problems ...


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
My 8months first gf left me.
We started arguing 3 months ago, she told that she doesn't love me like she did before. She started hanging out more with her friends and going to parties. She also suggested an open relationship. We just arged since then and the she dumped me. She says she dumped me because we argued too much.
She said it sound horrible to be with me because she is too young... Then why was she with me in the first place. And she knew im not a type of guy to just accept it all. She also want's to be my friend. But that's hard for me because I still love her.
She just ****ed up half of my year and my plans for the summer with her. Im just gonna eat myself. And afterall of this she said I never even loved her that much as she loved me. I mean wtf.
Over the weekend we go out and do stuff we did before. first we argue and then go to my place.... Idk whats up with her. I want her back, I dont care what she did and what I did, Im not happy without her. She left me 3 weeks ago and im going insane...



Don Juan
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Mauser96 said:
The Relationship is over.

Do NOT be friends - no benefit in that for you. You can say "Hi" when you see her, that's it. Don't respond to texts, phone calls, etc.

She did NOT want you. Remember that.

Every time she texts - remember, nope you didn't want me, and delete without responding.

She calls - nope you didn't want me, ignore.

After all, if she didn't want to date you, why keep contacting you, peeling the scab off, keeping that wound open? That benefits HER only, as she keeps you around as an orbiter. Fvck that. Ignore and heal.

Learn to love yourself bud.
Quality advice, thank you for taking the time to help out highschool kids like OP and me - it can mean a hell of a lot to us.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cyfer said:
Quality advice, thank you for taking the time to help out highschool kids like OP and me - it can mean a hell of a lot to us.
Yea true... must agree with you.
But the thing is me myslef, cant accept nothing. I just cant. Not in love not anywhere. I cant accept I will see her on the streets and ill look away. And She will have someone else. and I wont have her anymore, and That i should get another girl that's like second choice for me omg.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
zoom5 said:
Yea true... must agree with you.
But the thing is me myslef, cant accept nothing. I just cant. Not in love not anywhere. I cant accept I will see her on the streets and ill look away. And She will have someone else. and I wont have her anymore, and That i should get another girl that's like second choice for me omg.

you would be surprised on how you can change if you want, you say it like you can't ignore her if you see her again, thing is after sometime you will do so and not even care,

fun fact one time about me

one time I was going out with friends in a bar, I find a old girl I had with her she was sitting close to where we was going to sit, I was vip so we did enter without the need to wait, I was with a girl she was alone, I know she did reconize me same I did to her, simple put, I don't even bother to look at her after I find out she was there, didn't take long she did leave but her friends stayed so go figures.

just let time goes, and get something else to do, when you start to pile more good things happening to you the old bad ones will not even phase you and you will just think, where I was with my head I even think she was pretty?


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
That depends.

Im a different person. My crush from 3 years ago :) Still get the chills when I see her and try not to look at her (she knew I liked her and such.)
And when I heard she has a boyfriend I was sad the whole month
3 years after!!

oh god get me a psychiatrist.