Power of Now


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
This book is probably the best book I ever read. I highly recommend it. I read all of the gaming material out you know. Since the beg, when Mystery Method came out. When RSD came out....juggler, all this pook stuff, DJ bible, and a load of other crap. I even joined a "Lair" in my town. Nothing worked out for me. Nothing.

I am working on myself, doing my own thing. This book taught me to be confident on who I am. It gives you a surge of positive feelings. Kinda similar to RSD blue print, but at an even higher level.

Yea, at the end of the day, the "secret" is to actually go out and practice. BUt this book teaches you one of the biggest things a lot of people on this forum have problems with. To find confidence within oneself. Not on external crap(looks, money, etc), but just yourself. After reading this book you have the power to be happy, to find that inner peace, despite whatever kind of situation you are in. You can get rid of ANY negative emotion WHENEVER you want.

I hate making claims like this cause I am a very doubtful person. But if nothing else is working for you guys, give this a shot. Im 100% it will work as long as your open minded.