Post Acapulco..


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Okay so this pertains to the last few thread I've posted...

To sum it up: Me and this girl have hooked up randomly over the past 3-4 months...More frequently as time went on. Shes also hooking up with some other guy that goes to my school (I don't know how frequent etc..). However when the 2 of us are in the same place she ALWAYS comes to me.

So anyway we were in Mexico on spring break. She and the other guy were staying at 1 hotel and I was staying at another, about a mile away. I didn't want to seem too desperate to see her so I only visited their hotel once (a few of my buddies stayed there also so it was ok). She came to my hotel for happy hour like 3 or 4 times. At nighttimes, all 3 of us were in the same place almost every night. For instance 1 night I was dancing iwth her and making out and what not and then she said she was going ot the abthroom shell be right back. Right as shes coming back this kid steps in and takes her away....

Then another night I made out with her and she came back with me to my hotel. Ended up with a bj :)...

Now I've thought about it and I think I want to express to her that I want her soley to myself...You guys think this is a good idea? If so how should I approach it.

I'm sick and tired of waiting for something just happen. My last relationship I hooked up with a girl for almost 6 months and never even talked abotu our relationship status...I'm done with taht sh*t...

So give me some direction on how and where to take this...

Rata Blanca

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Not a good idea, you already started as fbuddies, I doubt it can progress as a healthy LTR.
Plus you shouldn't never ask a woman to be monogamous, it's the other way around, I recommend that you enjoy the occasional sex and keep seeing other girls.