There's a girl in one of my classes who I only met this year. My teacher mentioned prom tickets for sale, and cause I sit near this girl, I asked out of what I meant as curiousity if she was going to prom. I was pretty sure she had a bf but I wasn't sure so I figured this would get me my answer. She apparently interpreted it as asking her to prom and the situation became sort of awkward. Still I didn't really think to much of it. Then my friend says to me today, yo u asked sosandso to prom? It caught me off gaurd cause that was never my intention. However the more I thought about it the more I see how she could have interpreted it that way. Anyway I figured I would just say something like 'So I I hear I asked you to prom . I know this may be devastating, but I was just curious. all while essentially grinning.' Toss me your two cents fellaz.