Power of Thought: Do Not Underestimate Your Self-Narration


Master Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
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not here. in the real world.
I want to preface and say that this post has been inspired by others, and for some it is generally covered in the bible already, but I felt so compelled by this today, reflecting on the ways I've been effected, that I wanted to do a short write-up.

Power of Thought
don't underestimate your self-narration

I've been through a lot of changes as a person as we all have. There was a time in my life where I was so far below where I am now, in terms of what I've learned and the ways I've learned to change my own life for the better. And I will be honest and say that most of my self-change has occurred through action. IE-- it takes work to lose weight, it takes work to improve your understandings of yourself or women or what you want out of your life. There is no secret portal that will spit out what you want. Change becomes a daily-effort and a journey to itself that never truly ends.

The most important thing I have noticed in successful people and in people who have made immense changes to their life is to begin re-designing the way that you think and perceive the world.

Your thought is very powerful. The things you tell yourself have effects. If you are caught up in inner-negative battles of self-loathing or self-deprecation, you need to knock that off. I am not saying it is easy. I am not saying that it is simple. It is a constant re-training of the mind that every time you notice your mind de-fizzling yourself, to work to counter that, either by (a) dismissing your negative thoughts and letting any credit to them go, (b) introducing a counter-thought, or (c) exaggerating the negative so much that it becomes ridiculous and you stomp the wind out of it that way. And just like all things of self-change: there is relapse. You must, when working to build new habits of thought be able to recognize relapsing behavior and pull yourself out of it.

How do most of the guys around here find their successes with women? Well first, they begin to think of themselves as being successful with women. They begin to view the world around them as being full of opportunities. Not despair-laden-boarded-doors. No, in fact there are many doors surrounding you. Lots of places that life can go from here depending on your choices and your actions. If you focus on the closed door with locks, you'll be missing the route to something better.

There is no secret in the ways that you do become what you think. This was hammered by pook, but this has been hammered by many greats throughout history. There is a lot of power behind how we perceive ourselves. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was asked how he became Mr. Universe or a Hollywood Star or the Governor, he responded that it was through visualization. He *saw himself* already as Mr. Universe, he *saw himself* already as a successful person. He convinced himself of his future success. That despite his current place (perhaps not as a Hollywood actor), that he was in the end, destined-to-get-there.

That's the mindset we have to carry. Irregardless of our moments of weakness or relapse in whatever realms we are working to improve. We have to firmly seed within our minds that we are in the end in charge of our destiny and this particular destiny is within our power.

There's a lot of stuff out there in the new-age lines of thinking that try and prove this with Quantum Mechanics. What the Bleep Do We Know or The Secret are some titles that claim there are "powers of attraction", "what you think you reap". I have seen these movies and there is some Cheese to this (ie, the little boy who wants a bike so bad he visualizes it every night for it to one morning appear from santa)...now perhaps a lame version...and perhaps these movies are being unrealistic. The environment you are in has to be able to support some of the things you are working to visualize.

If you are a starving african child, you can visualize a t-bone all you want, but it likely cannot appear if the environment cannot provide.

So what I am saying here is that everyone -- myself included -- could benefit by re-training negative thoughts and practicing some self-visualization. And your mental goals have to be within the framework of what your immediate world around you can provide for you. If your environment is scarce in what you are trying to achieve, this will make your work much harder.

But the visualization is only so effective if you do not **work daily** to reinforce these more empowering thoughts patterns and to commit to the proper action to make them into being.

One thing I have recently found helpful is a short night-time and morning-time visualization. I try to do this mostly right before I go to bed and right after I wake up. Those moments where my consciousness is just starting up, where I am more suggestive or have my guard down less. I just close my eyes and imagine the man that I want to be. How I want to appear. What I want to do for a living. The relationships I'd like to have in my life. The ways I might be able to craft solutions rather than highlight or become stuck in the problem itself. This has had a positive effect on my entering into the day, or my entering into sleep.

I started doing this because one morning I realized truly how negative my thoughts were. Daily I was waking groaning in my head about some sort of responsibility, or somehow savoring in some level of mediocrity or unhappiness that I was currently experiencing. Rather than try to move my thoughts into a brighter light, I was essentially feeding the fire, adding fuel, adding more negative thoughts, taking cynical and apocalyptic-like outcomes in my head. Assuming the worst, so to speak.

I have not found this mode of thought to have ever helped me achieve what I've achieved so far. It's always been the empowering thought.

It's not so different than weight lifting. At first a weight can seem overbearing. Too heavy to hold. But we have to start pushing against whatever we can handle at first. Offering some counter-energy than submissively accepting defeat. Perhaps at first we can't resist much. But strength begins to grow. Soon you are pushing against weight that you couldn't have thought you were capable of.

The mind is not that much different. There are forces working against you. Be strong. Push against the weight. Strength will build. Visualize your success. Don't just see it. Feel it. Know it. Create it. Taste it in your person 100%.

I truly am becoming more convinced that life-success is not always your unique conditions, or genetic strengths, or places you've been born into -- but rather a certain mindset, that perhaps 99% of life in some ways is in the domain of the mental. Acting the physical in alignment with the proper mental foundation. And keeping that foundation and making it rock-solid is what I am trying to suggest in this thread.

I hope everyone finds the successes in life they are looking for. My dreams are not to be the Governator, or a Hollywood Guru, but none the less my dreams are not less valid. The same is for you. We all have different things that make us happy, that "mean something" to us. You have the right to experience these things. But only ourselves can get us there, and we've got to keep the mind in the right place.

Believe in yourself. Believe in your abilities to change. Believe that the future is not written in stone, and is yours to create.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Good post. I think this is helpful.

I would only say one warning, however. You should not base your self-esteem on external successes or self-narrating future successes. You should always base your self-esteem and self value on self-acceptance. You have to find your essence, who you are on the inside, and you have to like yourself for who you are. This doesn't mean you shouldn't dream of a future for yourself and make it happen, by all means do! Go grab life by the balls and hang on for the ride! But don't be a PUA, who feels good about himself only when he gets girls, don't be the greedy guy in an empty suit that can't feel good about himself without billions and a ferrari out back, feel good about yourself for yourself because you are yourself. If you do I hope it will give you some peace of mind.

Never lose that drive for self-improvement, though. One always has room to improve, and the very act of striving for self-improvement is something commendable. Just don't get addicted to the high of having success.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
I think this post is basically saying:

Have a goal and never quit on attaining it. If at any point you feel like
giving up, slap yourself, and get back to work.


Master Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
not here. in the real world.
Yeah man, essentially I've never made positive ground without firm resolve. This means even so when you **** up and backstep by accident. Thanks for boiling it down without the idealism...I am not really suggesting anything here that is that unique or new to SS or humanity I suppose...but it was helpful at the time, hehe, and I always value perspective.

I agree with you JustLurk -- if we set our happiness upon the gauges of our *big victories* we might find ourselves forever chasing that next goal and never really savoring any contentment....self-acceptance is huge, whether you've got $1000 to your name or $100,000....self-acceptance and self-love is #1 (and probably most important in our times of failures).

/edit -- and really all I'm suggesting here is carrying a mental image for your goals...use your imagination to see what you wish to create and act in accordance...nothing that mind-blowing but I'd say some people fail to see progress because they don't know what their images of success are...or perhaps other people never see progress because their images of success are so far from what reality is capable of providing anyhow.