Please give advice to a totally inexperienced guy


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Apr 4, 2005
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My first post gives background information, and my questions are in the second post.

In junior high (7th and 8th grade), I was fairly popular. I was somewhat of a verbal bully, and I was probably the best of anyone at making of people. I had a strong sense of humor, and I could always make everyone laugh (or cry if I preferred).

My hormones kicked in during the summer after 6th grade. I whacked off several times each day. I had my first (and only) girlfriend in the middle of the seventh grade. We never saw each other out of school because my parents did not want me to start dating until highschool, and after about a month she decided she wanted a boyfriend she could actually do things with.

I was pretty normal until the middle of the eighth grade. At this point, I had lost faith in my religion. I was ridiculously upset (I cried every night due to an inordinate fear of death. I suppose I was quite emotionally depend on the afterlife which I no longer believed in), and I spent several months developing a new ideology. My new ideology was quite unusual, but I see no reason to describe it here. It should suffice to say that my values were unique enough that I entered a period of isolation which has not yet ended.

9th grade: I am isolated. I have school friends, but I never hang out with anyone except at school. I acted strange, and was beginning to lose the energy to even make fun of people, but for some reason the guys liked me pretty well.
10th grade: I finally join the group, and I hang out with the guys a few times during the weekend. I had an inordinate fear of being the unwanted guy that followed them around, so I only did things when I received a direct invitation. It seemed that a large percentage of the socializing was done on the instant messenger things, but I never downloaded one (and still haven’t); I feel like I missed out on a lot for this
reason. I never started dating (and still haven’t); I would tease my friends because I would get more action while staying at home than they did on their dates (whacking off again).
11th grade: I always did well in school, but I was really getting tired of it. I had the reputation for being the best cheater in the class (I would steal tests and gradebooks). I still had good friends, but I was growing out of touch and did not know any of the people they were always talking about. I probably went out with the guys a little less than once per month, but I was always very happy. I deeply enjoyed my introspection time.
12th grade: I got tired of my friends and stop doing things during the
weekends with them. I no longer make fun of people at all (and sort of regret
doing it in the past). I don’t tell jokes publicly anymore, but I was always (and still am) making jokes in my head that only I would think are funny. I laugh out loud at my internal jokes. I am unenthusiastic about college (I view it as another indirect requirement). I only bother to apply to one university (one of the two state decent schools). I had earlier wanted to go to a top school, so I had done a few suck up activities, but I did not even bother to put these on the application or write the optional essay. I get a full academic scholarship anyway (good SAT and decent grades did it I guess). I fail a class during the last semester because I no longer care.
Last summer: I start early at my university. I don’t know anyone, and I love the freedom
and isolation. I set a new PR: one week without saying a word to anyone. I am
strangely happy, and I get all A’s.
Last fall: For some reason, all of my high school friends went to the other public
university. After meeting a bunch of new people, I realized that I liked my old
friends more than I had ever realized. I went to fraternity party during the first
week, but it is a bad experience. I don’t drink, so I just walked around like a moron. I was sort of disgusted with everyone’s actions (I grew up in a conservative rural area).

Towards the end of the semester I feel lonely for the first time; I suppose I am human. I cried for no reason one day while making fun of myself for doing such a womanly thing. I continued to feel lonely until I went home for Christmas. I stil have my 4.0 grade average.

Spring semester (now): I realize my problem. I do not enjoy socializing just to socialize.
I need an objective; In highschool we would always be doing something (like fishing, boating, or camping) or we would engage in stupid little missions (boderline vandalism). It seems that at the university people just talk or drink beer. I have associates from class, but no real friends here.


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
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I have decided that the solution to my problem is to start dating, and to continue to not bother hanging out with guys. Dating has an obvious objective, so I suspect I would find it more rewarding. The problem is, I have very weak social skills, and I don’t know how to start.

I am only a little more than five feet and five inches tall, so I am a little insecure about my appearance. If you are willing to let me now how ugly I am, let me know and I will send you a PM with pictures. I would like to know where I stand and what I can expect.

I have sat alone everyday all year long at the food court. Today I saw a gorgeous girl (tall, blond, fair skin, blue eyes, and at least 5 inches taller than me). I noticed that she was looking at me (downwards, lol). I thought about talking to her and asking if I could eat with her, but I decided not to because I had just gotten out of the shower and looked awful (old wrinkly clothes, stupid broken glasses, and my acne cream (BP) was slightly visible).

So when I see another pretty lady sitting alone or with a girlfriend, can I just walk up to her and say something like, “do you mind if I sit here?”? Would that be weird? I get the feeling that the people sitting alone at the small square tables don’t feel like talking to anyone. She would probably say “go ahead”, and then I would introduce myself and talk to her a few minutes while we ate. When it is time to leave, I then would say something like, “I enjoyed talking to you and would like to see you again, if you give me your phone number I will give you a call some time.”

Is that a good plan for trying to get my first date? I have read on here about picking up ladies at book stores or malls, but I feel like my social skills are too weak for that at this moment, and that talking to someone in the food court would be easier. I do not lack confidence (I actually take the not caring thing too far). I am pretty shallow, so I only plan on approaching blue eyed blonds with HB rating ≥ 8.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
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Focusing only on chicks and giving up on dudes is a mistake. I think you're life will be very unbalanced if you don't develop some male relationships. Plus, girls are going to pick up on the fact that you don't have any friends, and it's going to make you less attractive.

"I am pretty shallow, so I only plan on approaching blue eyed blonds with HB rating ≥ 8."

Then prepare to spend lots of nights with Mr. Right Hand.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
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if you can have time to read the DJ bible before posting here, you would probably asking something about success. My suggestion is that you can read the tips first. Start from the Attraction mindset, then to the conversation. and the rest is up to you. or you can join the bootcamp, it will build your very inner self. and transform you into the confident one.

Piece of advice, start respecting yourself before woen respects you.

Keep your clothes clean, brush or comb your hair, clean your nails, adjust the physical appearance that is beyond your control.

Nevermind how dorky you look or creepy, as long as you can make women laugh you are in there.

<i>Wind just blow your mind </i>



Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
Originally posted by wind20mph

if you can have time to read the DJ bible before posting here, you would probably asking something about success. My suggestion is that you can read the tips first. Start from the Attraction mindset, then to the conversation. and the rest is up to you. or you can join the bootcamp, it will build your very inner self. and transform you into the confident one.

Piece of advice, start respecting yourself before woen respects you.

Keep your clothes clean, brush or comb your hair, clean your nails, adjust the physical appearance that is beyond your control.

Nevermind how dorky you look or creepy, as long as you can make women laugh you are in there.

<i>Wind just blow your mind </i>


great advise


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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I'd say you need profesional help. (no offence ment)

To become a secure, independent, EMOTIONALY STABLE MAN, you need to deal with the roots of your problems. And you got lot of them. I don't think any of us can help you with that. It remainds me of a article that i read back in highschool on psychopaths :D (Im not saying you are one;) )


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
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Originally posted by spider_007
I'd say you need profesional help. (no offence ment)

To become a secure, independent, EMOTIONALY STABLE MAN, you need to deal with the roots of your problems. And you got lot of them. I don't think any of us can help you with that. It remainds me of a article that i read back in highschool on psychopaths :D (Im not saying you are one;) )
I am not a psychopath. :D

My social aptitude is as high as anyone else's. I only talked about my past to explain why I am inexperienced. Basically, I consciously rejected the social world, but I still have always been well liked and I have never been socially rejected. I suppose I had a superiorty complex; I formed my own exclusive club with only one member. I had a great time for a while, but this past winter my isolation caught up to me.

I am already secure, independent (overly so) and emotionaly stable. I realize the errors of my past and I am ready to move on.
if you can have time to read the DJ bible before posting here, you would probably asking something about success.
I read it last week, and I have already made some changes. I am not slouching anymore and I am talking to more people.

The whole thing about being aggressive and manly sort of woke me up. I was very aggressive when I was younger, but I somehow ended up turning into a passive person. I used to have the expection that relationships should come effortlessly and naturally.

I am really feeling good this week. Maybe it is the spring weather. I was talkative and energetic yesterday, and noticed for the first time how many HB's there are walking around.

I really feel like going ahead and trying my luck with women. I have the confidence to get rejected 20 times this weekend, but I thought it would be wise to run my planned techniques by you guys first.

No one responded to my plan for getting numbers at food courts. I incorparted what I read from the DJ bible into the plan. If I hadnt read the bible I would have thought that I should be honest, complimentary, and passive. I plan to phrase the question, “I enjoyed talking to you and would like to see you again, if you give me your phone number I will give you a call some time.” I thought that sounded like the way the bible suggests, because it phrases the question without sounded needy. I guess you did not like the way I asked earlier if that would be a wierd approach, because I am not supposed to care. Anyways, is this a good plan for my first approach? I thought I might try the foodcourts at the mall this weekend in addition to the foodcourts at the university everyday.
Nevermind how dorky you look or creepy, as long as you can make women laugh you are in there.
I guess you are saying that I should not worry about the things I can not change.

I think my peculiarities might be to my advantage because my behavior has always been unique, but I know better than to be totally honest about how much of a loner I am. My natural attitude is ****y, funny, and aggressive, but I just got lost over the past few years. I think I have a strong potential, so please directly answer my questions.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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At the risk of sounding gay: looks arn't what you need to worry about. your fine.

As for picking up chicks, you might wana get a few friends first, social status is littlebit important. Not only will they help you pickup chicks, but having friends will give you points with women. They like guys who have some kind of social status.


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
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I am definiatly going to try to get some phone numbers this weekend. I just read h2o's approach journal, and his approach method is similar to what I am going to try.

Is it better to ask for a small date (coffee) like he is? I thought I would invite them for a nice dinner. Would that be too serious for a first date or something?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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What you want is something lite and relaxing, that will put you both at ease, and where both of you will have fun. If you happend to be hungry at some point during the nite tell her that and take her somplace (NO FAST FOOD)

Other suggestions for dates; cafe shop, Ice cream in the park, Arcade, playing pool (tell her she can give you some lessons, and then kik her ass:) ), if there is a carnival in town or some kind of event..........

be original, don't just do dinner and a movie thing.
Oh and what ever you do, make sure its someting you can do while talking. You wana be able to flirt with her and seduce her.

good luck:)


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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Everything has been said, except...

What's with the font size? :p Hurts my eyes.