plate stopped spinning


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi -

was seeing a girl for the past two months. we fvcked etc.

she started bringing up exclusivity and the idea we should date romantically i.e go to fancy restuarants etc.

i told her im not interested in exclusivity just yet, as I do not know her enough to consider her making her my sole woman.

She was quite bitter about it but we got on.

I told her last FRIDAY i am meeting my ex-gf as a get together on saturday. she got quite angry and told me she cant handle that and we should stop seeing each other as I might fvck her.

I told her I wouldnt and that we are not exclusive anyway so whats her problem?

She texted me a load of garbage saying she loves me and wants me and cant bear to see me with another woman and for that reason her final text message was 'Goodbye'

So in true PUA fashion I have gone no contact with her and I have not heard from her since that last Goodbye text.

REAL PUA's please advise - RETARDS please stay away.



Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Dont see why you would have told her about meeting your ex-gf..

But anyway, whats the question? Shes probably done and sees you as an àsshole now, unless you actually want her back, which obviously you dont except for the sex. Plates dont spin forever.

Lesson here: give her less information and be more ambiguous to keep her spinning longer.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
Sounds like Red Pill overdose to me. No need to rub sh!t in her face about you meeting with an ex-girlfriend and you are not interested in her exclusively. You're too cold and you pushed her away too hard.

There are other ways to get your point across covertly or at least less overtly:

"I'm not interested in exclusivity yet. I don't know you enough to make you my soul woman."

No sh!t she was fvckin bitter.

"I think you might make a good partner in crime; we'll see if you play your cards right."

- Point delivered, hope for a future given, rapport established, framed as she has to work for it and will be rewarded. All while being fun, light, and getting her panties wet to prove herself.

Turn you're @sshole game down a notch and your charm up and you'll be able to deliver the same messages in a warmer fashion which will get you farther than being a d!ck ALL THE TIME with normal women. Trust Me. I am the biggest advocate of @sshole game - but too much WILL make her resent you.

I do have to say her telling you she loves you 2 months in is a red flag - but this ain't what the threads about.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
Probably not a complete goner - give it another week and if she doesn't reach out, drop her a line to see how's she's doing. Move forward using the above advice. Be nice sometimes. Push/pull doesn't work if you're always pushing.

Also - as jurry said - plates don't spin forever. Do you like her or nah?

Don't know how old you are but chicks are typically not dropping I love yous two months in if they're over 21 and you're not a couple.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Firestar786 said:
Djdizwal - take it she's a goner ?

And why is I love you a red flag - thabks

Because its too earl to get so emotionally invested ?

Well, there is a downside to being the right man in the right place in the right time and fvcking her good. Its how women get attached IMHO.

The gal im FWB atm is like that , she didnt say she loved me or anything. But she started weeping and was real sad about what she realized that im not looking for anything longterm.

Now, I was able to reassure her somewhat correctly ( or so I think since we're still having sex 3 months after that).

As previous posters said. Less information is better, keeps a mystery and prevents controversy/unwanted questions.