Pls. Help Me


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Hi Frend'z recently i was hospitalized for operation in which there was a girl who came to give me sponge bath & hair care as that was her 1st yr. of B.Sc she gave me the same thing for 3 days in which we became friends n i got her cell no. but when i called the night when i was discharged she talk to me ok but next day when i just sent her 1 romantic msg. she got angry & called me up to stop this friendship but after so much request she told that she would continue only frendship but also send me one sms "C Zamir, i wanna clear nw itself tat if ur makin any softcornr in ur heart den let me inform u tat i have comited already, & i dnt wana creat any softcorn 4u ok...!". but after this msg. also we r having daily phone chat for round abt. 45 min. daily in night, she also told me on phone that she is in affair with a boy from last 4 yrs who is right now in Dubai & they r having phone talk every alternate day! But she always insist me that she want to know waht is in my heart for her but i really get afraid that if i say the truth she will not talk to me anymore, but thats also truth i m unable to live without her i always keep on thinking abt. her. I request u frendz pls. help me out i m ready to do anything to get her! Sometime i think of finishing myself in front of her by cutting of my nerves!

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
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omg please please please spell words correct :box: . Why in the hell you want her so much ?
Cmon man there are tons of HB's in the world and u can get any of them if u play your cards right .

Just fact that you would do anything to get her shows that youll come to her as needy and she will blow you out .


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
Sorry man, but after reading your post you have no chance in hell of getting this girl and little chance of getting any others right now. Your post was pitiful, desperate, weird, all sorts of things. Fix these problems first and stop worrying about this girl, because it's already too late for her... but not too late for you to get the next babes that come your way.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Ummm...there might be a little bit of hope here. Tell her that you really like her but you can't talk to her anymore because you don't need any friends right now and that you have met another girl who you are really interested in who wants more than a friendship. Then watch her crawl back to you if she even likes you the slightest bit.

And my god...never have 45 min phone convos with some chick you barely know. You should be f%^&ing her at least. Talking that long everyday make it look like you will do anything to get sex with her. Women hate that in men. Besides, it puts in the friend zone fast and is boring as hell...or should be at least at this point.