POF final tweaks

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Your profile is full of spelling and grammatical errors. I found it unreadable.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
you look like your in pretty good shape. Are you gay? Because you have that gay look to you and the tight jeans and no shirt look kind of gay. Like a dude on the beach in speedos. Are you getting responses? If so Im going to take that route and go shirtless and the such. my body isn't bad as well.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
Dust 2 Dust said:
Your profile is full of spelling and grammatical errors. I found it unreadable.
I already did spell check and everything seems fine. Sorry but I try hard man... Its not that easy when English is not your native language :/


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
sicsec said:
you look like your in pretty good shape. Are you gay? Because you have that gay look to you and the tight jeans and no shirt look kind of gay. Like a dude on the beach in speedos. Are you getting responses? If so Im going to take that route and go shirtless and the such. my body isn't bad as well.
Naw bro!!! I'm not gay not even on my dreams. LoL if I were I wouldn't bother with this site on the first place.

I have come a long way from chubby, flat, flabby and weak body since November when I joined the site.

I just really like photography and all that visual/fashion art world. I set my studio today and took the shirtless photos today. I still haven't bothered with contacting girls until I manage to perfect it.

I dont think I look gay :/ Do I? I mean... it must be gay for you and me because we like girls but they must think its sexy. I do have gotten quite a few visitors and got and email from OKcupid saying I was one of the hottest profiles around (maybe its just a spam).


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
Espi said:
In my opinion your photos are top rate. Very professional and artsy looking.

I'm not so sure that it's good to mention the vampire gang thing. I know it's something importan tot you, but I would leave it out. Minimize the written part of the profile. Keep it purposefully rather vague and generic. Limit to 3-4 sentences. No humor. Instead be mysterious. Give the girls who are interested reasons to ask about your interests.
It's because that's what my degree is all about. So its only natural that I take photos like that. I'm the kind of person who has very high standards... and yes.. like you see even with photographs.

Please dont tell me they suck? D: I worked so hard for this....


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
Naw bro!!! I'm not gay not even on my dreams. LoL if I were I wouldn't bother with this site on the first place.

I have come a long way from chubby, flat, flabby and weak body since November when I joined the site.

I just really like photography and all that visual/fashion art world. I set my studio today and took the shirtless photos today. I still haven't bothered with contacting girls until I manage to perfect it.

I dont think I look gay :/ Do I? I mean... it must be gay for you and me because we like girls but they must think its sexy. I do have gotten quite a few visitors and got and email from OKcupid saying I was one of the hottest profiles around

I commend you for getting in shape. It seems like when I've shown the belly button up look people think Im gay or something. Where you from Quebec or Europe??


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
sicsec said:
I commend you for getting in shape. It seems like when I've shown the belly button up look people think Im gay or something. Where you from Quebec or Europe??
Man... I hate that gay crap. It's getting me all worried up.

When my parents saw those pics they wanted to talk with me. Apparently they were curious/worried about my sexual orientation because they found it rare that a handsome guy like me has never had a girlfriend. It really aggravated me for a bit but then again... I'm not insecure about my sexual orientation. I only like women :/

On the other side...

France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Russia, Portugal, Romania, Czechoslovakia, American, Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico... and now Quebec Canada.

The list keeps getting bigger and bigger. I get this a lot. People just cant find out my nationality. LOL I use this all the time to play guessing games with girls.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
Leopold said:
Man... I hate that gay crap. It's getting me all worried up.

When my parents saw those pics they wanted to talk with me. Apparently they were curious/worried about my sexual orientation because they found it rare that a handsome guy like me has never had a girlfriend. It really aggravated me for a bit but then again... I'm not insecure about my sexual orientation. I only like women :/

On the other side...

France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Russia, Portugal, Romania, Czechoslovakia, American, Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico... and now Quebec Canada.

The list keeps getting bigger and bigger. I get this a lot. People just cant find out my nationality. LOL I use this all the time to play guessing games with girls.
YOU never had a girlfriend??? WOW!!! how does that happen? Especially if you've lived overseas as I find Brazilian and european girls to be easier sexually than your average attractive american girl.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
sicsec said:
YOU never had a girlfriend??? WOW!!! how does that happen? Especially if you've lived overseas as I find Brazilian and european girls to be easier sexually than your average attractive american girl.
Simply, because I came to US at 13 years old. I absorbed the laziness of the culture and over consumption. Before I knew it... I was a very chunky nerdoriny that no girl would even considered to take to open house dance.

So I have no sort of experience whatsoever in my past and that's why I'm developing it now.

If I were to show you photos of my transformation you'll would be blown away. I mean.. I have literally undergone a huge transformation under these last months.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
Leopold said:
Simply, because I came to US at 13 years old. I absorbed the laziness of the culture and over consumption. Before I knew it... I was a very chunky nerdoriny that no girl would even considered to take to open house dance.

So I have no sort of experience whatsoever in my past and that's why I'm developing it now.

If I were to show you photos of my transformation you'll would be blown away. I mean.. I have literally undergone a huge transformation under these last months.
dude if you live in Florida and keep in shape like that instincts and just being around any kind of girls should get you laid...don't fight it and it will happen...you have to be one frustrated dude as well.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
Ok I just added one last photo with a pretty gal. I sent a few messages and some girls checked my profile but no reply.

Any other words of suggestion please?


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Leopold said:
Please any words of critiques would be very appreciated. Please dont hold back.
Okay, as long as you can handle it...

Women looking at your pics will immediately see one thing: lack of congruence. You go from shirtless badboy, to nerd, to badboy again, to normal, to artist, to dude with a random chick.

Starting from your first pic:

"This guy has a decent body [no homo]... but what's up with the staged lighting? Did he take it at Glamour Shots? He's kinda cute [no homo]..."

*clicks on 2nd pic*

"Oh, okay... he looks kinda dorky with those glasses and turtleneck...

*clicks on 3rd pic*

"Alright, we're back! Though what's up with that lighting!? And this pose... could he be gay!?"

*clicks on 4th pic*

"Okay, obligatory B/W pic... looks normal enough."

*looks at stats*

"Hmm, 21 and 5'8", huh? Not bad..."

*clicks on 5th pic*

"Okaaaay... the guys runs. So do I on the treadmill at the gym but you don't see me posting pics of that!"

*clicks on 6th pic*

"Ooooh, an artist!" *swoons*

*clicks on 7th pic*

"Hey, who's that girl? They kinda resemble each other... waitaminute, did he take a picture with his sister!? LOOOOOSER!" *closes window*

(as a side note, IMO, yes, you should have women in your pictures for the competition anxiety/social proof thingy... but only when it's a group of them. Individual pictures like this could label you as a dude with a girlfriend/wife looking for a 3rd wheel ;))

Let me ask you Leo, what is it that you want out of your POF experience? A good one will be extremely difficult to find on POF. If you just wanna get laid, keep pics 1, 3, 4 & 6 and lookup Ninja's post on POF.

When I'm single, this is my personal style for online dating.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
Wow thanks vato!! That was quite a good feedback there.

You see... I'm not really looking for my ideal soulmate online nor anything like that. I want to use these sites as a way to get experience and develop game since cold approach is being harsh on me ( Girls I'm interested just plainly ignore me or just try to avoid eye contact).

I'm deeply troubled that I do get lots of attention from people in general with my new transformation. However... I'm very frustrated because it just doesn't escalates and gets nowhere. So every time I'm back to where I started...

the pretty boy a girl gets a glimpse then totally ignores me and acts like if I was competing in a beauty pageant against her.

I'll go and delete those photos you told me since it does makes sense what you told me.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
Is this profile pulling for you? I'm sorry, but you look super ghey. You're in great shape, yes. Is there not a not ghey way to better display yourself? And the artsy lighting will only attract a very limited chick audience. You're average blonde won't get it. She'll think your some goth dude or some shyte.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
Btw... It kind of torments me that a girl would think of such as a "looser" to a guy who gets along with his siblings. I mean... wouldn't it be... "aww how sweet" kind of thing? I'm very proud of my family and I'm glad I have such a good relationship with them. Why would these backfire against me?

I dont understand :/

And this profile is pulling me NO WHERE!!!! Im SO EFFING FRUSTRATED REALLY!!! I work so hard to improve my body, organize myself, manage my time in productive things, embracing my sexuality and becoming socially competent, I'm EXCELLING at school towards working on my degree yet IS GETTING ME NO WHERE!!!

I have watched comedy stands, shows and all that crap trying to become more humorous.... People I work with are always inspired and always tell me how much they like that I'm always in a good mood, smiling and how I should never change. But in reality I'm fvcking DEPRESSED!!!

Girls give me signals and all but then.. they just suddenly ignore me. Probably that's why I'm trying to hard... because I hate being ignored. Maybe I'm just a stupid attention wh@ore!

I'm not a bad guy you know... I JUST WANT IT SOMEONE REALLY... is it so fvcking hard to do so?!?!?!

Seriously... I haven't jacked off weeks trying to hold it up fighting my will in order to stay sexual and NOTHING!!!

Sorry about this idiotic rant but its just going to relief me a bit... I'll just go blow off some steam and work out in the gym to forget about my frustrations.

This is my last post for the day due that I have exceeded the amount for today...

Thanks to all (I really mean it) of you that have spent your time reading through my stupid thread :/

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Are you sending them Naughty Ninja's canned messages?

Don't feel bad about being ignored. You're a good looking guy. You'll get rejected a lot on that site even if you're good looking. I no longer use POF, but when I was on there my response rate was between 5-10%. The ratio on there is badly skewed in women's favor which allows them to be picky. POF is a sausagefest and buyer's market for women.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
You need to make your profile stand out more with some kind of funny description in the about you section.