Premature Ejectulation


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
I find that I can start a conversation with a girl and keep it going for a bit, but my mind goes blank and I just sort of say see ya later and walk away.

Example 1- Talking to 2 girls at a festival. The hotter one is clearly interested in me (She opened me!), but after a bit of banter I left. :(

Ex. 2- On vacation in the hot tub at the hotel pool. Girl that looked just like a hotter version of Katy Perry jumps in when I'm alone in there and keeps looking at me. I managed to go for 10/15 minutes or so just asking about where she's from(Longest conversation with a girl I've ever had), but I can't ask girls at home about that. I left and saw the sadness in her eyes. I could tell she wanted to kiss me so bad. :(

The only time I've ever kissed a girl is when I was just messing around at a party. I stole her flip flops and put ice cubes down her shirt and eventually it just happened.

The thing is I never had to really talk to her... and most of the time you do.
So what can I do to keep the conversation going so I don't run away prematurely.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Clever title drew me into this, so I guess now I gotta answer :rolleyes:

BEFORE addressing your question, I'd like to point out a bigger concern of mine: The fact that you don't number close.

YOU were having a good conversation with a girl...and the conversation went stale. What did you do? You ejected. WRONG MOVE, buddy.

Next time that happens, get her number before leaving. "Hey I gotta run, give me your number so we can talk more." ALWAYS close in these situations...there is absolutely no reason not to.

Now then, as for the actual conversation. You do NOT want to go into interview mode with these girls. Keep the conversation light, interesting, and flirtatious. When it starts going stale, USE YOUR SURROUNDINGS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Talk about stuff around you. People, sights, sounds, smells, etc. TEASE HER. Take what she says and tease her on it. Be witty. TOUCH her a little.

With the girl at the pool, you could have told her that the swimsuit looks good on her. Then poke her belly. Silly things like that, just to keep the conversation going, and to build some attraction on her part.

Even with all of this, eventually the conversation IS going to die out. So, you either change location WITH her, or without her. Without her is going to be most likely, so get the number and leave.

ALWAYS go for the number.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
MrP said:
I find that I can start a conversation with a girl and keep it going for a bit, but my mind goes blank and I just sort of say see ya later and walk away.

Example 1- Talking to 2 girls at a festival. The hotter one is clearly interested in me (She opened me!), but after a bit of banter I left. :(

Ex. 2- On vacation in the hot tub at the hotel pool. Girl that looked just like a hotter version of Katy Perry jumps in when I'm alone in there and keeps looking at me. I managed to go for 10/15 minutes or so just asking about where she's from(Longest conversation with a girl I've ever had), but I can't ask girls at home about that. I left and saw the sadness in her eyes. I could tell she wanted to kiss me so bad. :(
Ok well, there's 2 issues to talk about here. The first, How to talk to girls.

Most people approach talking to women like it's rocket science or something, when in reality it's actually very easy. The most important thing to remember is that you, (no matter how hard it sounds) actually have to LISTEN to what the girl is saying. Most people take what the girl is saying with a grain of salt and let it flow in one ear and out the other, and then proceed to talk about themselves. WRONG!! You need to listen hard and good to what she's saying, and here's why.

Talking to girls is an easy 1, 2, 3 step process (which involves listening!)

Step 1. Listening for a Seed: When a girl is talking to you, she will either consciously or subconsciously throw you little hints about what she wants to talk about. This is where you need to listen. You hear her talk about something she's interested in (a seed), you jump on it and make her elaborate. It could be where she's from, what she did the other day or any number of possibilities, but once you hear her talk about it, make her talk about it some MORE.

Step 2. Water the Seed: So you heard her say she was from Ireland. That's the seed, now you need to Water the Seed and make her elaborate on it. There are many many possibilities of how you water that seed, some better than others. For this example (she's from Ireland) you could respond with things like: How long she lived there for, What it's like there, Why she decided to come here, Comment that you've been there before and say how beautiful it is and then ask her what part she's from. Etc. etc.

Step 3. Make Me Too Statements: These are statements that make the two of you seem similar. The last example about saying you've visited Ireland before is a perfect example. Now there are many reasons for making Me Too Statements because they are VERY important, and if you'd like, I can elaborate, just mssg me.

Also, you want to keep a good talk/listen ratio. That is, you want to be talking abour 30-40% of the time, and you want HER to be talking about 70-60% of the time. This is very important, and if you want me to elaborate, once again just mssg/pm me.

Issue 2,
Why didn't you number close on that girl! You say you saw she obviously wanted to kiss you, why not KISS HER? Or at the very least, get her number? You need to think more long term bro. But that's another issue, it helps if you can FIRST actually TALK to girls. Work on that first!

Now, how to talk to girls, the 3 step process, is explained beautifully and in much more detail than I have done. I have basically paraphrased words from a gent named Allen Thompson. He explains it in much greater detail and gives better examples in his own article and explains why it works. Mssg/PM me if you want me to send you the article (it really helps), and you defiantly SHOULD read it.

hope it helps bro


Senior Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
AlexLefty said:
Ok well, there's 2 issues to talk about here. The first, How to talk to girls.

Most people approach talking to women like it's rocket science or something, when in reality it's actually very easy. The most important thing to remember is that you, (no matter how hard it sounds) actually have to LISTEN to what the girl is saying. Most people take what the girl is saying with a grain of salt and let it flow in one ear and out the other, and then proceed to talk about themselves. WRONG!! You need to listen hard and good to what she's saying, and here's why.

Talking to girls is an easy 1, 2, 3 step process (which involves listening!)

Step 1. Listening for a Seed: When a girl is talking to you, she will either consciously or subconsciously throw you little hints about what she wants to talk about. This is where you need to listen. You hear her talk about something she's interested in (a seed), you jump on it and make her elaborate. It could be where she's from, what she did the other day or any number of possibilities, but once you hear her talk about it, make her talk about it some MORE.

Step 2. Water the Seed: So you heard her say she was from Ireland. That's the seed, now you need to Water the Seed and make her elaborate on it. There are many many possibilities of how you water that seed, some better than others. For this example (she's from Ireland) you could respond with things like: How long she lived there for, What it's like there, Why she decided to come here, Comment that you've been there before and say how beautiful it is and then ask her what part she's from. Etc. etc.

Step 3. Make Me Too Statements: These are statements that make the two of you seem similar. The last example about saying you've visited Ireland before is a perfect example. Now there are many reasons for making Me Too Statements because they are VERY important, and if you'd like, I can elaborate, just mssg me.

Also, you want to keep a good talk/listen ratio. That is, you want to be talking abour 30-40% of the time, and you want HER to be talking about 70-60% of the time. This is very important, and if you want me to elaborate, once again just mssg/pm me.

Issue 2,
Why didn't you number close on that girl! You say you saw she obviously wanted to kiss you, why not KISS HER? Or at the very least, get her number? You need to think more long term bro. But that's another issue, it helps if you can FIRST actually TALK to girls. Work on that first!

Now, how to talk to girls, the 3 step process, is explained beautifully and in much more detail than I have done. I have basically paraphrased words from a gent named Allen Thompson. He explains it in much greater detail and gives better examples in his own article and explains why it works. Mssg/PM me if you want me to send you the article (it really helps), and you defiantly SHOULD read it.

hope it helps bro
You've gotta wait till the seed grows into a plant. Then you've gotta f**k the plant.