Please Explain what went wrong?


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
Please analyze what I did wrong or reasons for her behavior.

I went out with a 22 year old the other night who beforehand told my cousin I was "gorgeous". I was flattered eventhough I did not really talked to her and I asked her out on a date.

We went out for dinner and a movie and things seemed to go pretty good. What I cannot understand is she is already blowing me off. Why would she blow me off after a decent date and the fact she thought I was "hot." What could I have done wrong?

Some possibilities:

I went up to go to the bathroom alot (weak bladder) wierd?

In the movies I scratched my nose a few times (maybe she thought I was picking my nose)

I did not walk her to her door when I dropped her off

I was chivalrous like opening doors and car door for her (maybe too nice for a young girl at 22)

What I did DJ:

Good eye contact
Dressed to kill
Avoided being negative
Disagreed with her on things

had some ****y funny things (atleast I think so)

Her: I don't believe the man should have to pay for everything

Me: Laughing, well atleast I now know you are not a gold digger.

After going to the bathroom for the fourth time

Me: I have a real weak bladder, I did not want you to think I was blowing lines in the bathroom (in a joking matter)

What do you guys think? Any suggestions?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
How do you know she's rejected you? Did she give any indicators of interest on the date (kino, etc?).

Sounds like she thought you were boring from what I'm hearing.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
explain "blow me off" what did she do?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2003
Reaction score
She just may not be into you. Don't take it personally. It's not you. It's her...

I agree. Call her next week. If she's not into you, find one that is...

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score

What is the purpose of dating? The purpose of dating is to spend some time with someone and get to know them better. The only thing this girl knows about you is that you're gorgeous and you have a small bladder. (which may suggest other small things)

Why would you take a girl to a movie for a first date? How on earth do you espect her to see what sets you apart from every other Tom, D*ck and Harry?

The frequent bathroom breaks are not a big deal. Why do you need to explain yourself to her? Did she ask? I think I'd rather have a girl think I was a drug overlord than explain to her a less than savory truth - especially when she's not asking for any details!

Now, before you think I'm flamng you - I'm not. I just want to challenge you to think about why you asked this girl out in the first place.

Example: A lady friend of mine had transferred to a new school 5 hours away from all of her buddies. She was flirting with this one guy, thought they were getting along okay and figured he'd ask her out sooner or later. Well, when the 3rd Matrix flick came out, she really wanted to see it. So, instead of waiting for this guy to come to her, she asked him. He'd already had plans, but decided she could join him and his friends and watch the flick.

The guy never got her number and never talked to her again. He never picked her up or anything. So, she called ans asked me WTF! (I'm already getting great booty from her, so I don't want to hear any crap about emotional tampons)
I told her that this guy knew that she was more about the movie than about him. I told her to defer gratification and wait unti the damn thing come on dvd and watch it at my place.

So what's the point? The point is, it doesn't make a lick of sense to spend time with a girl at a movie because the only thing you're going to come away from the movie with is the movie and what kind of movie she likes and less money.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
excellent point Big Pappy!

I never understood why dudes go on movie dates?? Nor dinner dates as well (I was told never talk with your mouth full).


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
I think you just gave her too much time to think. She thought you were "hot" and you procrastinated with boring routines & details. Move faster next time you've got the inside scoop on what a lady thinks of you. Regardless of where you take her, be more bold.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by mahon83050
Me: I have a real weak bladder, I did not want you to think I was blowing lines in the bathroom (in a joking matter)
ha ha, good one. why not just take her through the finer details of some of your other bodily functions?

"I'm practically incontinent. And even though we've only just met - and I should be trying to make a good first impression - I'm going to tell you, which should gross you out! Want to find some other things wrong with me?"

You know girls are generally squeamish and easily disgusted, right? Sorry buddy, I'm not trying to dump on you, but you asked our opinion.

My opinion is that first impressions are vital, and however normal you think something is, dont assume that others feel the same - ESPECIALLY with girls.