There is NOT ONE study that has shown saturated fats to increase the risk of heart disease. Infact, it's sometimes exactly the opposite. For example, a study in Japan found that those with the highest intake of saturated fat had the lowest risk of stroke.
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A significantly lower relative risk (-35%) for cardiovascular mortality was observed amongst men from the highest quartile of total fat intake. Saturated fat showed no relationship with cardiovascular disease in men. Among women, cardiovascular mortality showed a downward trend with increasing saturated fat intake, but the relative risk reductions did not reach statistical significance.
As for overall mortality, no relationship was observed for total fat or saturated fat intake among women. There was, however, a trend for increasing overall mortality with rising monounsaturated fat intakes. In men,
no relationship was observed between saturated fat intake and overall mortality. In contrast to the findings in women, men in the third highest quartiles of total and monounsaturated fat intake enjoyed statistically significant total mortality reductions of 23% and 24%, respectively."
"To date, some 26 long-term follow-up studies, ranging in length from 4 to 23 years, have examined the relationship between saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease.[1-26] We are constantly told that saturated fat is a toxic "artery-clogger", yet only four of these studies have managed to detect even desperately weak statistical associations between saturated fat and CHD/CVD mortality. One study observed a protective relationship, while all the rest found no association at all."