Posh Girls ?


New Member
Jan 6, 2006
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Im new to the forum but been a long time student of the game.
Im fairly comfortable with chatting/approaching woman but I had an interesting situation this evening.
In a Pub and a friend/colleague of mine bumped into and ex colleague of ours (HB7.5 who I have been gaming quite sutbtley(Sp) for a while) who had a friend with her (HB8.5).
The two girls and my male friend are all from private school education and had a posh up-bringing. I myself grew up in far more humble surroundings but am in no way nervous around posh/well spoken peeps.
Now the HB8.5 was throwing loads of eye-contact my way etc so when the 4 fo us came together to start talking/catching up I saw this as the perfect chance to start to neg my mark.
The obvious thing to pick on was the posh accents etc and the things these guys were saying. At first I think the negs were working but there were definte times when it felt like she was getting annoyed or a least found it tiresome, however I displayed no acknowledgement of her displeasure.
My question to you guys is simply this: Do you think her display of annoyance was a test or was I genuinely pissing her off?

Can I also add that early in the convo HB7.5 suggested we all go grab something to eat, her friend left about 40mins later but she was still keen for me, my buddy and her to go grab a bite somewhere. After her friend left, I decided I wanted to go chill at home and wouldn't be joining them for eats. All 3 of us went via my work place upon which point HB7.5 decided she just wanted to have toast from our work instead of eating out. I told her "Don't change your dinner plans just because im not gonna be around" (DHV for me, DLV on her !) and walked off to get my headphones for my Ipod which were on my desk. I was gone about 5mins, just as I return to reception where she is, she announces to my buddy "Dinner is back on!" This seemed like such an obvious and poor attempt to of DHV for herslef that im starting to think Im seriously in here. I had a train to catch so I said "later" and didn't even acknowledge the comment.

Any feeback is appreciated

Thanx upfront.

No Bones

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2005
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Originally posted by bud_2005
The adjective "posh", particularly in Britain, describes the somewhat over-the-top affectations of luxuries affected by those with social pretensions. - wikipedia.org

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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mate, i don't think negative hitting a girl in front of her 2 posh friends is gonna get you far. How would you feel if they started jokeing about how 'common' you are?

That kind of stuff could be funny the odd time once you get to know someone a bit more. I wouldn't so much concentrate on the accent, Maybe go for subtle things she does, but make sure she knows your jokeing and it doesn't seem like a dig.

I grew up in a posh area, even though i wouldn't consider myself that posh, I mix in a lot of differen't circles.

I'm gonna generalise, but younger posh girls are all into rebelling a bit and into alternative music/dress/skaters etc, but as they grow out of that, I imagine they go for succesful men with money, basically like there dads, if they have any brains they will anyhow.

I would just treat a posh fit HB8.5 like any other fit girl, shes porbably used to men falling over, just sit back and play it cool, don't be like all the other guys. I remember a few summers ago in spain, I met this really fit posh girl , and could tell she was daddys little angel and got a lot of attention.

We where all sitting on the beach in a group, and all these geeky posh lads are trying to chat to her, and I am looking away from everyone at the sea, and all I can see aout the corner of my eye is her looking at me, wondering why I am not all over her as well.

Obviously when she spoke to me, I gave her attention then, anyhow, next night at the main bar, same group, she comes straight over and sits next to me all night. ;)

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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basically, posh means upper class.

people who go to private schools.

The sterotypical english person drinking tea would be a posh person.


New Member
Jan 6, 2006
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Originally posted by Not Quite There
mate, i don't think negative hitting a girl in front of her 2 posh friends is gonna get you far. How would you feel if they started jokeing about how 'common' you are?

That kind of stuff could be funny the odd time once you get to know someone a bit more. I wouldn't so much concentrate on the accent, Maybe go for subtle things she does, but make sure she knows your jokeing and it doesn't seem like a dig.

The guy who was with me is kind of my wingman but point taken none the less. The goth rebelling stuff describes the hb7.5 to a T. Scary !


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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Yep, I would have thought same thing, said once its a laugh/dig neg hit, said half dozen times it would be like well if you dont like me then what you doing here...