please critique my convo with women


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2006
Reaction score
hey there

i had a conversation with a lady today at a college caferia

she was really interested in me at first but as time went by, she realised i was pretty socially weak, which i am. i think it was my fault the conversation went to ****, i tried that ****y funny thing but it didnt go to well

what i was hoping to do is basically paste the contents of the convo and have you kind people tell me what i did wrong and where i can add in some humour. i know im naturally a funny person, my friends say it all the time, im just not that good in front of ladies. so here it is. (ill just cut the intro crap)

me: so you smoke do you?
her: yeah, but ive been trying to cut back
me: oh ok, how long u been smoking for?
her: since i was in highschool, but i tried to quit when moving to college.
me: ok, so you thought lung cancer was a small price to pay for popularity? (<<-- failed humour)
her: umm, no, i dont usually smoke in front of people.
me: ic

the convo was much longer and ill post some more failed parts later on.
let me just say that she wasnt being a *****, she was cool. i totally blame myself for screwing up and not taking the lead etc. im just trying to work on small parts of my convos with women, its all easy to say "be ****y and funny" but it just doesnt work for me. i need to analyse small parts of conversation and slowly develop some skills.

any help is appreciated. cheers


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
I can see how the line "so you thought lung cancer was a small price to pay for popularity" could miserably fail, said in the wrong tone of voice. If you didn't say this line smiling, and carefree, it would sound almost insulting.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
I dont mean this to be offensive but from what you have write it sounds like you were nervous while you were talking. When I used to be nervous my convo was ****, not because the subjects I talked about were boring but because my nervousness showed through and I was very self concious. Now that I feel good about myself and I have more confidence I dont even have to think about what I say it comes naturally. IMO the best way to pick up women is to lead an interesting social life and to try to eliminate all the things you are not happy with about yourself ie if your too fat or too thin then go to the gym. By placing yourself in more social settings living a good social life you will develop a better conversational flow and you will never be short of things to talk about. When it comes to the date telling funny and interesting stories works best as it shows that you are an interesting person.

Local Celebrity

Don Juan
Aug 7, 2006
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My honest opinion you just took it way to serious, if you remember one of the biggest rules of C&F was "just have fun with it"

You tried man, there's no need to try. When she said "I'm trying to cut back" just hit her with "Ah, don't worry, I'll still come to your funeral"

You can joke with her about you just buying a new suit and wanting to wear it soon.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
Are you able to have a normal conversation with out trying to be C&F? I know I used to have trouble even just talking normally - and if you can't do that there's no way you can legitimately pull of C&F.

My advice is just to talk to as many women as possible with out trying to be funny. Eventually you'll know what makes them 'tick' and you'll be funny with trying (which is what you want - trying to be funny is canned and stressful on you).


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2006
Reaction score
i think this is some great advice.

thanks alot. i was definitely nervous, thats for sure. when im not being c&f, im actually really funny, around guys and girls i dont like, i usually swear a whole lot more and make dirty jokes and they always crack up and find it funny, noones ever called me out for being insulting.

around my OAs, i have to clean up my language and obviously cut the dirt out, and usually i come up with new material on the spot which makes it sound forced and stupid etc.

but ur all right, i defenitly need to get out more and get a social life and develop good convo skills.

thanks all


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
I think the way you just described it you'd be good at talking to girls and using CF if you werent nervous. Jus Practice by talking to random girls more and more and the nervousness will be replaced with confidence.