I'm sorry that this turned out to be so long. Hope you have patience to read it
I'm 30, she's 27. We met in the beginning of the summer in a music festival through a mutual friend. We hit it off very well from the very beginning and at the end of the festival she kissed me passionately and invited me to visit her (we live 300 kilometers apart).
We didn't see each other for three weeks, because I had a work trip abroad and she also made a holiday trip. However, after three weeks we met at my home town where she came with her friend to spend some days on a beach and to see me (that's what she said). That weekend we had sex the first time. She spent a few days with me and then left (on Tuesday) with her friend, whose summer holiday was about to end.
I didn't contact her that week, but on Friday she called and asked what I had in mind for the weekend. She was about 50 km away from my town and could come to see me again. I had already made plans to go to another ferstival with a friend of mine, so I didn't cancel that trip. However, she said that we could meet on Sunday then when I come back, which we did. She spent a few days with me and basically we were either having sex or having fun on the beach.
We then drove to her home town where I spent some time and we were just having a great time. She seemed very interested in me, she was very glad to do things for me, she even paid for a dinner and gave me gifts. I just was c&f all the time and she really seemed to like it. The last weekend we spent together (again in a festival, two weeks ago...) she told me that her coworker from my home town had asked whether she was seeing anyone at the moment and she had said yes and that the guy (meaning me) is from your town as well.
We didn't talk anything about the future, but I noticed some subtle hints, that she had at least thought about that (like she said that someday she has to cook me her specialty and some other hints also). She has a meeting here in my town next week and she had declined free airline tickets and she's coming by car so that she could spend the weekend with me after her week long meeting is over.
We have called each other about every other day (or she has called me the most of the time...). However, last week she sent me this e-mail (english is not my mother toung, so there may be some words or expressions that are not exactly how she wrote them):
Hi there,
I thought to contact you by e-mail, since it seems somewhat funny to start talking about these on the phone. I was thinking about our relationship. Or do we have an actual relationship? I would have liked to talk to you about these matters already after the festival, but I was just too tired. (we both were, we had slept only few hours that whole weekend, so a valid reason) I think we have had fabulously fun together. Although we are quite different in many ways, we also have many similarities.Summer is wonderful time and it's even better when one can spend it with a great person. However, fall and busy weeks are coming. For us it means that we wouldn't see each other that often anymore. What kind of a relationship is that then? Is it better that we are just friends or something else? I may be on friendships side, since long-distance relationships are difficult. Not impossible, of course, but... difficult. It feels, that if we knew each other better it could work. However, we have just spent only a few weeks together and a couple of weeks a part estranges people. I don't know if you have even thought about these matters. I just wanted to tell you my thoughts, and talk about these things, so there won't be any misunderstandings and neither of us gets hurt. What do you think?
I got the e-mail in the morning and in the evening I called her. She didn't sound any different than usual, just her cheerful self. We had both been golfing that evening and first babbled some about that. I then asked her about her e-mail and what she had meant. During the conversation she told me that she had never been in a long-distance relationship, so she doesn't know if that could work.
But I think the biggest issue that came up is that her last boyfriend (who she stayed with about 4 years and broke up with 1.5 years ago) had turned out to be very jealous type at the end. For example if they went out to a club or a bar, she was not allowed to go 1-2 meters further from him. This made her break up with him and now they are not on good terms anymore. She said that because she has some male friends (I met a few of them, AFC's who she has rejected in the past but kept as friends), she's afraid how I would respond if she goes out with them sometimes.
At one point of the phone call I asked her if she thinks we could give it a try if this relationship would work out. She said that she doesn't know what to say. But she also added that the feelings she has towards me are still there. And she also said that she's amazed how well we click together although we have known each other for only such a short time.
I didn't push her to make up her mind or tell her about how I felt about her (the whole time we have been together I haven't told her my feelings, I showed them by my actions and being c&f). I just said that let's both think about this situation and discuss about it when she comes here next week, to which she agreed. We then changed the subject and continued to talk some time and I kept on being c&f like before and she sounded the same girl as before also.
I know that this is not the easiest situation for a relationship and I wouldn't even continue this if there hadn't been that great, great time together we had this summer. The distance can be a problem, I admit that. We could realistically see each other about 3-4 times per month 2-3 days at a time. But I could give it a try.
She's not the only woman in my life, I have a few in my back pocket as a reserve.
But she's at the top of the list and I wouldn't like to give up so easily.
I know that trust plays a big part especially in long-distance relationships. But I'm not very jealous type (I used to be, but have grown up...) Also, when I chatted with her very close girlfriend without her around, her friend told me that she had had only one short relationship after her break up and she never has one-night stands. She also told me those things herself, so perhaps that's true.
So, what do you guys think about the situation? Is this already doomed to end or is it possible that this could work out? I appreciate all your input and thank you already in advance if you had time to read this.
I'm sorry that this turned out to be so long. Hope you have patience to read it
I'm 30, she's 27. We met in the beginning of the summer in a music festival through a mutual friend. We hit it off very well from the very beginning and at the end of the festival she kissed me passionately and invited me to visit her (we live 300 kilometers apart).
We didn't see each other for three weeks, because I had a work trip abroad and she also made a holiday trip. However, after three weeks we met at my home town where she came with her friend to spend some days on a beach and to see me (that's what she said). That weekend we had sex the first time. She spent a few days with me and then left (on Tuesday) with her friend, whose summer holiday was about to end.
I didn't contact her that week, but on Friday she called and asked what I had in mind for the weekend. She was about 50 km away from my town and could come to see me again. I had already made plans to go to another ferstival with a friend of mine, so I didn't cancel that trip. However, she said that we could meet on Sunday then when I come back, which we did. She spent a few days with me and basically we were either having sex or having fun on the beach.
We then drove to her home town where I spent some time and we were just having a great time. She seemed very interested in me, she was very glad to do things for me, she even paid for a dinner and gave me gifts. I just was c&f all the time and she really seemed to like it. The last weekend we spent together (again in a festival, two weeks ago...) she told me that her coworker from my home town had asked whether she was seeing anyone at the moment and she had said yes and that the guy (meaning me) is from your town as well.
We didn't talk anything about the future, but I noticed some subtle hints, that she had at least thought about that (like she said that someday she has to cook me her specialty and some other hints also). She has a meeting here in my town next week and she had declined free airline tickets and she's coming by car so that she could spend the weekend with me after her week long meeting is over.
We have called each other about every other day (or she has called me the most of the time...). However, last week she sent me this e-mail (english is not my mother toung, so there may be some words or expressions that are not exactly how she wrote them):
Hi there,
I thought to contact you by e-mail, since it seems somewhat funny to start talking about these on the phone. I was thinking about our relationship. Or do we have an actual relationship? I would have liked to talk to you about these matters already after the festival, but I was just too tired. (we both were, we had slept only few hours that whole weekend, so a valid reason) I think we have had fabulously fun together. Although we are quite different in many ways, we also have many similarities.Summer is wonderful time and it's even better when one can spend it with a great person. However, fall and busy weeks are coming. For us it means that we wouldn't see each other that often anymore. What kind of a relationship is that then? Is it better that we are just friends or something else? I may be on friendships side, since long-distance relationships are difficult. Not impossible, of course, but... difficult. It feels, that if we knew each other better it could work. However, we have just spent only a few weeks together and a couple of weeks a part estranges people. I don't know if you have even thought about these matters. I just wanted to tell you my thoughts, and talk about these things, so there won't be any misunderstandings and neither of us gets hurt. What do you think?
I got the e-mail in the morning and in the evening I called her. She didn't sound any different than usual, just her cheerful self. We had both been golfing that evening and first babbled some about that. I then asked her about her e-mail and what she had meant. During the conversation she told me that she had never been in a long-distance relationship, so she doesn't know if that could work.
But I think the biggest issue that came up is that her last boyfriend (who she stayed with about 4 years and broke up with 1.5 years ago) had turned out to be very jealous type at the end. For example if they went out to a club or a bar, she was not allowed to go 1-2 meters further from him. This made her break up with him and now they are not on good terms anymore. She said that because she has some male friends (I met a few of them, AFC's who she has rejected in the past but kept as friends), she's afraid how I would respond if she goes out with them sometimes.
At one point of the phone call I asked her if she thinks we could give it a try if this relationship would work out. She said that she doesn't know what to say. But she also added that the feelings she has towards me are still there. And she also said that she's amazed how well we click together although we have known each other for only such a short time.
I didn't push her to make up her mind or tell her about how I felt about her (the whole time we have been together I haven't told her my feelings, I showed them by my actions and being c&f). I just said that let's both think about this situation and discuss about it when she comes here next week, to which she agreed. We then changed the subject and continued to talk some time and I kept on being c&f like before and she sounded the same girl as before also.
I know that this is not the easiest situation for a relationship and I wouldn't even continue this if there hadn't been that great, great time together we had this summer. The distance can be a problem, I admit that. We could realistically see each other about 3-4 times per month 2-3 days at a time. But I could give it a try.
She's not the only woman in my life, I have a few in my back pocket as a reserve.
I know that trust plays a big part especially in long-distance relationships. But I'm not very jealous type (I used to be, but have grown up...) Also, when I chatted with her very close girlfriend without her around, her friend told me that she had had only one short relationship after her break up and she never has one-night stands. She also told me those things herself, so perhaps that's true.
So, what do you guys think about the situation? Is this already doomed to end or is it possible that this could work out? I appreciate all your input and thank you already in advance if you had time to read this.