Please Help Me I Need Advice


New Member
Mar 19, 2009
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I have been having drunken hook ups with this one girl for about a month now and I only hang out with her a little outside of parties. Last time I was making out with her and she stopped and said "I hope you don't think of me as your drunken hook up buddy because I actually like you. Do you like me?" I told her I did, who wouldn't in that situation. She sent me several texts later that night telling me she really did like me and she wasn't saying that because she had been drinking. My first question is should I start calling her more often, other than just on weekends, if I do in fact like her? I am having trouble answering this for myself because she never really makes any effort to call or text me other than when we party together, so I am unsure if she really does like me or if she was saying that because she doesn't want to feel like a slut. Also I have asked her to go out on a date a few times now and she has been busy both times, but the last time I asked she said she did really want to go but couldn't.

Also, I ended up hooking up with another girl the night after I said I liked her too. So my second question is how is she most likely to respond if she finds out (which is very likely because one of her friends saw me)? I am not sure if this would matter but, when I was hooking up with this other girl is how I found out I do like the original girl back because I was thinking of her the whole time and was immediately worried she could find out and not take it well.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
are you sure she didn't already find out? maybe thats why shes been acting strange but doesnt want to bring it up and come off as jealous ?


New Member
Mar 19, 2009
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I am pretty sure she hasnt found out yet. She started acting strange before that happened anyways


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
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Auckland, New Zeland
Yeah, I'd say try met up with her more when your not drunk, or in the process of getting drunk, you said you already have a little but just try a little more. There is nothing to lose by doing this really.
But then again, she seemed a bit flakey on the date thing ask her one or two times again if she says busy make sure she is somehow if you can but if she keeps saying no... next

And with the other hook up, i'm going to go with ignore it, If you were drunk when you hooked up with her, just use that excuse, but just ignore it


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, like Analyzeit said, call her up to go out like 1 or 2 more times, and if she is too busy for that forget about it. If she can't make the time to be with you she must not like you as much as she thinks.

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
No need to tell her about the other girl. You guys aren't dating anyway, and that isn't really her business in anycase.

Perhaps she really was busy, but from what it sounds like, chances are she really just doesn't like to be perceived as a slut.

It doesn't really sound like you're THAT into her anyway, and if that's the case, just pull the trigger next time you're out partying with her. You'll get tipsy and so will she and things will just "happen".

Just make sure you pull the trigger, the worst experience is knowing you could have done something and then all of a sudden, she's off with a new guy or she becomes disinterested.
