Prepare yourself


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
OK... I had to register just because I was reading this stuff and I can't believe that guys who are supposed to be above AFCs still don't have fundamentals together.


It's 90 % of the game. This is where your focus should be. David D. recommends dozens of books. Read them and learn from them. They're gold. My favorite are Maxwell Maltz's Psycho-Cybernetics and Brad Blanton's Radical Honesty. Read Michael Hall's Mind-Lines and learn reframing. Then sit down, write down all your limiting beliefs and reframe them. Don't do this in 10 minutes. Really think about them, wrestle with them. Try to come to the bottom of things (hint: limiting beliefs are always direct result of your self-image). Write down affirmations. Read and BELIEVE them every day.


First of all, use common sense. The stuff that David D., Tyler, Mystery, Juggler, Swinggact and all the others are teaching, aren't rules engraved in stone, they're rules of thumb. Don't be rigid. If something doesn't work, don't try harder, just drop it and try something else. Those who read Robert Greene's Art Of Seduction know that almost every ''rule'' has reversal. What does that tell you? It should tell you that you can do almost anything, as long as you are a MAN while doing it - which brings us back to inner game.

Realize this: girls had the upper hand in dealing with guys... until now. Most girls are easy to understand. With their dealings with men, most of them use just two strategies: Usually that means playing hard to get and testing you to see if they can get her way. That's it. Why they use just these? Because they don't need anything else. It's enough. Most guys kiss her ass just because she's beautiful. And those who don't, she just acts aloof and b!tchy and demanding, and they start to worry that she'll leave and they supplicate. Recognize her tricks and don't fall for them and you are instantly more interesting than 90% of the guys.

Next thing, prepare. Prepare. When you stop reading this and go to the nearest grocery store to by some snacks and there's a HB7 next to you, do you know what are you going to say? If you don't know, you probably won't say sh!t and let the opportunity pass. You come up with openers in advance. Just sit down and think how could you open in different situations; store, library, on the street, bus stop. Try to make it funny.

Then use what I call mini-routines; just three or four sentences about sth. Naturally, you prepare this in advance. If she hooks and starts talking to you, great. If she doesn't, use another mini-routine. Obviously they have to be interesting, otherwise there's no way she'll hook. Even if she doesn't hook, still try to get her info. Hey, once she's out of the store she's out of your life. You might as well go for it. Screw rejection. There's actually no such thing. Humans, morons as we are, invented it to make our lives harder.

In a club your interaction with her will be longer. In the beginning she will be non-responsive. You have to prove that you're not like those five guys who approached her before you. This means you'll have to fuel conversation. With something interesting. You follow the same pattern – open, use a mini routine, for example comment sth in environment (this can be prepared in advance also – mosts clubs and events in them are standard), ask her interesting question, listen to her answer, if it's interesting answer, use it for your respond, if she said something lame, you first bust on her then you say what you prepared upfront you'll say after she answers.

Look, if you are good at making interesting conversation with some hot girl, you don't have to go through all that trouble of actually planning the whole structure of conversation. But, if you find yourself out of words on regular basis, then you have a problem which needs to be fixed. If you have a better solution for that problem instead of preparing in advance, let me know. Last but not least, IT'S NOT WHAT YOU SAY, IT'S HOW YOU SAY IT. You can have wonderful, witty, charming routine, but it won't work as it should if you'll stutter it. How you get over nervousness? We're back at inner game.

What I'm trying to say with this is that most guys want instant gratification. They just read a few articles on the internet about seduction, and then they expect they will get laid like rockstars. But real world is highly unpredictable because people are highly unpredictable phenomenon. You need to take a long, hard look at yourself, fix yourself, then learn the theory about male/female dynamics, prepare for actual interactions, and then go out and make it happen. Success has a price. Be willing to pay it.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
We appriciate your help, but we have already seen this. Nothing new buddy!


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
Well, it's not like I came up with this, it's all learned, I just found it strange that guys who are exploring this area of life still don't have figured out what to focus on and then they, as mr_elor said, post questions about "what do I say if she says...".