I was at the movies with my bro, and we saw this nice looking girl. I established a good long eye contact as advised, and she eventually came over to where we were sitting. We started talking, the first thing that my friend said, is that someone told him that she gave bad head. We got to tlaking about other things and it turns out we went to school together. we talked for a while and things were ok, but she decided to call the guy who we said got head from her. she called and the guy said that he didnt say anything and that we were not telling the truth. The girl acted a little weird from then on. She wasnt really mad as far as i can tell. Oh yeah , i got her number, but before she found out that we were lying, or just joking. She was like you really should take my number out of your phone. She did give me her real number I tested it. What should i say when i call her? Should I even call her? We said there might be a party that she could come to, but there isnt should i mentioned that. I did so well, but when she called that guy i didnt know what to do. Please give me advice! Maybe it doesnt sound like that much, but she was really interested in me.