/hit on her. Otherwise you wouldnt be "gaming" that chick unless just for practice.

Genuine interest is not what I see on here daily.Then why the fvck do you claim that it will beat "game" every time? What I see on here is guys just wanting to get laid. That is not genuine interest, that's just hormones and guys that are tired of launching their lap rocket by themselves.You were the fool who brought up genuine interest in the first place

And just for the record, not everyone has a great natural personality that can beat "game" every time. Thats part of the reason why many come here for help; because they need to do some INNER change (personality) to help with the ladies. Not only that, but your personality is pretty much part of your "game" (which i explained above) Every time a guy talks to a girl hes interested in, hes working his "game" on her. *sigh* This is so frustrating. That's half the problem with you guys. You view EVERYTHING that happens as 'game' or an opportunity to game a girl.Wow. I ALREADY FVCKIN ADDRESSED THIS. Can you not read or something?

"That's the problem with you guys. You can't see that every interaction with the opposite sex isn't a time for game.<=thats what you said

thats what I replied with in red immediately after=>Lol I never said that, nor did I ever imply that. Obviously not every intereaction with a girl is a time for game; thats just really, really basic knowledge and common sense.

That is a great way to get labeled as a d bag. You guys don't seem to care about girl's feelings at all.Now your just making ridiculous generalizations, which are only true for some people, not for everyone (which you imply) All you want to do is screw.Didnt you just say above "what I see on here is guys just wanting to get laid"? Do you want to be the guy that everyone views as a man wh0re, or do you want to get yours and everyone still thinks you are a decent guy?Unlike you, I DONT CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK OF ME.
Or, he could just be trying to be nice. Don't you think that would be a breath of fresh air for girls that get hit on constantly and know they are thought of as sex objects? Try treating them like a lady for once."Try treating them like a lady and trying to be nice. Wow man. NICE GUYS ALWAYS FINISH LAST. Thats pretty basic stuff. You can go ahead and be the "nice" guy, and try to treat girls like ladys: buy them sh*t, compliment them all the time, put them on a pedestal. See how far that gets you. Wow man. I have seen how far it has gotten me. Perhaps you should try it sometime.Just because something has worked for you does not mean it will work for everyone else. Ask ANYONE on these forums, and they will always tell you that nice guys finish last and treating girls the way I have described above will not work. Maybe its only worked for you so far because the girl is just fvcking using you and making you her tool, to which she will eventually get rid of you because you mean nothing to her except to boost her ego and indulge her in gifts and praise Girls only see through fake crap if a guy says some really corny sh*t, like you've suggested above with that pathetic Christmas line. Pathetic line? See, your thinking is totally flawed. You know why? Because it's not a line...It's the truth.Lol so since you claim its the "truth" that must mean that im wrong? Lol come on man you gotta at least have a stronger argument than that. A stronger argument than what? Saying what I said and meaning it is what I meant as 'the truth'. Not just saying it to get her alone, but saying it because you would truly like to buy her something nice as a token of your affection.That's the problem with you guys. You can't see that every interaction with the opposite sex isn't a time for game.Lol I never said that, nor did I ever imply that. Almost every thread and post on here implies that. Maybe not you, but these other tools.This is a dating forum; of course your going to find sh*t on here that involves game every time you interact with the opposite sex. Wtf did you expect? People posting about how they got into a friendly conversation with their co-worker today?Unless it involves trying to get with or game that co-worker, it doesnt happen. Obviously not every intereaction with a girl is a time for game; thats just really, really basic knowledge and common sense. Sometimes you just have to be REAL. That sh1t would work.I explain this below. And simply just telling people on here to "be real" is such a broad and general piece of advice. People cant just all of a sudden "be real" in a few days. Its a longer process of inner change. Yeah, so lets be fake until we get a girl and then she finds out who we really are. Maybe we should just take your advice and then end up feeling like this guy.
Lol that thread is about a guy who was completely wasted at a few parties. You cant use him as an example if he was completely drunk.

And fyi, the reason why guys come onto these forums is because like MANY others, simply "just knowing how to talk to people" is ALOT easier said then done, along with "how to simply ask a girl out" Yes, and it is much harder to talk to people when you aren't being yourself...Lol i really dont get why you all of a sudden think that everyone on here is "fake" and not "real". I never implied that, nor did I ever recommend putting on a type of cover or anything of the sort where a guy wasnt being himself. Putting on a cover is what this whole 'game' concept is about.Wow man. You really dont know what your talking about. I could go on for soooo long about this one, but I simply dont feel like spending the time. This whole game concept is about improving yourself internally and externally, and just self improvent as a whole. People who put on covers may succeed at first, but ultimately in the long run, if your putting on a cover, you will still be the same, unsatisfied person you are underneath, and will not be TRULY happy until your change yourself on the inside. If a man truly wants to change, and not have to act like something different, it starts with changing your inner game.

Follow my advice Dfresh and I can promise you will have a much better shot at getting with this girl. That may be true. Do you just want to bang her or do you want to have a relationship? If you want a relationship, I can almost guarantee that if you listen to me you could succeed. ...Listen to you? Lol listen to what? The only advice you ever really gave him was totally general and broad; all you said was to pretty much "be real" (explained above).If you just want to get laid, I won't bother attempting to help.


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
yogurt, you're acting like an egocentric d1ck around here while giving your 'advice'...which clearly goes against the BASICS of the bible. if guys think game is some kind of "cover", they are gravely mistaken. c&f, neg hits, all that jazz just make a guy seem insecure if they are faking it (and it IS obvious if they are).

eaglez's advice has UNDOUBTEDLY helped me. every single day, i've learned more and more and grown on the inside.

i came to this site trying to "learn how to get girls". the bible taught me that not "knowing how to get girls" or "not being good looking and fashionable" were FAR from my problem. what i needed to do was change MYSELF. i've been on this site a couple months now and i'm absolutely positive that the most significant changes that have already occured have NOTHING to do with girls.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Okay, I am about done with this, so I will try to summarize my POV one more time. Pay attention.

1. Girls deserve respect. You guys call that 'putting them on a pedestal'. That is incorrect. The majority of posters on here talk about wanting to hook up with girls and that is all they care about. You will find more satisfaction with one or two girls that you have treated well (and received the same in return) than 35 that you used for a quick lay.

That is where genuine interest comes into play. Many posts on here revolve around using girls for 'practice gaming' or simply to get a nut. If you are not genuinely interested in having a relationship with a girl, then you are way off base from the get go.

2. I could bring up examples from other threads about guys on here thinking that every opportunity is a time for game. If you disagree, I can find them for you. Sometimes, you shouldn't just be trying to get with a girl, maybe you should just be nice and smile at them without meaning anything by it. This overanalyzation is ridiculous.

3. If you truly think that most guys on here care about the girl's feelings, then you need to read closer. Many of them talk about things that they know for a fact will hurt a girl and they don't care because 'they got theirs'.

4. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. If I did, I wouldn't talk sh1t as much as I do so I could make 'friends'.

5. You can discount my way all you want, but it works. I do not deny that your method works, but you can't recognize that it isn't the only way. If you did, you would quit telling me that I was wrong and nice guys finish last. I can attest to the fact that it is not true. If you don't think it will work, don't do it my way. I choose not to use your method, but it certainly doesn't mean that I don't know what I am doing.

If I continue to bother you, there is a thing called an ignore list.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Im done arguing with you, because you're simply just not mature enough dont get what im saying. Have fun with your "method"



Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
"1. Girls deserve respect. You guys call that 'putting them on a pedestal'. That is incorrect. "

Yes they do deserve respect, but no we don't call that putting them on a pedestal. We call putting them on a pedestal when a guy becomes her *****.

"The majority of posters on here talk about wanting to hook up with girls and that is all they care about. You will find more satisfaction with one or two girls that you have treated well (and received the same in return) than 35 that you used for a quick lay."

Who gives a **** if a guy wants a quick lay, the girl wants it too. One can find satisfaction anyway he wants, the quality and quantity of the satisfaction are merely subjective.

"That is where genuine interest comes into play. Many posts on here revolve around using girls for 'practice gaming' or simply to get a nut. If you are not genuinely interested in having a relationship with a girl, then you are way off base from the get go."

bull****, how many girls want serious relationships..the girls who have 1+ year long relationships usually break up soon after and go to the next guy. This is ****ing high school. Once again, if a girl wants a relationship, she'll demand it before giving the lay. If a girl gives the lay assuming she'll get a relatinoship, she should be thankful she learned her lesson before college, before entering the real world where she would probably get pregnant AND have the guy leave.

"2. I could bring up examples from other threads about guys on here thinking that every opportunity is a time for game. If you disagree, I can find them for you. Sometimes, you shouldn't just be trying to get with a girl, maybe you should just be nice and smile at them without meaning anything by it. This overanalyzation is ridiculous."

The point? I smile at girls i'm not interested in all the time. Analyzation is for afc's.

"3. If you truly think that most guys on here care about the girl's feelings, then you need to read closer. Many of them talk about things that they know for a fact will hurt a girl and they don't care because 'they got theirs'."

That's why we dont give advice to those ***** ass ****ers. But if a guy wants a lay, and the girl wants it too, who are we to hinder him.

"4. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. If I did, I wouldn't talk sh1t as much as I do so I could make 'friends'."


"5. You can discount my way all you want, but it works. I do not deny that your method works, but you can't recognize that it isn't the only way. If you did, you would quit telling me that I was wrong and nice guys finish last. I can attest to the fact that it is not true. If you don't think it will work, don't do it my way. I choose not to use your method, but it certainly doesn't mean that I don't know what I am doing."



Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
lmfao. i feel like yogurt isnt in highschool anymore. His views are that of a man in his 30's or a dad even. And frankly, i dont understand why someone would join this forum just to go against the accepted ideas that we've set up here. And also one of the best contributers to this forum *erhm eaglez1177 erhm*. No offense.

And Dfresh. Go for her. Try and talk to her more. making eye contact and not doing anything will eventually cause her to lose interest, which sucks. Its happened to me before. haha.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score

YogurtSlinger said:
Okay, I am about done with this, so I will try to summarize my POV one more time. Pay attention.
how about you pay attention to eaglez f3cking posts?
1. Girls deserve respect. [B]I agree[/B] You guys call that 'putting them on a pedestal'. No, again you dont understand sh1t. Putting a girl on a pedestal involves becoming her b1tch and thus acting like an AFC at her beck and call. That is incorrect. The majority of posters on here talk about wanting to hook up with girls and that is all they care about. You will find more satisfaction with one or two girls that you have treated well (and received the same in return) than 35 that you used for a quick lay. That's a very general statement which is for each person to decide. I have friends who hate LTR'S, and some who don't I also know many girls that despise LTR'S and find more satisfaction from ONS's (One Night Stands). So if that's your personal decision than good for you.

That is where genuine interest comes into play. Many posts on here revolve around using girls for 'practice gaming' or simply to get a nut. If you are not genuinely interested in having a relationship with a girl, then you are way off base from the get go. Sure the posts revolve around that, but if you read any of them, the more experienced posters will come and set everyone straight. Look up "Igetit!". And again your opinion, but "gaming" is just fcking socializing and talking to someone to increase your confidence and social skills IS FINE. So don't post about sh1t you don't understand about this site.

2. I could bring up examples from other threads about guys on here thinking that every opportunity is a time for game. If you disagree, I can find them for you. Sometimes, you shouldn't just be trying to get with a girl, maybe you should just be nice and smile at them without meaning anything by it. This overanalyzation is ridiculous. You've completely lost me, so your saying that a guy trying to speak to a girl is over analyzing? Please explain. I'll go by what I assume your talking about, and that is that guys are acting h0rny and they should just sit back and relax rather than trying to "get with a girl." Again, I see NO problem with socializing and trying to find out if a girl is interested in you. Your passive method will only lead to wondering about that "one girl you saw in the restaurant earlier, and if she liked you." That my friend is actual overanalyzation.

3. If you truly think that most guys on here care about the girl's feelings, then you need to read closer. Many of them talk about things that they know for a fact will hurt a girl and they don't care because 'they got theirs'.

4. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. If I did, I wouldn't talk sh1t as much as I do so I could make 'friends'.


5. You can discount my way all you want, but it works. I'm not really sure what your way is, but if it's respecting women than I'm all for it. I do not deny that your method works, but you can't recognize that it isn't the only way. Your the one who originally said that eaglez was full of ****, so if anyone isnt "recognizing that it isn't the only way" then ITS YOU. If you did, you would quit telling me that I was wrong and nice guys finish last. Yeah your right, it should be phrased "Nice guys with NO SELF RESPECT finish last" and that is the F3UCKING TRUTH. I can attest to the fact that it is not true. I can attest that it is true, and to the hundreds of post on this site about girls f3cking with guys, and gf's treating their "nice" bf's like sh1t. If you don't think it will work, don't do it my way. I choose not to use your method, but it certainly doesn't mean that I don't know what I am doing.

If I continue to bother you, there is a thing called an ignore list.
I think you should just shut up because your posts are not consistent at all. You also don't know the purpose of this site which is SELF IMPROVEMENT. Yeah sure people come here posting about girls but they always get the same reply and that is to improve THEMSELF first. Look that up.

Also check out "Igetit!", you could really learn alot.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
You guys have the same reading comprehension and maturity level of what I left in the toilet this morning. I am sorry that you cannot understand the message that I am trying to convey to you. I understand completely what you guys are getting at, I just disagree. What is so difficult to understand about that? Associating with people that have opposing view points is a great way to help develop yourself. It seems that those of you that are telling me to shut up or that I don't belong here may be afraid of learning something different. Your way isn't the only way. My way isn't the only way. Why can't we agree on that? I have stated it numerous times already.

I am sure that you guys will find a way to misconstrue what I have said here as well.:rolleyes: You are really good at that.


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Yo guys yogurt's gotten too much attention already. I am now officially unable to view his posts.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score

It really shows your maturity level when someone attempts to make peace with you and you are unable to at least do that. I have tried to do that or at least agree to disagree and I have been shot down each time. Like I said before, associating with people that have alternate viewpoints is a great way to develop yourself. You gain no knowledge from people who just high five you and pat you on the back no matter what you do. Guess what folks, that ain't the real world.

You guys suck.