Proof that it is "all in your mind" AND you can do or say ANYTHING


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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About a month ago I stopped seeing this girl who I was really into. It's a good thing she is out of my existence, but she still runs through my mind a lot and I've had a hard time adapting to the fact she is out of my life. However, good insight has come from this situation--things that I don't think I could have realized without this particular experience. I've learned some things by accident and only now realize what I should have been doing all these things all along. I'd like to share my experiences:

I've been seeing this new girl lately. Her name is Karen (I met her during my last "relationship" with the girl I recently broke up with) and we've dated on and off. She lives in a different city (about an hour from me) so I only see her (at most) once a week.
My entire experience with this new girl Karen has been odd. Because I was so into my past girlfriend, I've only dealt with Karen in a half-a*** way. I literally have had next to ZERO emotional involvement with this girl. I'm not sure why I've felt so little feelings for this new girl--she's good-looking, intelligent, we have a lot of similarities, she’s really nice and she REALLY likes me... I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH ME-- I SHOULD BE INTO THIS GIRL (and maybe at another point in my life I would be) BUT RIGHT NOW I FEEL NOTHING FOR THIS GIRL.
Keep in mind, this is the kind of girl who NEVER pays for drinks when she goes out to bars because "guys do that" for her (she told me all this one night) and she used to model when she was younger. The point is that this girl is not used to being treated HOW I TREAT HER. HOW have I been treating her? Let me explain.

Since my mind has been on this past girlfriend, and I've had ZERO desire or feelings for this new girl KAREN, I've literally done nothing "Don Juan" in regards to this girl. I simply "hang out" with her and don't try to do anything to make her like me more. My attitude has literally been "I could care less if I ever see or hang out with you again.” Of course, I'm not mean to her or tell her that I feel this way, but this is where my MIND has been coming from. This is the kind of girl who 3 years ago would have made me nervous just hanging out with her because she is "so hot" (I used to be such a P****!!!). At this point in my life I have a very calm, relaxed, carefree attitude towards her and SHE COMES TO ME.
In the past I have gone a few weeks without seeing this girl and the moment I see her she jumps on top of me and starts sticking her tounge down my throat. She also has started asking me “relationship” type questions (she wants me to be her boyfriend and it’s obvious).
Karen had bought ME dinner before and if she isn't paying we are splitting the bill. She has driven from her town over twice as many times to see me as I've driven from my town to see her. I'm ****y and funny all the time with her (and she's really good with the ****y funny stuff to) and I've really pushed things sometimes. I've made fun of her numerous times right to her face, calling her stupid and making fun of the way she talks or walks or mocking what she is talking about. WHY? BECAUSE I care so little about whether or not this girl likes me, I honestly and sincerly really don't care what I say or do with this girl--I have used this girl as an experiment to see how far I can go. I just grabbed her a** randomly to see what she would do–and I don’t think this is the kind of girl who would usually “tolerate” this stuff. I even just walked into her apartment and led her to her bed and asked if she likes to be naked on a regular basis when she’s not in public. She was into it.
I was hanging out with her one night and we were bowling and I was grabbing her and we kissed occasionally, but I was still super distant--just kind of leaning back and feeling like I didn't want to hang out. I say I want to go home (she seems to be have a REALLY GOOD TIME) and when I get back to my house she ASKS if she can come in (when I had said I just wanted to go home and go out with some of my friends, implying that I didn’t want her to come). She practically jumps on top of me when we get inside to my bed and she gets on top of me and starts grinding. I didn't feel like f******, but she really wanted to and was getting all hot and bothered (she turned bright red, I SWEAR). I just really didn't feel like screwing this girl--my head was somewhere else. I knew at the time this was a "BAD" Un-Don Juan move on my part because I had the opportunity for sex, but didn't give it to her. OH WELL. I honestly didn't care.
After this, the girl starts calling me more!
I stopped calling this girl back just because I didn’t feel like it.
She leaves messages and I still don’t call back.
I didn’t see this girl for a few weeks, no contact at all, and I finally called her yesterday, telling her she should come and see me this weekend. I don’t mention the fact I haven’t called her back for weeks and she doesn’t mention the fact either. She knows she is a booty call. She sounds a little shocked that I actually called her back. She says she has plans this weekend and can’t hang out, sounding a little like she is just saying this to piss me off. I say it’s cool and tell her to have a good weekend–I say it like could care less. Still, I HONESTLY AND REALLY don’t care. The ONLY reason I called is because of the easy possibility of getting laid. PLEASE REMEMBER I am not trying to be a “don juan” or follow some set way of acting that I think will “get me the girl.” I just honestly didn’t care.
WELL, Karen just called me back tonight and said she IS going to drive down to see me this weekend. I tell her to give me a call when she gets into town and I let her go.
So, what’s the moral of this story:
If I could act this way around EVERY HOT GIRL I EVER MEET, I would see the ultimate success I want with women. I swear, this stuff is real. (It’s tough to do and hard when you actually like a girl or ARE intimidated by her beauty, but I believe it can be done). The only thing that is different is what is going on in my head (because I’m having trouble dealing with this break-up with my last girlfriend). I can literally say or do ANYTHING around Karen–I’ve done some stupid AFC stuff with this girl, but it hasn’t mattered. My attitude of “I don’t give a s***” is so strong with her and is so powerful, that nothing else matters. I really act like I don’t care at all and now I’ve got this hot, cool chick who is used to being slobered over and treated like royalty by men, eating out of the palm of my hand. The only problem is that I’m NOT into HER. Isn’t life ironic?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
Reaction score
Isn?t life ironic?

Very. I realize how mush that "I don't give a **** attitude works". It's awesome. But it's very hard to think like that when you have feelings for someone or your mind is telling you that you want some p*ssy :D.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Isn’t life ironic? more moronic if anything!:D acting indifferent towards her didn't make her like you more. She is attreacted to you no matter how you act. I bet you could have acted AFC and she would still love you! When your not nervous with women,your personality and character shows thru and it's easier to attract women who are compatible with you. But you are not gonna score with HB 10 just because you act indifferent. "I don't give a fukk attitude" doesnt work with women who are not attracted to you in the first place!
What I was trying to say....seduction theories are such a bullsh1t!


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
THANKS for sharing your experiences..
i completely absorbed your whole story..
it was excellent and very well written

good luck with the booty ... ;)

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
Originally posted by Viking25
Isn’t life ironic? more moronic if anything!:D acting indifferent towards her didn't make her like you more. She is attreacted to you no matter how you act. I bet you could have acted AFC and she would still love you! When your not nervous with women,your personality and character shows thru and it's easier to attract women who are compatible with you. But you are not gonna score with HB 10 just because you act indifferent. "I don't give a fukk attitude" doesnt work with women who are not attracted to you in the first place!
What I was trying to say....seduction theories are such a bullsh1t!
I think it's a mixture. Yes, a woman does have to have some initial attraction for you, but it's easy to blow that initial attraction by coming across as too AFC/needy. The person who cares least, has the most power in a relationship, because if she likes you, that's cool, and if she doesn't, that's cool too, there's always someone else to go after. This attitude seems to notch up womens' IL to an insane degree .