I had my father keep his insurance, because he's 52 (almost 53), one open surgery, still a smoker, and drinker, and can't afford term, even if he could qualify. When I discovered the error back about 6 years, he'd already been opened up and smoked for many years. Initially, he'd bought his WHOLE life insurance when it en vogue and chic to do so. Those were the OLD guys, in their 40's and 50's telling younger generations how to save and prosper for the future; the days of "values", when fathers and mothers WANTED to leave the family as GOOD or BETTER off than when they were alive. Not anymore.
I'd get quotes before cancelling. Their term isn't trash, close to it, though, but the coverage is more important to have. That was just 1 example of their tactics, and very, very personal. Evidently my father's "friend" (who wasn't by the way, nor is he anymore), had no clue of the future. Such financial planners (which they're not because FEW Primerica reps have actual designations issued by accredited schools) don't realize the long-term implications of such decisions.
Because Primerica coaches RICHES now (which is to me completely opposite of what financial planning is), MANY, MANY reps leave the business, doing FAR more damage than if they had never helped those people to begin with. You can't recruit on THAT basis, but it's precisely HOW all MLM's do it.
-FREE time
-SELF employed
-NO sales
-BIG checks
-BIG boats
-BIG cars
-BIG houses
I've seen that Success magazine @ Barnes and Noble, and most of them are fully funded by MlM's as "good" press. Thing is, most MlM's, unless they're selling QUALITY, COMMERCIAL, CONSUMABLE products, are useless. Prepaid legal is legit; it's actually traded on the Stock Exchange, been around forever, and has a good product that I know is personally sold by AFLAC agents to supplement AFLAC. However, ask yourself WOULD YOU BUY THIS PRODUCT??? If you find value, others will, too. But if the ONLY reason you're doing it is because of they HYPE and HOPE, then you're doomed to fail. It's sad, but true. Because then there's no substance behind the product.
GOOD money in investments, insurance, and financial planning requires expertise at the level of Doctors. Basic financial planning makes no money to stay in business and provide good service. The Primerica market, which is 25-40 (mostly insurance and mutual funds), is very little dollars per client, and much more service per client. The profit/client isn't there. So there's no incentive to stay in touch. And those that do, try to CHURN products, which means, to constantly reissue and resell the same thing over and over again, which is also illegal.
Moreover, Primerica's products aren't built for the higher networth clients, and without proper education and licensing, you can't help them, or make good money. The real money is made atop the Pyramid. Again, sad but true.
If you're serious about being in financial planning, fine. Do it. The best route is ultimately being totally independent, but that's the most risky, too. The next best route is a major firm, like Edward Jones, AG Edwards, Salomon Smith, Merrill Lynch, etc. But these firms don't just take anyone. They require industry experience (reputable experience, not Primerica), normally licenses, and the historical production that makes it worth their while to subsidize your career until you're a big producer. I know, I worked for Salomon and found out all I could about their programs. Most guys during the bull markets were in their 40's, some in their 50's, managing upwards of $50 million dollars, some less, some more. To get in the door and get space, you had to be accomplished in sales and driven. They pay a base salary WHILE you train and get more licenses to produce/sell. You're fairly captive, though the industry is loosening up.
THOSE are the routes that lead to money. However, as you can also find out, some F-planners don't even take their own advice. They barely invest in the market, let alone Real Estate, and sometimes can only say proprietary product. Alot of them can be shady and shifty, do drugs, or are eons behind in taxes. That's just humanity as a whole, but I know of alot of damage and ignorance.
I would advise everyone to stay away.