Okay, so you are doing the 'clean' movement and throwing in a OHP at the end.
Lets break the clean movement down to its components -->
1. Deadlift to thighs.
2. Shrug + Jump.
As you jump, you pull your body down beneath the bar.
3. High pull + push down.
4. Rack on shoulders.
(all done in half a second or so)
Assuming that your technique is fine, this is what I'd suggest.
As you are stalling on the racking part i.e. steps 2 and 3; I suggest you also do shrugs, and Hang Power Cleans (cleaning from thighs) to work on your max jump.
You can also work on the speed in which you do the deadlift, as that will help you do the transition into the jump.
P.S. This isnt important, but power cleans is simply a clean where you don't go down into a full squat, instead you land on your knees at approx 90degrees. It's a more power based movement.