Pof - Online Dating Is Bottom Of The Barrel?


Apr 18, 2011
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If Online Dating and POF have the bottom of the barrel women.

Does that make the men who use POF and online dating,
bottom of the barrel as well?

Even the successful ones?

What about the guys who can't get POF or online women?

What does that make them?

Are they even below these bottom of the barrel POF women,
fat ugly, undesireable, whatever.

Alot of guys won't have success even on POF,
what does that make them?



Why does this chick I know who is a single mom (fat and ugly) and has 3 kids with three different fathers, now in a relationship and has constantly brags about how many guys want to get with her and obsess about her constantly?

This man has successfully gotten this woman in a relationship, but it is that something to celebrate?

What is wrong with people, I don't understand. This is what is feeding the ego of women, when guys will get with anything.

FUGLY have millions of options, even for relationships?

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
If Online Dating and POF have the bottom of the barrel women.

Does that make the men who use POF and online dating,
bottom of the barrel as well?
For the most part yes. The site is loaded to the gills with desperate, clueless WK's.

Even the successful ones?
If the guys considers a relationship, or takes any chick they meet on POF seriously. Yes.

What about the guys who can't get POF or online women?

What does that make them?
If they take POF to heart it makes them desperate as hell and a certified clueless moron when they might want to consider perhaps it wasn't in their fate to possibly catch an STD or get into a relationship with a nutty chick who needs to online date.

Are they even below these bottom of the barrel POF women,
fat ugly, undesireable, whatever.

Alot of guys won't have success even on POF,
what does that make them?

If they use POF as the end all be all to meeting chicks and have their head in the clouds looking for "The One"....especially online. Then that's a big YES.

Like I've said numerous times before. The women who use online dating do so to ride the "top male" c0ck carosel to boost their insecure, pathetic 'self-esteem' because unfortunately for them.....it's all they know.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
If Online Dating and POF have the bottom of the barrel women.

Does that make the men who use POF and online dating,
bottom of the barrel as well?

Even the successful ones?

What about the guys who can't get POF or online women?

What does that make them?

Are they even below these bottom of the barrel POF women,
fat ugly, undesireable, whatever.

Alot of guys won't have success even on POF,
what does that make them?



Why does this chick I know who is a single mom (fat and ugly) and has 3 kids with three different fathers, now in a relationship and has constantly brags about how many guys want to get with her and obsess about her constantly?

This man has successfully gotten this woman in a relationship, but it is that something to celebrate?

What is wrong with people, I don't understand. This is what is feeding the ego of women, when guys will get with anything.

FUGLY have millions of options, even for relationships?

Actually GSP if you still have your profile up type in "Plenty of Fish Forums" in google you can find them.

You should be able to post when logged into your profile. Post your thread questions in the dating experiences section with the same title. I would love to see the lunatics go berserk over your topic. Most likely some f@g would run to the violations section and report it and have it removed. Also if you have your shirtless pic up they'll report that too. Sucking up and becoming part of the clique of crazies that infest that portion of the site is the only way to go. But it would make a good trolololol thread just to read the responses and watch the clowns on that site try to 'defend themselves as 'great catches'. LMAO


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
Actually GSP if you still have your profile up type in "Plenty of Fish Forums" in google you can find them.

You should be able to post when logged into your profile. Post your thread questions in the dating experiences section with the same title. I would love to see the lunatics go berserk over your topic. Most likely some f@g would run to the violations section and report it and have it removed. Also if you have your shirtless pic up they'll report that too. Sucking up and becoming part of the clique of crazies that infest that portion of the site is the only way to go. But it would make a good trolololol thread just to read the responses and watch the clowns on that site try to 'defend themselves as 'great catches'. LMAO
Yes from what I have seen so far all the girls from POF are whack so im looking for other ways to meet hbs.

I think i'm going to try to meet hbs at the gym. That is the most socially acceptable place to meet hbs yes? I never approach anyone though. One time I had like 320 pounds on the bench and I decide it's a good idea to ask the 5'4" thin HB to spot me. And she says ok (hesistantly because she didn't think she was strong enough to spot me), after she is done spotting me she just leaves, I don't ask for the number.

I'm out of ideas, Ninja please give me some tips for the gym.
Lots of great HB8+ to pick from at the gym.

Young Stallion

Don Juan
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
I know some pretty successfull and attractive men and women who dont have baggage who are on POF. I also know however that women get over inflated egos on POF and will only respond to guys who are 8 or 9 even if they are only a 4 or 5. This is because there are so many guys messaging girls on there that the girls ego becomes very inflated.

There is no doubt that there are some nutcases on there, and good people as well, as somoene said earlier, its a mixed bag.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Young Stallion said:
I know some pretty successfull and attractive men and women who dont have baggage who are on POF. I also know however that women get over inflated egos on POF and will only respond to guys who are 8 or 9 even if they are only a 4 or 5. This is because there are so many guys messaging girls on there that the girls ego becomes very inflated.

There is no doubt that there are some nutcases on there, and good people as well, as somoene said earlier, its a mixed bag.

Do you have a POF Stallion? If not set one up. And let's get to spamming...if you feel like meeting these chicks and getting some?

Young Stallion

Don Juan
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
Do you have a POF Stallion? If not set one up. And let's get to spamming...if you feel like meeting these chicks and getting some?
Hey Naughty Ninja,

Good to hear from you, I used to spam POF hardcore when I had an account, sent some very good messages to.....probably messaged around 200 or so women or more in under a couple of months. Very rarely did I ever get a reply.

Thats when I came up with an experiment and put a pic of a really good lookin shirtless stud guy....and recreated a profile that was EXACTLY the same as mine except for the picture.........I got amazing results and women were telling me how awesome I was.

Anyways I decided not to do the POF gig anymore as my ego got slammed pretty damn bad on there.

Dont really have any intention of going on POF again, but I do appreciate your offer and I know you did wonders with that other dudes profile. Good on you for helping out.


Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Young Stallion said:
Hey Naughty Ninja,

Good to hear from you, I used to spam POF hardcore when I had an account, sent some very good messages to.....probably messaged around 200 or so women or more in under a couple of months. Very rarely did I ever get a reply.

Thats when I came up with an experiment and put a pic of a really good lookin shirtless stud guy....and recreated a profile that was EXACTLY the same as mine except for the picture.........I got amazing results and women were telling me how awesome I was.

Anyways I decided not to do the POF gig anymore as my ego got slammed pretty damn bad on there.

Dont really have any intention of going on POF again, but I do appreciate your offer and I know you did wonders with that other dudes profile. Good on you for helping out.

True. Basically with the hot "10" you can type sh1t on a stick and the chicks on there literally throw the ***** at 'you'. I'd tested that out a while ago. Bland profile, bland hi messages, and these chicks could not stop replying. IM had to be shut off as they would IM before "I" got a chance to reply in email WHILE TYPING. Views of the profile were insane. Got offered a threesome from a stipper, unsolicited emails, MANY numbers thrown at 'me' within two emails, chicks got sexual RIGHT AWAY. I did that experiement knowing full well what the site was about and wasn't surprised at all. After three emails I read/deleted every one.

My regular profile I got many replies off my copy and pastes, numbers, spoke with a few chicks (all slvts) a lot of views, and several nudes. And I only posted bathroom pics and a shirtless one. After a few months I'd spoken to well over 100 chicks. Every one was a nut, slvt, tatted up, had court cases, baby mommas, just out of a relationship, one was a RUNAWAY, a few were PREGNANT, some had court cases, a few even were in jail. And posters wondered why I never bothered to meet any of them. LMAO.

Nothing was like the ten profile. In two weeks I had a 98% success rate with only TWO not replying out of well over a hundred. Copy and pasted many with a boring canned hi message. Any dude who's a ten or at least in the top 2% is cleaning up on that site. Thought the 'quality' of those chicks and diseases they most likely have isn't worth it. But I say fvck em. Those chicks get what they 'deserve'. They know they aren't worth a realtionship so they take the load to their face and move on to the next as if it's "empowering". I'm sure their beloved media and brainwashing tells them so. It's not their fault of course. Hahahahaha

How in God's name did your ego get 'slammed' from the lunatics that are chronic residents of the plenty of fish cuckoo bird mental avairy? Dude I never ONCE took anything or anyone on that site seriously.

Check out the basketcases who are foreveralone lifers on the forums there. They're the "serious" members or "only there for the forums" LMAO. they run and tattle on each other day in and day out, spew the nice guy b.s while lapping up the crap the 'ladies' of the forums give for 'advice'. These are the same chicks giving 'advice' who post their 'glory' in the sex forums. No one is fooling anyone on there.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I'd say that POF would be the "middle of the barrel." Fact is, the average woman simply isn't all that attractive or desirable. Of course, neither is the average man.

What's the average woman like? none too bright, 100 or so IQ, a face which is nothing special, a body that doesn't particularly look good naked, probably a high-school education, probably married before and/or with a kid. That's a 5. That's the average woman you're going to meet online, or wherever.

Online dating may skew a point or so lower because the hottest women are snapped up before they can even think about going online whereas the UGs languish online forever.

I think that men here don't understand that average chicks are hit on constantly, whether online or out in the community. Constantly. And that's because sperm is cheap, no other reason.


And BTW I've posted the "hot guy" fake profile before and it gets about 1.5 times as many responses. That is to say, out of 100 emails sent, it would get 15 responses rather than 10 :)


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Zarky said:
I'd say that POF would be the "middle of the barrel." Fact is, the average woman simply isn't all that attractive or desirable. Of course, neither is the average man.

The average woman has more power and more options though.

What's the average woman like? none too bright, 100 or so IQ, a face which is nothing special, a body that doesn't particularly look good naked, probably a high-school education, probably married before and/or with a kid. That's a 5. That's the average woman you're going to meet online, or wherever.

And she has no problems attracting men.

Online dating may skew a point or so lower because the hottest women are snapped up before they can even think about going online whereas the UGs languish online forever.

Women go online to get ego boosts. And then they think they're prettier and more entitled than they already are.

I think that men here don't understand that average chicks are hit on constantly, whether online or out in the community. Constantly. And that's because sperm is cheap, no other reason.

Actually, love, sex, and companionship is overpriced. Thus, guys have been lowering their standards. Now fatties and uglies and cougars have a lot more choosing power.


And BTW I've posted the "hot guy" fake profile before and it gets about 1.5 times as many responses. That is to say, out of 100 emails sent, it would get 15 responses rather than 10 :)
I did that fake profile about 2 weeks ago of a muscular man and put him at age 41. I went to sleep after making it and then got online the next day. No surprise there, 20 responses!!! And this was all first contact! It also got responses from sending the first message!

Online dating sites are setup like this:

Women get too many messages.
Men get too few replies.
Women have the upper hand because mose sites don't charge them a fee.
Men get charged a fee to join.
Women and the best looking men clean up. Always.
All other men have to fight for what's left over.

Case closed.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
I did that fake profile about 2 weeks ago of a muscular man and put him at age 41. I went to sleep after making it and then got online the next day. No surprise there, 20 responses!!! And this was all first contact! It also got responses from sending the first message!

Online dating sites are setup like this:

Women get too many messages.
Men get too few replies.
Women have the upper hand because mose sites don't charge them a fee.
Men get charged a fee to join.
Women and the best looking men clean up. Always.
All other men have to fight for what's left over.

Case closed.
You couldn't have possibly been shocked could you Nismo?

I mean according to profiles of the "honest, kind, and faithful you can bring home to mom" chicks online who are looking for a 'nice' guy, someone to 'treat them well' and looks aren't that important you must be 'lying' about your experiment. LMAO. (First thing anyone would tell you on the forums there is you can get deleted for posting fake profiles. That's their 'answer' to them being called out on their B.S.) Dry snitching.

The above B.S. makes a great 'advertisement' for their own thinly veiled, falsely projected image and getting an ego boost from the dudes they won't respond to based on pictures, and dudes they DO respond to based on how 'hawt' they are and how 'jealous' their friends will be.

Like I've said before the chicks who frequent POF will never understand the difference between getting a million one handed emails and actually being the type of chick who would make a real man want to stay. They can't help it. It's too addicting.

Post the truth especially after proving it to yourself over and over on the forums or to any user on there and 99% of the 'ladies' will lie through their teeth. Which is why you should NEVER take anyone or anything on online dating sites seriously. Sites like POF are loaded with people who prefer to live completely disconnected from the honesty and reality. But as long as it makes them look 'good' they'll keep at it.

You have to treat sites like that and the women on it as someting to pass the downtime and amuse yourself. Nothing more. If you ever meet a chick in real life who's tells you she's been on POF before? Take it as a huge red flag and a full warning of what she brings to the table then do yourself a favor and take off without a word. Your mental and possibly physical health will thank you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
gspshields2 said:
If Online Dating and POF have the bottom of the barrel women.

Does that make the men who use POF and online dating,
bottom of the barrel as well?

Most yes, remember the guys who get are just looking to use these women for *** dumpsters or their $$$. The guys who have options aren't looking for g/f's on pof
Even the successful ones?
read the top line. I had a buddy who is jacked, great looking guy. He was banging hot women of POF and getting $$$. He uses it just as an outlet for his giglo hustling game (srs)

What about the guys who can't get POF or online women?

This is about 90% of guys right about now. I use to be in top 30% doesn't mean shyt anymore

What does that make them?

It makes them guys who can't get skanks online? it's not a big deal brah. On pof I can't get a 5 but in the real world I can go on dates with chicks up to "8" go figure
Are they even below these bottom of the barrel POF women,
fat ugly, undesireable, whatever.

You ever seen the guys on POF? you have some good looking guys and tons of losers, just like the real world

Alot of guys won't have success even on POF,
what does that make them?

It means that #'s are skewed in favor of women, duuuuh welcome to 2009 brah



Why does this chick I know who is a single mom (fat and ugly) and has 3 kids with three different fathers, now in a relationship and has constantly brags about how many guys want to get with her and obsess about her constantly?

cause wk's are everywhere, and deseprate the price of chocoa is at an all time high

This man has successfully gotten this woman in a relationship, but it is that something to celebrate?

If he is happy and content why not?

What is wrong with people, I don't understand. This is what is feeding the ego of women, when guys will get with anything.

FUGLY have millions of options, even for relationships?

The problem with POF has been explained on this site and others a gazillion times. Women are the choosers and have options because of desperate guys etc. This blows their ego's up. THose same women would not get any play in the world i.e. club/bar hence their on POF.

But make no mistake even the 4 or 5 with tons of options on pof, has surreal expectations. she may even bang a "high value" guy of their but that's it. Guys who have options on pof are banging mutliple women, and even using them for money like my buddy.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Naughty Ninja said:
You couldn't have possibly been shocked could you Nismo?

Not by an Iota!

As it's known, the better looking you are on that site, the more success you'll have.

If you don't have a great body, you should use photoshop. It'll get you more responses. Women play games all the time. Why not play games as men?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
nismo-4 said:
Not by an Iota!

As it's known, the better looking you are on that site, the more success you'll have.

If you don't have a great body, you should use photoshop. It'll get you more responses. Women play games all the time. Why not play games as men?
^^I'm not gonna front, Nismo is right on this one, looks are all that matter online

However don't be confused in the real world other attributes come into play as well and you have a better shot meeting a decent girl in person

Just saying


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
POF is absolutely bottom of the barrel.

I put one of my students on recently: A mid 40's single mom, overweight, herpes or something like it(yup) with weird pock marks on her body and face. We used an older FACE picture, would post her but it would probably get me fired.

She gets 3 emails probably every hour... since we've put it on, I would wager we've generated about 100 emails (1 week). Most guys are between 20 and 30 with a few divorced rich guys in the 50s. Couple idiots have sent ****pics, within 2 emails... had a good laugh in the office.

Now here is the thing... she will not pick you unless you are in your 20's or early 30's. Very handsome, gentlemanly, rich and successful who must not want sex for at least a month or two. You must be WHITE, and she put this in her profile, yet we still get an ton of black, asian people emailing her to reconsider.... She is bottom of the barrel over here but POF guys treat her like she is gold. A guy has already flown out to see her.

POF is the bottom of the barrel for both men and women...and anyone who uses pof to meet people, deserves exactly what they get. There is one guy who sends the same message every 3 sentences: "So wanna see my **** now?!?"

These are the losers of POF.
Last edited:


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Here is a short POF love story that I'm certain you will enjoy.

My dentist who is somewhat of an idiot decided he was desperate enough to meet a woman off POF and threw up a profile. He is not so attractive and has a string of bad relationships and children (strange for a doctor right?). His last seriously long term gf was butt ugly and tried to steal his money.

Anyway after several free dinners he met his keeper. A 40 something separated mother with 2 children. The only problem was that she was still living in the same house with her husband (a police officer). She and the dentist dated for awhile and even came over for dinner to show off their love... well it wasn't but 2 months into the relationship where the dentist started to receive death threats from the two children and the father. He blew it off as he was so in love with his new girl and told the husband and two children to fvck off (to their faces). I guess the husband wasn't too impressed and beat his face in. Nothing went to court.

One night he came home to a child porn search and seizure going on at his house. His computer was seized and he was taken down to the station and made to sit in a cell for 12 hours. After he was let go, word got around about his little mishap. Nearly all of his customers dropped out. He has had to completely close up his practice but is still desperately in love with the woman even though their relationship has become a little rocky and she is still at home with her husband. The husband, also a desperate loser, has tried to patch things up and carry on with his life, its not working.

I always think of two rich, successful men fighting over a used condom.

These are the losers of POF.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
My best-friend met his wife on POF.

He is overweight, she is over his weight. When he met her he looked like a bean pole, now he is approaching critical mass. He and I had been best-friends since we were children, but she forbade him to see me after I made a comment to him about her being a 'fat warpig' and how he could do so much better...offended, he ran home and told his wife. That was several years ago... He was a straight laced, clean cut dude when they started going out. Now he is a drug addicted, manginized, blobslave. She maintains a profile on POF using the guise of 'in a relationship'.

I want my friend back.

These are the losers of POF.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
One of the young blonde POF HB8 chick just laughed at me when I asked for her number.

She said "hahhaa, you really think someone like you can get my number?"

WTF is this. The polite thing to do would be to ignore the person if you don't want the number.

Why bother responding, so you can crush someones self esteem.

This rejection has gotten me feeling so low right now.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
One of the young blonde POF HB8 chick just laughed at me when I asked for her number.

She said "hahhaa, you really think someone like you can get my number?"

WTF is this. The polite thing to do would be to ignore the person if you don't want the number.

Why bother responding, so you can crush someones self esteem.

This rejection has gotten me feeling so low right now.
Interesting. Yesterday when you PM'd me you said you had to set up your account again. How are you talking to chicks on POF if you have to re-set your account up again and she never gave you her number? Hmmm...Let me guess...You deleted your account after she rejected you online? I'm calling B.S.