Gammergq said:
I always feel that I am not ready to approach and that I have to learn somwthing more what should I do to combat this problem?
couple things to remember when you start feeling like this..
1. we ALL felt like that at some point or atleast most of us
2. there is ALWAYS something more to learn and get better in your game
3. the most IMPORTANT THING to remember is you ONLY get better with practice. dont put so much pressure on yourself. look at it as a numbers game. the more ppl you approach and the more ppl that turn you DOWN, the closer you are to accomplishing whatever it is you want to get out of the approach.
for me, i would ENJOY the no's sometimes. it gave me practice, something for me to get better at.
have fun, dont THINK, and just do it.
and by all means... DONT TAKE IT PERSONAL