I've been working out pretty regularly now for about the past month and a half now. I had no problem adding an extra 5 or 10lbs to each previous set. I feel like my muscles are now plateauing however. In fact I'd say even retracted slightly(though maybe it went down because I was tired that particular day). Any suggestions on what to do to start moving up again? For example, I started off as a beginner incline bench pressing 50lbs for 2 sets of 5reps, then doing some dumb bell chest presses using about 25lbs per hand.
A month and a half later or so(probably more like 5 weeks), I'm feeling like I'm stuck at 100lbs incline press and and 45lbs per hand on dumbbell presses. I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to increase my weight.
Also, I just started taking whey protein shakes this week.
Another thing, I REALLY want my chest to grow more than any other muscle right now. I'm following the workout that's in the sticky at the top, 2 x 5 incline presses to failure and then 2 x 8-10 dumbell presses once a week. Should I do this twice a week instead of once?
A month and a half later or so(probably more like 5 weeks), I'm feeling like I'm stuck at 100lbs incline press and and 45lbs per hand on dumbbell presses. I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to increase my weight.
Also, I just started taking whey protein shakes this week.
Another thing, I REALLY want my chest to grow more than any other muscle right now. I'm following the workout that's in the sticky at the top, 2 x 5 incline presses to failure and then 2 x 8-10 dumbell presses once a week. Should I do this twice a week instead of once?